DOL Solis We're all American, whether you are legal or not.

25 Jun 2010 11:00 #1 by The Viking
I know this video was 2006 but since her recent statements about helping illegal get more pay and Obama choosing a man who is for Sactuary cities and against immigration enforcement to a high position with ICE, I just wanted to point out the pattern and how Obama has lied from day one about wanting to fix illegal immigration. Obama knew about this lady and her views and he still choose her as his Labor Secretary. This was all over the news before he chose her. And what does that statement even mean? "We are all Americans whether you are legalized or not."
So does this mean if I go to Mexico illegally, I am a Mexican? How clueless are these people?

Now he is considering an executive order to go around congress and the will of the people who he lied to, and grant amnesty for up to 18 millioin illegals. He is so beyond dangerous at this point.

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25 Jun 2010 17:24 #2 by Rockdoc
It is an ignorant statement. One needs to become naturalized for citizenship as an American. She is totally clueless or at least insulting to all who adopted this country legally. Yes, to grant amnesty makes a mockery of our immigration laws and all naturalized citizens. This whole movement is way out of control and a total abuse of executive power. Shameful.

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25 Jun 2010 19:02 #3 by Blazer Bob

"Dept. of LaborA short video featuring Obama administration Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has recently come to light, and it is causing outrage among Americans.

The ad announces a confidential, toll free number for illegal aliens to report their employers to the federal government, if they feel they have not been paid all which is owed to them.

Solis says: “Every worker in America has the right to be paid fairly whether documented or not.”

The ad is part of the Obama administration’s effort to protect illegal alien laborers, launched a few months ago.

On April 1, 2010, Secretary Solis, announced the “We Can Help” campaign designed to protect day laborers, even if they are illegal aliens. Solis said her agency recently added 250 field investigators to enforce labor laws, but will apparently not report those here illegally to Immigration and Customs Enforcement." ... ideo-of-ad

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25 Jun 2010 20:00 #4 by BaconLover
I believe the statement is "we all deserve a fair wage whether you are legalized or not". Being paid a fair wage is not the defining criteria for being an American. Substituing the word "American" for "Fair Wage" is not valid.

Besides, paying them a fair wage would make them spoiled and entitled, just like the Americans who won't do the jobs they are doing anyway.

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25 Jun 2010 20:46 #5 by The Viking

ExtremeModerate wrote: I believe the statement is "we all deserve a fair wage whether you are legalized or not". Being paid a fair wage is not the defining criteria for being an American. Substituing the word "American" for "Fair Wage" is not valid.

Besides, paying them a fair wage would make them spoiled and entitled, just like the Americans who won't do the jobs they are doing anyway.

Did you watch her video above? She said 'We are all Americans'

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25 Jun 2010 20:55 #6 by Rockdoc

ExtremeModerate wrote: I believe the statement is "we all deserve a fair wage whether you are legalized or not". Being paid a fair wage is not the defining criteria for being an American. Substituing the word "American" for "Fair Wage" is not valid.

Besides, paying them a fair wage would make them spoiled and entitled, just like the Americans who won't do the jobs they are doing anyway.

What is a "fair wage"? If you come into the country for work on a green card and you do the same work I do, then Fair wage is appropriate. Not when it comes to illegal.

Not all americans are spoiled and feel entitled. I know many who would do any kind of job to earn a buck. Furthermore, as a legal immigrant, I as did my parents worked any job available to us. I've not forgotten my roots and if my consulting cratered and I was in desperate need of work to keep my family fed, rest assured I would not be too proud to pick apples, dig ditches etc. It is a matter of pride and principle.

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25 Jun 2010 21:02 #7 by BaconLover
Actually, I didn't watch the video, I went to the program web site and checked out what it said. I did go back and watch the video and, depending on the context of her statement, she could be right on. Like it or not they are part of our economy.

Don't you feel that forcing employers to pay the same wages to illegal aliens as legal aliens is a way to eliminate some of the demand for illegal labor in the US?

