Additional Info: JC-73 Roadway Improvements (Buffalo Park Road to Plettner Lane) Evergreen, CO 80439
Posted on January 13, 2023 at 2:37 PM by Lindsay Townsend
Project Overview:
Jefferson County is planning improvements to JC-73 between Buffalo Park Road and Plettner Lane beginning mid-2023. Benefits to the public will include:
Safety enhancements to the intersection of Buffalo Park Road and JC-73;
Left Turn Lanes;
A Concrete Pedestrian Trail;
Drainage and Flood Controls; and
Bridge Replacements at Cub Creek.
The project will be funded in part with a grant of $8.75 million from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Jefferson County's share is estimated to be $2.19 million.
View this project on the Jeffco Roadway Project dashboard
(an interactive mapping application). Under the Capital Improvement Project list at the right-hand side of the dashboard, scroll to and click "CR73 Roadway Improvements".
Project Schedule:
Preliminary design and public outreach efforts were conducted throughout 2021. Final design is nearly complete and currently undergoing state and federal agency review. Additional public presentations of the final design will be scheduled for March 2023 for both virtual and public venues. Additional information and links to plans will be provided in the next month.
After final plan review, the project will be advertised for construction bids. Construction is expected to begin in the summer 2023 and continue through 2024. Construction is planned to progress from Plettner Lane to Buffalo Park Road in several phases. Traffic impacts should be expected throughout the construction project as JC-73 is reduced to a single lane during daytime and evening work activities.
Utility Relocations and Site Preparation:
Utilities are currently being relocated in advance of roadway construction. Gas main relocation and service connections in JC-73 have been ongoing since November 2022. Gas work is expected to be completed by the end of January 2023. Electric line relocations and improvements have also been started in areas east of JC-73 near Evergreen Library. Additional electric work in JC-73 will occur later this spring.
Site preparation will also commence in February as structure demolition across from Evergreen Fire Department occurs.
Xcel Energy's contractors expect to complete new gas line relocations by Monday, January 16.
Crews will then perform evening work Tuesday through Thursday, January 17 through 19, to abandon the old gas lines.
Traffic impacts will involve flagger controlled, single lane closures of JC-73 near Buffalo Park Road from 6:30 p.m. through 5:30 a.m.
Thank you for your continued patience during this event.
Stakeholder Engagement Process:
Public involvement and feedback provided in 2021 were incorporated in the final design. Jefferson County will continue to develop a public information pan to implement during construction. Efforts are currently underway to identify and incorporate the needs of Evergreen Schools, Evergreen Fire Department, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Evergreen Parks and Recreation, the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce, and area businesses. The information plan will focus on ways to: (1) Reduce traffic congestion, (2) Communicate planned work events, and (3) accommodate fire and emergency response.
For Questions:
Your feedback is valuable in the decision-making process. For questions, please email Mike Vanatta at <a href="javascript:void(0);" on-click="RSFirewallMail('bXZhbmF0dGFAamVmZmNvLnVz')" class="rsfirewall_emails_a"><img src="" style="vertical-align: middle" class="rsfirewall_emails_img" alt="." /></a>
Update: Nighttime Single Lane Closures on JC-73 Near Buffalo Park Road
January 17, 2023 Update
Xcel crews continue to work on new residential gas line relocations in the vicinity of JC-73 and Buffalo Park Road.
Crews will temporarily shut down during the week of January 17, 2023 for winter snow storm conditions. Work is expected to resume during the week of January 23, 2023.
Public Meeting
April 18, 2023
Evergreen High School Library (29300 Buffalo Park Road, Evergreen, CO 80439)
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Project Overview:
Jefferson County is planning improvements to JC-73 between Buffalo Park Road and Plettner Lane beginning mid-2023. Benefits to the public will include:
Safety enhancements to the intersection of Buffalo Park Road and JC-73;
Left Turn Lanes;
A Concrete Pedestrian Trail;
Drainage and Flood Controls; and
Bridge Replacements at Cub Creek.
The project will be funded in part with a grant of $8.75 million from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Jefferson County's share is estimated to be $2.19 million.
View this project on the
Jeffco Roadway Project dashboard
(an interactive mapping application). Under the Capital Improvement Project list at the right-hand side of the dashboard, scroll to and click "CR73 Roadway Improvements".
Project Schedule:
Preliminary design and public outreach efforts were conducted throughout 2021. Final design is nearly complete and currently undergoing state and federal agency review. A public meeting will be held on April 18, 2023 at Evergreen High School (29300 Buffalo Park Road, Evergreen, CO 80439) in the library from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. A virtual option will be posted to this website after the public meeting. Additional information and links to plans will be provided next month.
After receiving final clearances, the project will be advertised for construction bids. Construction is expected to begin in the fall of 2023 and continue into 2025. Construction is planned to progress from Plettner Lane to Buffalo Park Road in several phases. Traffic impacts should be expected throughout the construction project as JC-73 is reduced to a single lane, on and off, during daytime and evening work activities. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained during the peak hours of 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m..
Utility Relocations and Site Preparation:
Utilities are currently being relocated in advance of roadway construction. Gas main relocation and service connections in JC-73 have been completed. Electric line relocations and improvements have also been started in areas east of JC-73 near Evergreen Library and scheduled to be completed by May 2023. Additional electric work in JC-73 will occur early summer 2023. This website will be updated with anticipated utility construction timeframes soon.
Stakeholder Engagement Process:
Public involvement and feedback provided in 2021 were incorporated in the final design. Jefferson County will continue to develop a public information plan to implement during construction. Efforts are currently underway to identify and incorporate the needs of Evergreen Schools, Evergreen Fire Department, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Evergreen Parks and Recreation, the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce, and area businesses. The information plan will focus on ways to: (1) Reduce traffic congestion, (2) Communicate planned work events, and (3) accommodate fire and emergency response. This plan will be implemented and refined throughout construction.
