Full Road Closure of Malamute Drive will be closed to traffic from Malamute Drive to Red Fox Drive starting October 18th to October 22, 2021.
Work will include installing a bypass culvert for future work on Malamute Drive.
detour route
is planned, and message boards are in place and will be modified with the road closure information.
If you would like any further details, please call Ken Boswell at 303-271-5224.
Kenneth Boswell
Construction Supervisor
o 303.271.5224 w jeffco.us/787
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Update from Jeffco:
Full Road Closure of Malamute Drive will be closed to traffic from Malamute Drive to Red Fox Drive starting October 18th to October 29, 2021.
Work will include installing a bypass culvert for future work on Malamute Drive.
A detour route (PDF) is planned, and message boards are in place and will be modified with the road closure information.
If you would like any further details, please call Ken Boswell at 303-271-5224.