The Park County Planning and Zoning Meeting scheduled for Sept. 13th has now been RE-SCHEDULED to Wed. Sept. 20th at 9am.
Of great concern to residents in the eastern portion of Park County bordering Jefferson County is a proposed zoning change of a 58 acre parcel:
Property is a 58.282-acre parcel located in the SW1/4 of Section 1 and the NW1/4 of Section 12, Township 7S, Range 72W, addressed as 14097 Wandcrest Park Drive. The applicant is requesting approval of the Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plat for a PUD for a trash and septic waste transfer station.
APPLICANT: Askag LLC (owned by Adam Shirley of Shirley Septic/SSP Waste)
Not sure they will allow us to post here, but if you want details, background, context of this situation, please refer to the community Facebook group:
We need your help to STOP the proposed Waste & Septic Transfer Station Near Pine Junction (23PUD-04). Tell Park County NO (send an email to before Jan. 9 expressing your concerns about fire, traffic, wildlife, odor, noise, light pollution, home values, our well water), If possible SHOW UP Wed. Jan. 10 in Fairplay."
Friends, if Park County can turn a deaf ear to our pleas and do this here, what's next? How can they choose to give priority consideration to 1 business over the concerns of hundreds of citizens?
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