Evergreen Lake North Trail Project:
The county is coordinating with Evergreen Metro District and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to mitigate the traffic impacts from construction of Evergreen Lake North Trail Project on JC-73 and CO-74. See
Evergreen Park and Recreation District's project webpage
for more information.
For Questions:
Your feedback is valuable in the decision-making process. For questions, please email Mike Vanatta. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you for your interest in this project!
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Notice of Xcel Energy Utility Work at JC-73 and Buffalo Park Road
Posted on: June 7, 2023
Beginning the week of June 19, 2023, Xcel Energy will relocate gas service for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Mountain Precinct, located at 4990 JC-73.
There will be minor impacts to parking facilities at the Sheriff’s Office. Library parking and access will not be affected.
Utility work will also occur in the shoulder of northbound JC-73 as crews tie into the gas main line, just north of Buffalo Park Road.
Traffic will be maintained in both directions of JC-73. The dual northbound left turn lanes from Buffalo Park Road will be reduced to a single lane. Daytime work in JC-73 will be limited to Monday through Friday, 8:30 4:00 p.m., and is expected to continue through mid-July.
Jefferson County is planning improvements to JC-73 between Buffalo Park Road and Plettner Lane beginning mid-2023. Benefits to the public will include:
Safety enhancements to the intersection of Buffalo Park Road and JC-73;
Left Turn Lanes;
A Concrete Pedestrian Trail;
Drainage and Flood Controls; and
Bridge Replacements at Cub Creek.
The project will be funded in part with a grant of $8.75 million from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Jefferson County's share is estimated to be $2.19 million.
After receiving final clearances, the project will be advertised for construction bids. Construction is expected to begin in the fall of 2023 and continue into 2025. Construction is planned to progress from Plettner Lane to Buffalo Park Road in several phases. Traffic impacts should be expected throughout the construction project as JC-73 is reduced to a single lane, on and off, during daytime and evening work activities. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained during the peak hours of 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m..
Utility Relocations and Site Preparation:
Beginning the week of June 19, 2023, Xcel Energy will relocate gas service for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Mountain Precinct, located at 4990 JC-73.
There will be minor impacts to parking facilities at the Sheriff’s Office. Library parking and access will not be affected.
Utility work will also occur in the shoulder of northbound JC-73 as crews tie into the gas main line, just north of Buffalo Park Road.
Traffic will be maintained in both directions of JC-73. The dual northbound left turn lanes from Buffalo Park Road will be reduced to a single lane. Daytime work in JC-73 will be limited to Monday through Friday, 8:30 4:00 p.m., and is expected to continue through mid-July.
Stakeholder Engagement Process:
Public involvement and feedback provided in 2021 were incorporated in the final design. Jefferson County will continue to develop a public information plan to implement during construction. Efforts are currently underway to identify and incorporate the needs of Evergreen Schools, Evergreen Fire Department, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Evergreen Parks and Recreation, the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce, and area businesses. The information plan will focus on ways to: (1) Reduce traffic congestion, (2) Communicate planned work events, and (3) accommodate fire and emergency response. This plan will be implemented and refined throughout construction.
Evergreen Lake North Trail Project:
The county is coordinating with Evergreen Metro District and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to mitigate the traffic impacts from construction of Evergreen Lake North Trail Project on JC-73 and CO-74. See
Evergreen Park and Recreation District's project webpage,
call the project information hotline at 720-356-4440, or email the project team to learn more.
For Questions:
Your feedback is valuable in the decision-making process. For questions, please email Transportation and Engineering: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you for your interest in this project!
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Project Delay
Jefferson County went out to bid for construction of the Jefferson County Highway 73 roadway project in July 2023. Not enough contractors were interested in bidding for the project. Therefore, Jefferson County canceled the bidding process.
The county will adjust the scope of work and schedule for construction of the roadway improvements based on feedback received from contractors and upcoming public meetings. The earliest this project can start is spring 2024. Next steps for construction will be posted to this webpage.
Utility Relocations and Site Preparation Gas Lines: For the week starting the evening of August 20, Xcel will continue night work for gas line service to the Sheriff’s office. Work is expected to be completed around August 24. This will include making the actual gas connections, testing, and backfilling and asphalt patching of the pit in the southbound lane of Highway 73 just north of the intersection with Buffalo Park Road.
Electrical Lines: For the week starting the evening of August 20, Xcel will continue night work. This work will include an open cut trench across the highway at approximately 300 feet south of Little Cub Creek Road to install new electrical lines. Other night work related to installation of new infrastructure items like poles, switch cabinets, the vault, etc. will continue.
Roadway Surface Work
Jefferson County Road and Bridge maintenance crews will be resurfacing the roadway around Buffalo Park Road and Highway 73 overnight on September 4 and 5 from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. During this work, a single lane of traffic will be open. Flaggers will be present.
Evergreen Lake North Trail Project
The county is coordinating with Evergreen Metro District and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to mitigate the traffic impacts from construction of Evergreen Lake North Trail Project on Highway 73 and Colorado Highway 74. See
Evergreen Park and Recreation District's project webpage,
call the project information hotline at 720-356-4440, or email the project team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more.
For Questions
Your feedback is valuable in the decision-making process. For questions, please email Transportation and Engineering at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
My Mountain Town Community Calendar
- filter events by Category, date, or keyword to easily find events of interest. Add your community, church, or non-profit event to the calendar yourself! Click here
to access the submission form. Businesses: please contact us for more information on adding your events! Questions? Email