Obama mocks Republican position on immigration

10 May 2011 14:26 #1 by Blazer Bob
So, how secure is our border? LJ, Archer, are you satisfied?

"EL PASO, Texas (AP) -- Delving anew into an explosive issue, President Barack Obama stood near the border with Mexico on Tuesday and declared it more secure than ever, trying to build pressure on Republicans to take on a comprehensive immigration overhaul - and eagerly working to show vital Hispanic voters that he is not the one standing in the way.

Countering Republican calls to focus on border security before moving to a comprehensive overhaul, Obama said their demands have been more than met by his administration but "they'll never be satisfied."

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/ ... 0-15-41-41

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10 May 2011 14:28 #2 by Pony Soldier
Republicans have a position? Oh yeah, cheap labor....

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10 May 2011 14:45 #3 by AspenValley

How so?

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10 May 2011 14:50 #4 by Nmysys
With Unemployment numbers where it is, the issue of Jobs, and the Deficit, are the issues your President should be attending to, but since he doesn't know how to lead, he goes again to the issue that just won't go away.

He failed with his Dream Act when the Democrats totally ran Congress, so there is little chance he can pass his reform now, but he sure wants to add all of these Illegals to the Voter Rolls.

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10 May 2011 14:52 #5 by PrintSmith
The type of comprehensive overhaul the Republicans want is not something a globalist like our current president would ever sign.

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10 May 2011 15:08 #6 by Blazer Bob

towermonkey wrote: Republicans have a position? Oh yeah, cheap labor....

Are you satisfied that the border is secure?

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10 May 2011 15:13 #7 by Blazer Bob

AspenValley wrote: "Mocks"???

How so?

From the link: "Maybe they'll need a moat," he said mockingly to laughter from the crowd. "Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat."

Now, do you want to deflect the thread by having a discussion on whether they chose the right adjective or will you say if you are satisfied or not as to if the border is secure?

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10 May 2011 15:42 #8 by FredHayek

Nmysys wrote: With Unemployment numbers where it is, the issue of Jobs, and the Deficit, are the issues your President should be attending to, but since he doesn't know how to lead, he goes again to the issue that just won't go away.

He failed with his Dream Act when the Democrats totally ran Congress, so there is little chance he can pass his reform now, but he sure wants to add all of these Illegals to the Voter Rolls.

I don't even think it is about adding illegal voters. I think Obama's speech is more about trying to convince Hispanics that Republicans hate them.

The Republicans need to do a better job recruiting Hispanic politicians and having them make family friendly speeches. Sen. Rubio needs more air time.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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10 May 2011 19:45 #9 by Pony Soldier

neptunechimney wrote:

towermonkey wrote: Republicans have a position? Oh yeah, cheap labor....

Are you satisfied that the border is secure?

No. What have the Republicans done to solidify the border? Nothing. Reagan signed amnesty. That's the sum total of the hard work Republicans have done. Course, the dems are not doing anything positive either.

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10 May 2011 20:16 #10 by LadyJazzer

Billions for a US-Mexico border fence, but is it doing any good?

The cost for adding 600 miles of new barriers is $2.4 billion so far. The new fencing has been breached more than 3,000 times, a government report finds.

Some $2.4 billion has been spent since 2005 on a still-unfinished project to erect more than 600 miles of new fence along the US-Mexico border – a finding that is being met with surprise, anger, and consternation by immigrant groups and at least some border residents.

A report, released Thursday by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), also says $6.5 billion will be needed to maintain the new fencing over the next 20 years. So far, it has been breached 3,363 times, requiring $1,300 for the average repair.


'Sophisticated' tunnel found along Arizona border
5/9/2011 9:58:31 PM ET

Authorities in Arizona say they've found a 250-foot-long unfinished smuggling tunnel underneath the U.S.-Mexico border that has electricity, water pumps and ventilation.

Agents have found dozens of smuggling tunnels in Nogales since the 1990s, but Chief Border Patrol Agent Randy Hill says this tunnel is more sophisticated than other recently discovered tunnels, saying that those who were building it chiseled through solid rock and installed lighting and other equipment.

The Border Patrol said Monday that they initially discovered the tunnel May 2 and confirmed it with the Mexican government three days later.

The tunnel was 15 feet beneath the ground and began in an abandoned building in Nogales on the Mexican side of the border. It was still undergoing construction on the Arizona side.


Hmmm, so Bush signed the order to spend Billions building a fence, and they said that $6.5 billion will be needed to maintain the new fencing over the next 20 years... At the time the article was written it had already been breached 3,363 times, with an average repair cost of approximately $1300 for each repair... And the second article is interesting because is shows how [in]effective the fence is... They'll just tunnel under it; if it's 10-feet high, they'll bring an 11-foot ladder...

And this is somehow Obama's fault because_________________________? Bush signs an ineffective law to spend billions to throw a bone to the anti-immigrant base, and this is supposed to be Obama's fault because ___________________?

It looks to me like Obama has a lot to be able to "mock" the Republicans about...

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