EVENT - Sat July 27th (please share)
1910 South Ridge Rd, Bailey Mtn Community
We are requesting your help!
Sawyers will start at 9am
Slashers start at 12 noon
ATV’s for dragging slash would be a great benefit as we will be cutting Junipers down all day and the property is quite large and challenging.
Lunch and drinks are provided by the homeowner.
If you haven’t volunteered for a BR Firewise mitigation project, now is the time. Come experience what these efforts truly mean to our community and town.
Wear hiking boots and yard work clothing. We provide gloves and high visibility safety vests.
Volunteer for an hour or stay all day.
Hope we see you there
Our Mission:
To significantly reduce the inevitable impacts to our homes, businesses, schools, infrastructure, view sheds, and watersheds due to a major wildfire event.