Jefferson County Updates: COVID-19

15 Apr 2020 20:28 - 25 Apr 2020 18:37 #1 by ldahlkemper
Jeffco Updates: COVID-19

We understand dealing with COVID-19 effects on your business is huge! Let us know how we can help.

In the meantime, if you are an employer, employee or even resident trying to conduct business, tune in to our live webinar this upcoming Friday at 11AM. Right from the comfort of your home. Jefferson County Updates presented by Commissioners Szabo, Tighe and Dahlkemper. How the county is responding.

Friday, April 17, 2020 at 11 AM MDT

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25 Apr 2020 18:42 #2 by ldahlkemper
As of today, Jeffco has a total of 1,222 cases of COVID-19 and 61 Jefferson County residents have passed away from this virus while 264 have been hospitalized. (You can find daily data updates here. )

COVID-19 rates across Jeffco and the metro area are much higher than many areas in our state. After studying current data and science trends, Jeffco Public Health and other public health officials in the metro area extended the stay-at-home order through May 8.

The governor left the decision to local counties because communities across Colorado are unique and different. Gov. Polis also emphasized that these four factors must be met to move to the stabilization phase:

- A sustained decrease in cases for at least 14 days.
- Hospitals are safely able to treat patients without resorting to crisis standards of care.
- Testing can be performed for all people with symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- Active monitoring can be accomplished in all COVID-19 cases and their contacts. (see attached visual)

The Jeffco Public Health Department has authority under state statute to determine whether the county’s stay-at-home order is extended. Jeffco Public Health must look closely at our county’s local needs as it determines the best way to keep the public safe and reopen the economy.

Why extend stay-at-home in Jeffco?

- Jeffco has not yet seen a decline in daily cases.
- Testing capabilities are insufficient.
- Jeffco Public Health requires additional time to expand containment, surveillance and monitoring in preparation for a potential increase in cases.
- Regional consistency better protects Jeffco residents.
- Improved education, coaching and training to protect staff and customers will be made available to local businesses.

There’s only one difference in this order and it’s especially important to our small businesses. “Non-critical” businesses – such as small retail shops – can now open up for curbside service. Here’s a link to Jeffco's stay-at-home order.

Also, click here for a one-stop location of all the latest county information and resources for businesses as well as housing, job and food assistance.

Please stay well and continue contact me with any questions or concerns! Thank YOU for doing your part to help flatten the curve.

With warm regards,

Lesley Dahlkemper
Jefferson County Commissioner and Board Chair

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27 Apr 2020 11:57 #3 by Mountain-News-Events
Board of County Commissioners COVID-19 Briefing/Update
Monday, April 27, 2020

When it's time, start or join the WebEx meeting from here:

Access Information
Meeting Number: 999 297 287
Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

Audio Connection
303-271-8850 (Local Number)
Access Code: 999 297 287

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