Is our Government trying to destroy the Gulf Coast?

23 Jun 2010 17:59 #11 by ScienceChic
Yes, the government messes up too:
BP's Government-Approved, Fake Spill Response Plan
Source: MSNBC, June 9, 2010

Last year the federal government approved a 582-page, regional spill plan for the Gulf of Mexico. Sounds comprehensive, right? It turns out the plan was filled with glaring errors, blatant omissions and wildly false assumptions -- and won approval from the government anyway.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Jun 2010 23:46 #12 by Residenttroll returns
I wonder what the earth, fishes, and plants did millions years ago when a vast amount of oil seeped from the ocean floor after a great seismic event?

Media and liberals are acting as if the oil company was secretly storing this "unnatural" resource under the sea hidden like a squirrel does it nuts in the winter and just for fun spilled it.

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24 Jun 2010 23:58 #13 by archer

residenttroll wrote: I wonder what the earth, fishes, and plants did millions years ago when a vast amount of oil seeped from the ocean floor after a great seismic event?

I'm quite sure they died. How fortunate that back then there were not millions of American citizens who made their living catching those fishes....and many more who depend on the tourist trade to feed their families and live their American dream. Are you unconcerned about these people and these states RT? You sit here in Colorado and pronounce their way of life in the gulf states to be unworthy of concern?

I can't tell just what you are arguing for, or against. Should we just ignore the spill and let it destroy the gulf?

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25 Jun 2010 00:01 #14 by Residenttroll returns

archer wrote:

residenttroll wrote: I wonder what the earth, fishes, and plants did millions years ago when a vast amount of oil seeped from the ocean floor after a great seismic event?

I'm quite sure they died. How fortunate that back then there were not millions of American citizens who made their living catching those fishes....and many more who depend on the tourist trade to feed their families and live their American dream. Are you unconcerned about these people and these states RT? You sit here in Colorado and pronounce their way of life in the gulf states to be unworthy of concern?

So much anger from the left. If you hate oil so much why don't you get "sold out" on your cause and give up your RV and your cars? Until then, you just like the smoker who wants to quit but keeps saying they will do next week.

By the way, I still wonder what happen to all that oil when it seeped million years ago?

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25 Jun 2010 00:08 #15 by archer

residenttroll wrote: So much anger from the left. If you hate oil so much why don't you get "sold out" on your cause and give up your RV and your cars? Until then, you just like the smoker who wants to quit but keeps saying they will do next week.

By the way, I still wonder what happen to all that oil when it seeped million years ago?

The anger seems to be coming from you RT, not from the left. Why are you so angry that the US is trying to stop this gusher and hold BP accountable for the cost? Would you rather have our taxes pay for it? Would you rather let it just spill? Come clean RT....what do you want?

I don't hate oil, and I never claimed to be environmentally correct or particularly hyped on environmental issues. But I do care about people, and their ability to make a living, and our country and it's natural resources, which includes its oceans, lakes, rivers and the gulf. Don't try to put this mess on liberals, that dog won't hunt.

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25 Jun 2010 00:16 #16 by The Viking

archer wrote: I don't hate oil, and I never claimed to be environmentally correct or particularly hyped on environmental issues. But I do care about people, and their ability to make a living, and our country and it's natural resources, which includes its oceans, lakes, rivers and the gulf. Don't try to put this mess on liberals, that dog won't hunt.

So if that is the case and you care about peoples ability to make a living, then you are should be against this moratoreum which will put at least 50,000+ more Americans out of work, right? And it may send the rigs to other shores and more jobs overseas. Are you OK with that? 50,000 are a lot of people who can't feed their families for the next 6 months.

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25 Jun 2010 00:22 #17 by Residenttroll returns

archer wrote:

residenttroll wrote: So much anger from the left. If you hate oil so much why don't you get "sold out" on your cause and give up your RV and your cars? Until then, you just like the smoker who wants to quit but keeps saying they will do next week.

By the way, I still wonder what happen to all that oil when it seeped million years ago?

The anger seems to be coming from you RT, not from the left. Why are you so angry that the US is trying to stop this gusher and hold BP accountable for the cost? Would you rather have our taxes pay for it? Would you rather let it just spill? Come clean RT....what do you want?

I don't hate oil, and I never claimed to be environmentally correct or particularly hyped on environmental issues. But I do care about people, and their ability to make a living, and our country and it's natural resources, which includes its oceans, lakes, rivers and the gulf. Don't try to put this mess on liberals, that dog won't hunt.

If you really care about people making a living then you should be denouncing the policies of the Obama administration. There are more people unemployed by the politics of the left than the oil spill. By the way, the US government is doing squat to stop the gusher of oil. The US government doesn't have the brain power to stop oil gusher. The US government has been granting projects for almost two decades via LSU on how to contain and react to an oil spill....and what do we have to show for it? Most of the technology is still from the Valdez era. Where did all the money go? Maybe we should nationalize the oil industry and when it happens again (which it will) we will can blame the inept bureaucracy who was in charge of oversight...the same bureaucracy that had oversight on this well. It happens...even to well finance oil companies.

I still believe the recent explosions of the coal mine and the oil well has something to do with the series of massive and strong earthquakes that have hit the western hemisphere....and no it's not global warming earthquakes.

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25 Jun 2010 09:49 #18 by ScienceChic
Viking - have you found any other sources to back up Lemieux's numbers?

I also found this: ... jones-act/
Oil Spill, Foreign Help and the Jones Act
June 23, 2010

Q: Did Obama turn down foreign offers of assistance in cleaning up the Gulf oil spill? Did he refuse to waive Jones Act restrictions on foreign-flag vessels?

A: No to both questions. So far, five offers have been accepted and only one offer has been rejected. Fifteen foreign-flag vessels are working on the cleanup, and none required a waiver.
One offer had been declined: France offered a chemical dispersant that is not approved for use in the United States. President Barack Obama described this process in his May 27 press conference: ... -oil-spill
Also, all offers, except for a few, come with a serious price tag. The Associated Press compared these offers with recent aid that the U.S. gave to some of these countries. The AP reported:

Associated Press, June 18: U.S. disaster aid is almost always free of charge; other nations expect the U.S. to pay for help.
U.S. Department of State Chart on Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Response:
International Offers of Assistance from Governments and International Bodies
June 23, 2010 10:30 AM

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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25 Jun 2010 10:05 #19 by The Viking
Here is one more story on the Dutch skimmers and our refusal to accept their help. The leak started April 26th and we finally accepted their help the begining of June. They could have been capturing over 140,000 barrels a day that would not be on our shores right now. ... -oil-spill

Listen to the reason that the US rejected them. The EPA regulations prohibit the discharge of water that contains oil into the ocean. HUH? They didn't want a ship to filter out water and put mostly clean water back in the ocean. Instead they just wanted to leave the full oil spill there to spread? Again, a community organizor should not be running this country!!

Dutch government officials in the Netherlands first offered to deliver their skimmer arm systems to the spill site just three days after the oil spill began. The story is the subject of an article by Yobie Benjamin for the Chronicle.

At the time, says Benjamin, U.S. officials rejected the offer because EPA regulations prohibit the discharge of water that contains oil into the ocean. He points out that by initially rejecting the Dutch offer, US officials missed an opportunity to collect much more oil and possibly to mitigate the damage.

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25 Jun 2010 19:34 #20 by BaconLover
Is BP unable, or unwilling, to hire the available skimmers? The expectation that the US government will step in and clean up after businesses is a slippery slope to more big government.

It's kind of skewed to look at this as a US Government problem instead of a BP problem.

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