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25 Jun 2010 21:15 #8 by BaconLover

Rockdoc Franz wrote:

ExtremeModerate wrote:
What is a "fair wage"? If you come into the country for work on a green card and you do the same work I do, then Fair wage is appropriate. Not when it comes to illegal.

Not all americans are spoiled and feel entitled. I know many who would do any kind of job to earn a buck. Furthermore, as a legal immigrant, I as did my parents worked any job available to us. I've not forgotten my roots and if my consulting cratered and I was in desperate need of work to keep my family fed, rest assured I would not be too proud to pick apples, dig ditches etc. It is a matter of pride and principle.


Thanks for the reply.

A "fair wage" has many different definitions. One is given by the government through their definitioin of minimum wage. I believe minimum wage puts you in the "working poor" category. If they want to come to this country to work, give them a green card, don't turn them away from our border for wanting to come here to do the work we don't: 1) want to do or 2) want to pay for.

Not all americans are spoiled and feel entitled, but a LARGE number of them are. I'm sure you know many who would NOT do whatever it takes as well. Folks who will bum off somone else, their parents, or go on the dole. One of the hardest things to find in new hires today is a work ethic. If you have one, you are quickly moving towards minority status. Just like the white, middle-aged, male :-)

And, Rockdoc, you sound like a person who if you were a mexican citizen living in poverty, uneducated, and with corruption all around, you would want to come to America to make a better life for yourself. And if they denied you entry, and you knew there was a HIGH demand there for your labor, and it would pay you considerably more than what you could earn in mexico, you would come here. Illegally. And send that money back to your family to make a better life for them.

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25 Jun 2010 22:05 #9 by The Viking

ExtremeModerate wrote: Actually, I didn't watch the video, I went to the program web site and checked out what it said. I did go back and watch the video and, depending on the context of her statement, she could be right on. Like it or not they are part of our economy.

Don't you feel that forcing employers to pay the same wages to illegal aliens as legal aliens is a way to eliminate some of the demand for illegal labor in the US?

No because it totally defeats getting them out of the country and giving those jobs to Americans at fair wages. If they are found out, then they are deported and then the government fights for the wages of Americans in those jobs. The companies have one shot to hire Americans and at fair wages or they get a huge fine. You cannot reward illegal immigrants with higher wages just because they ask the government for help. They have no right to any wages here. So you cannot say you want to crack down on companies that hire them and fine them big but on the other hand tell them it is alright to keep them employed as long as they pay them more. That totally contradicts itself.

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25 Jun 2010 22:35 #10 by BaconLover

The Viking wrote: No because it totally defeats getting them out of the country and giving those jobs to Americans at fair wages. If they are found out, then they are deported and then the government fights for the wages of Americans in those jobs. The companies have one shot to hire Americans and at fair wages or they get a huge fine. You cannot reward illegal immigrants with higher wages just because they ask the government for help. They have no right to any wages here. So you cannot say you want to crack down on companies that hire them and fine them big but on the other hand tell them it is alright to keep them employed as long as they pay them more. That totally contradicts itself.

Generally companys hiring DON"T get huge fines, or they are not enough to offset the benefit they get from hiring illegal aliens. If the fines actually made a difference there would not be the demand for illegal alien labor. Your focus on blaming illegal alians for filling a demand in the US economy is misplaced, it falls on business. Right now illeagal labor benefits government and it benefits business. And this is NOT a democrat or republican stance. Bush almost eliminated the number of company's receiving fines for having illegal labor.

Paying lower wages makes some industry more competetive on the world market where Mexico, China and India are paying their laborors WAY less than what the average laborer make in the US. The Government wants to keep these companys in business. Some can only do that by paying wages which are less than minimum wage.

On the other end of the spectrum there is the American desire to make the most profit at any cost. Illegal labor is one way to get there. Business puts pressure on the Government not to enforce the law because it will hurt their profits.

It's like drugs. Until you kill the demand, it will always be here.

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