Bennet introduces Visa reform bill for undocumented students

13 Dec 2011 14:21 #11 by BearMtnHIB

Whatever happened to filling the jobs with the best qualified people, regardless of sex, color, race, etc?

I have no problem filling the jobs with the best qualified people- as long as they are here legally- I'm not in favor of allowing these illegal aliens to fill jobs for any reason. The legal "foreign student" issue is a totally different issue from this which is an "illegal student" issue!

Again - I'm going to emphasize the fact that we have 30 MILLION (Americans) out of work here RIGHT NOW!!!!

Sheesh! The best qualified people can't find jobs right now and you want to increase the "pool"? With illegal aliens? :angry:

Oh man. You're a scientist? Where's you're logic here?

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13 Dec 2011 17:03 #12 by ScienceChic
Yes, 30 million people are out of work now, so what does that have to do with being outraged over students who have yet to enter the workforce? They aren't keeping those unemployed from jobs right this minute.

The students are already here: would you rather that they get an education, are formally recognized as being here to be in school and then work, so they can be tracked, their income taxed, and they get better jobs thus contributing more productively to the economy or would you rather that they not get a higher education, get lower paying jobs, are undocumented, and things stay the way they are? It's fine to not like the situation, but you aren't getting rid of these people so it's more logical to issue them green cards so they can go to college, and then work, rather than b**ching about the status quo. Myself, I'm all about making changes, rather than complaining about how bad things are.

Borders are artificial social constructs, they have nothing to do with where you find the people with the most potential that can be developed into the best qualified. Used to be, women and minorities weren't as prevalent as they are now in the sciences, and a lot of wasted potential occurred because the system wasn't open to them entering those fields. Our education system is lagging behind and foreigners who come here merely for the (at the moment, still better) higher education don't always give back once done - they go elsewhere and benefit another country. If children of illegals had that avenue open up for them, it's highly likely that they'd stay here and contribute to our intellectual capacity, rather than us experiencing a brain drain, which we are on the verge of.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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13 Dec 2011 17:27 #13 by PrintSmith
Yes, Bennet would be making an illegal occupier a legal resident - green cards establish one as a legal alien resident of the union, does it not?

In addition to that point I would add that they would need to be paying the foreign student tuition rate rather than the in-state or out-of-state one. Much was made recently about the Hickster opening up the rolls to foreign students in order to get more money into the state colleges, so it would be important to me, especially if we are going to reward illegal behavior with legal residency status, that at lest they would be required to pay the foreign student tuition rates.

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13 Dec 2011 17:39 #14 by The Viking

Science Chic wrote: Yes, 30 million people are out of work now, so what does that have to do with being outraged over students who have yet to enter the workforce? They aren't keeping those unemployed from jobs right this minute.

The students are already here: would you rather that they get an education, are formally recognized as being here to be in school and then work, so they can be tracked, their income taxed, and they get better jobs thus contributing more productively to the economy or would you rather that they not get a higher education, get lower paying jobs, are undocumented, and things stay the way they are? It's fine to not like the situation, but you aren't getting rid of these people so it's more logical to issue them green cards so they can go to college, and then work, rather than b**ching about the status quo. Myself, I'm all about making changes, rather than complaining about how bad things are.

Borders are artificial social constructs, they have nothing to do with where you find the people with the most potential that can be developed into the best qualified. Used to be, women and minorities weren't as prevalent as they are now in the sciences, and a lot of wasted potential occurred because the system wasn't open to them entering those fields. Our education system is lagging behind and foreigners who come here merely for the (at the moment, still better) higher education don't always give back once done - they go elsewhere and benefit another country. If children of illegals had that avenue open up for them, it's highly likely that they'd stay here and contribute to our intellectual capacity, rather than us experiencing a brain drain, which we are on the verge of.

Still not getting it. Hypothetical numbers. SO in 4 years 30,000 graduate and enter the work place. 5000 are illegals. SO now 25000 LEGAL Americans who have not broken the law will be competing with 5000 illegals for the same jobs. So that could mean 5000 LESS jobs for LEGAL Americans that he and people like you want to open up to ILLEGAL people. I say we support Americans first in America. Guess I am old fashioned that way.

And are you saying that just because they come here from other countries that they can benefit this country more than Americans who are LEGAL and can go to college? Why do we need to import more people for jobs? Is there a shortage of citizens in this country I didn't read about? Do we all need to breed more to catch up to produce more LEGAL Americans?

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13 Dec 2011 17:55 #15 by keepthechange
How are they planning to use this higher education that Bennett is pushing for? It's against the law for anyone to hire illegal aliens...

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13 Dec 2011 18:05 #16 by bailey bud
actually - I can think of a few good examples where this is a good thing.

DU enrolls a large number of students from Libya.

The Qadaffi regime retroactively invalidated most Libyan visas about a year ago, suddenly making virtually every DU (Libyan) student an undocumented alien. Many of these students scrambled, and figured out a way to stay in the USA (illegally). They were generally bright students with promising futures - until one single vindictive individual ordered them back to Libya (in many cases - only to be thrown in jail).

I think these students should be allowed to enroll and become productive individuals. I have no issues with the proposed legislation.

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13 Dec 2011 18:06 #17 by BearMtnHIB

Borders are artificial social constructs, they have nothing to do with where you find the people with the most potential that can be developed into the best qualified.

