Registered Republicans in Park CO - Poll for Commissioner.

19 Jul 2010 20:38 #1 by The Boss
PCSO is only one office up for grabs. Remember that BOCC is famous for changing your rights, who are you voting for in this race?

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19 Jul 2010 22:11 #2 by Mtn Gramma
The candidates are Mark, Lillian and Samantha. Not a clue who Jessica is.

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19 Jul 2010 22:47 #3 by CC
Can We add Monica Jones also

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20 Jul 2010 05:33 #4 by Let the Wildlife run PC
Monica Jones is suppose to be a "write-in", she received enough signatures. I like her just due to the fact that she has kahonas for bringing us the VISA statements, which we have never seen before!!! We finally get to see the overspending and the "free-for-all" credit card.

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20 Jul 2010 09:52 #5 by The Boss
Sorry got the name confused.

Can the powers that be change Jessica to Samantha?

We should have the Jones vs. X once we know who X is in the main election.

I still find it fascinating how the candidates use the political party system.

Apparently people feel it is better to be on the republican ticket in primary with a 1/3 generic chance of running in the main election.

Mark and Samantha, I believe, could have collected the same number of signatures that they did to get on the republican ticket as Moneca did to get on the main one. Then there would be a 4 way race.

It just feels silly to me to try and associate yourself with a party when the parties don't actually mean anything. Everyone in Park Co. claims to be a republican, but somehow they are the big govt, higher tax, less property rights, overspending type of republicans. Why would a conservative want to associate themselves with that, just run as an independent. I think the problem is that most voters are not conservative here, they just want to claim to be. If they were, we would have a tight conservative govt. People can say all they want at social gatherings, they really speak with their votes and Park Co. residents like high taxes, big govt and asking for permission for everything (with a fee) - they ask for it every year. I would be our polls here on the web mean very little, despite being interesting.

On average we are pretty stupid and don't take our votes seriously. We certainly do not vote with our morals, I think we vote like we shop and most of us don't shop well. Note that Jessica got as many votes as Mark and Lillian and she doesn't even exist! Maybe I put her name in on purpose.

BTW there is something in Parkbull about the local DA trying to remove term limits for that office. States how without term limits, no one will challenge the one that files public lawsuits and charges and that term limits are essential. What do people think? My understanding is that many of our elected positions had term limits and we removed them. I guess folks around here like their, unfortunately they also like to aim at their feet. Seems like we are ignoring our judges and DA's in this race, because we all think that we will never meet them. Perhaps we should pay more attention. The current ones could be doing a great job or a poor one, I have no sense what so ever.

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20 Jul 2010 09:54 #6 by The Boss

4evryoung wrote: Monica Jones is suppose to be a "write-in", she received enough signatures. I like her just due to the fact that she has kahonas for bringing us the VISA statements, which we have never seen before!!! We finally get to see the overspending and the "free-for-all" credit card.

I believe your statement is inaccurate.

You can write in anyone on any election, I think.

She submitted enough signatures, she is on the ballot, she will be one of your two options beyond your chance to write in.

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20 Jul 2010 14:20 #7 by mtntrekker
voted for samantha. want someone who can think and not roll over. no good ole boy network crap.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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20 Jul 2010 15:18 #8 by Mtn Gramma
You're correct, posteryoyo. Monica has NOTHING to do with the Republican primary. She is not a republican, she can't be written-in for the primary. Any votes would be thrown out. She is on the November ballot as an Independent. A write-in candidate doesn't have to collect signatures, hence the name "write-in". Monica walked the walk and collected more signatures than necessary to secure a place on the November ballot.

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20 Jul 2010 15:25 #9 by Mtn Gramma

posteryoyo wrote:
BTW there is something in Parkbull about the local DA trying to remove term limits for that office. States how without term limits, no one will challenge the one that files public lawsuits and charges and that term limits are essential. What do people think? My understanding is that many of our elected positions had term limits and we removed them. I guess folks around here like their, unfortunately they also like to aim at their feet. Seems like we are ignoring our judges and DA's in this race, because we all think that we will never meet them. Perhaps we should pay more attention. The current ones could be doing a great job or a poor one, I have no sense what so ever.

Funny you should mention it. This is from the agenda for the Commissioners' meeting this Thursday: "Consideration of Resolution for Ballot Question Regarding Term Limits for the District Attorney for The Eleventh Judicial District"

If indeed it ends up on the ballot (and it was requested by the DA currently serving but also currently term-limited . . .) I will be voting no. I'm sick and tired of career politicians feeding out of the public trough for life. If there was a ballot question to re-install term limits throughout the county I'd be all for it.

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20 Jul 2010 18:21 #10 by Samantha Bertin
:Thanks: I am honored, to be ahead in this poll. To the voters out there in Park County I am your best choice for commissioner! I have your best interests at heart because they are also mine, let's spend our money wisely and make the best decisions for our future in this county! We need someone who can look at the whole picture and not be swayed by this or that person, issue, agenda. I have none of these things and I am willing to do this job 100%, full time. Please cast your vote for Samantha Bertin for Dist. #3 Commissioner! :wave:

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