Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration
27640 Highway 74
Evergreen, CO 80439
Sunday, March 11, 5 to 7 pm
Please join us as Rabbi Jamie Arnold of Congregation Beth Evergreen and Russ Arnold, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Regis University in Denver, offer a visual presentation and discuss the move of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and its effect on the Middle East peace process.
What are the facts and history behind this and how does the situation impact us all?
How can we be more sophisticated consumers of media about Israel/Palestine, and the middle east more generally?
Can we build relationships with people with a different perspective than ours and engage in dialogue for deeper understanding of another’s perspective?
This is a free event open to all sponsored by the Outreach Committee of the Church of the Transfiguration.
A free will offering will be accepted. Please RSVP for planning purposes to 303-674-4904 or
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