I think I know where she is coming from - reading the above quote. SC does not agree with or accept the sovereignty of America's borders, because the statement above shows no respect for it. People who have no respect for American sovereignty think anyone should be able to come here and just set up shop like they own the place, which is why we have 28 illegal people here to begin with.

Our government has done a piss poor job of protecting our sovereignty as well- which has contributed to the utter disregard for the American worker- and this has contributed to the loss of income for many blue collar Americans by diluting the labor pool with 28 million illegal individuals who do not play by the same rules that we citizens must play by- like purchasing insurance and paying taxes and all the other regulations a lawful business operator must abide by.

I mean these people broke our laws just getting here- why would they care about mandatory car insurance and paying taxes or obtaining a business license.

There was a reason why the INS limited the number of immigrants who can come here each year lawfully- it has to do with the number of new people that the economy can absorb and make use of. You see - it's not about what whoever comes here wants- it's about what is best for America and Americans. Right now our economy has no need for 28 million people who did not even ask permission to be here, much less have a right to be here.

People who believe that "Borders are artificial social constructs" would just let anyone come here from anywhere- anytime they want- in any quantity. We would see the average standard of living plummet down to that which we see in places that Americans consider revolting.

I believe in American sovereignty- and I want to protect the living standard that Americans have become accustomed to- and allowing a flood of illegal immigrants is no way to protect it. One thing we don't need right now is more people in the workplace- not until we get the 30 million lawful Americans who need jobs back to work.

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14 Dec 2011 07:48 #18 by ScienceChic
You are making assumptions about what I believe based on a neutral fact I stated. Just because I said borders are artificial social constructs (which they are) doesn't mean that I do not believe in a country's sovereignty or that I have "utter disregard for the American worker". I think the reason we have so many illegals is because of our inefficient bureaucracy - if foreign workers could obtain work visas more easily, then we might not have such an illegal problem. And no, I don't think we should open everything up and just let anyone in, again you are making assumptions as to what I believe based on your stereotypes of liberals. I would think that you, the free-market cheerleader capitalist would be for implementing a policy that would enable us to better track the workers and to make sure that they pay into our system of which they are enjoying the benefits?

People go where the jobs are - if there are no jobs here, then the immigration flow will reverse out of the country.

Viking, I'm still curious as to why you think this kind of policy is destroying the country when proposed by Bennet, but a good idea when pushed by Perry?

The Viking wrote: Since we are rewarding criminals, why don't we just go find all the educated people in prisons and let forgive them of their crimes and let them out and give them jobs ahead of law abiding citizens.

Funny, that isn't what you said when it was Rick Perry's idea.
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The Viking wrote:

Conservation Voice wrote: What about Perry supporting in-state tuition for illegals?

All for it. If students were brought there without their say and went to school for 3 years or more like Perry says, and have the grades to go to college and wants to stay in Texas, then there are two choices. They still have to pay tuition. It can be in state which is where they graduated high school from like all the other in state residents. They get a college degree and since we as a nation are not going to throw them out of the country, they become productive tax paying people in America. Or they make them pay out of state which most will not be able to afford and they go down a bad road financially and then we have to support them on welfare. I am totally AGAINST illegal immigration! BUT I am just as much against turning this nation into more of a welfare nation.

And on top of that Perry is as we speak still trying to get a bill pushed through his state that closes sancuary cities like Houston and to a lesser extent Austin. It makes everyone e-verify so we know if they are a citizen to get work. And it fights to put more boots on the ground and close our borders!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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14 Dec 2011 08:58 #19 by BearMtnHIB

I would think that you, the free-market cheerleader capitalist would be for implementing a policy that would enable us to better track the workers and to make sure that they pay into our system of which they are enjoying the benefits?

I am for implementing a policy that would enable us to better track the workers, and to be able to send them home when the economy can no longer support the influx.

See- 30+ years ago- a majority of these immigrants were indeed doing what Bush said- "they were doing the jobs that Americans would not do". But that statement is flawed- they were doing the jobs that (in a good economy) Americans did not take because better opportunities existed as an option.

With 30 million of us unemployed- and even more of us under employed the picture is much different today. Things have changed- and one of the things that has changed is the today's illegal immigrants are getting smarter- they are not picking tomatoes and lettuce anymore.

Today- they are carpenters- they are electricians- they are concrete and steel workers- they are roofers- and they are drywallers. They are spread all across the construction trades- from landscaping maintenance to masonery to vehicle mechanics. These are jobs that historically blue collar workers were more than happy to make a good living with- trades that paid 40-80K+ in many cases. This labor pool has been terribly diluted with illegal labor now- many of those blue collar workers find themselves cut out of the market by cheap labor.

Since they don't have to play by the same rules that we do as citizens- they have an advantage in these trades and have learned what to do to circumvent the system.

Now people like Bennet would like to give them a leg up in the college system so they can directly compete with Americans for the science and engineering jobs- and soon we will find ourselves with yet another diluted labor pool.

And the left is doing it for political reasons- they want the facor of the latino vote- and this is one way to win better favor with them. It's all crap and anyone who can reason without being biased by their political idology can see it plain as day.

We don't need any increase in any labor pool in this country at this time- we are flush with supply of labor in every area and demand for labor is down- and is likely to stay down for the coming years. Just getting recent college grads a job will be a problem for the next 5 years or so.

Stop illegal's now- and send them back home until our economy improves to the point where we need them again, then we can talk about a lawful way to manage the numbers.

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14 Dec 2011 10:17 #20 by OmniScience
So, what is preventing these individuals from making the effort to become legal citizens?

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