The culvert in this location includes several existing corrugated metal pipes. The county recently had these pipe inspected and determined the existing conditions of these pipes warrants replacement of the culvert.
Project Scope:
The project entails replacement of the existing corrugated metal pipes with a reinforced concrete box culvert. The box culvert will include Redi-Rock wingwalls. The project also includes installing riprap areas on the upstream and downstream sides of the culvert for erosion protection.
Project Schedule:
The project is planned to start in November and be completed by February 2022.
Project Impact on Traffic:
For the duration of the project, the project location of S. Elk Creek Road will have signalized single travel lanes. Expect minor delays while waiting for the signal.
Elk Creek Road Culvert
Posted on May 3, 2022 at 8:10 AM by Lindsay Townsend
Project Schedule:
The project started in November. The contractor completed 75% of the project by the end of January, but due to winter weather, the county allowed the contractor to pause construction activities until April. Construction work was completed before the end of April.
Project Impact on Traffic:
With the project completion, there will be no additional impacts to traffic.
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