4/11, 2PM - Conifer Historical Society Virtual Program, 1920s Conifer Life!

26 Feb 2021 11:23 #1 by CHSM
Join us for a virtual program about 1920s life in Conifer!

Interested in comparing the Jazz age to modern day? Join us for a discussion on Conifer in the 1920s on Sunday April 11th at 2pm. This free event includes a video screening (Conifer in the 1920s) followed by a live Q&A session with John Steinle, a local historian and author well versed in Conifer history.

Free, Space Limited! Registration Required - www.coniferhistoricalsociety.org/rsvp/

The Mission of the Conifer Historical Society and Museum is to share the region’s legacy by collecting, preserving and exhibiting historical and cultural materials.


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4th Tuesday of Odd Numbered Months (January, March, May, July, September, November). Volunteers, Members, Guests and the Public are welcome!

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