Ryan fell apart under criticism of tax plan

12 Oct 2012 18:20 #11 by FredHayek
I am saying your topic itself is a deflection from the painful record of our president. Sure our VP was a little tongue tied after watching a bizarre cackling Biden who constantly interrupted Paul. Mr. Ryan was probably checking for signs of madness from the VP.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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12 Oct 2012 18:28 #12 by LOL

Something the Dog Said wrote: ... Can anyone, anyone at all present an honest response on what is their plan and provide links or documentation to back up your and their claims? Or will this simply devolve yet again in deflect, deflect, deflect until the thread is "consolidated" into other threads to make it go away.

We shall see.

Yes, I did respond and offer criticism to Romney's math in his strategically vague tax plan. If you are interested, it was in the original Obama/Romney debate discussion thread, about a week ago, now buried under a few hundred drive by, copy paste, duplicate, shotgun, UN-interesting, repetitive, snarky, cynical, name-calling, unintellectual, sarcastic, nonsense, partisan, UN-understandable topics. Good luck finding it! Happy Hunting. :)

I generally support the Simpson-Bowles tax reform guidelines, simple lower rates, nix all loopholes for EVERYONE. I think the chance of any real tax reform passing congress=0

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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12 Oct 2012 19:13 #13 by Something the Dog Said

FredHayek wrote: I am saying your topic itself is a deflection from the painful record of our president. Sure our VP was a little tongue tied after watching a bizarre cackling Biden who constantly interrupted Paul. Mr. Ryan was probably checking for signs of madness from the VP.

So it is not fair to ask for details of the major issue of the Romeny/Ryan campaign. That no scrutiny of Romney/Ryan is to be allowed. No this is just another typical conservative deflection. Can't answer the question because you don't know. Don't want to answer the question because you are scared as to what you might find out.

Feel free to start your own topic, just not too many of them. But don't come over to this topic and deflect, deflect, deflect, blame Obama and insult the poster and then claim that the response is satisfactory or even appropriate. Troll on your own thread, but if you come here, try to answer the query or just move along.

And SC wonders why I try to keep topics narrowly focused on a particular issue, even though in doing so, conservatives still will not answer directly, but deflect, blame the other guy and throw insults.

Please anyone, anyone at all, can you provide details of the Romney/Ryan tax plan for a straightforward discussion of the effect of that plan? Or is that simply not allowed to happen as it might disrupt the right wing echo chamber, which must not be allowed to happen.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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12 Oct 2012 19:15 #14 by otisptoadwater
Ryan didn't have a lie as a catch phrase like Barry did back in 2008; "Hope and Change" will make everything better. Unlike the current administration, what Ryan alluded to regarding fixing the tax code is that Congress and the next administration will have to learn to work together. I prefer Ryan's answer to Barry's 2008 "trust me" catch phrase lie, I imagine I'm not alone on this point and I am willing to bet a large number of people who voted for Barry in 2008 have "evolved" as well.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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12 Oct 2012 19:18 #15 by LadyJazzer
Ryan didn't have an answer at all... When you have something more to contribute than 2008 history, do let us know...

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12 Oct 2012 19:34 #16 by Something the Dog Said

LOL wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote: ... Can anyone, anyone at all present an honest response on what is their plan and provide links or documentation to back up your and their claims? Or will this simply devolve yet again in deflect, deflect, deflect until the thread is "consolidated" into other threads to make it go away.

We shall see.

Yes, I did respond and offer criticism to Romney's math in his strategically vague tax plan. If you are interested, it was in the original Obama/Romney debate discussion thread, about a week ago, now buried under a few hundred drive by, copy paste, duplicate, shotgun, UN-interesting, repetitive, snarky, cynical, name-calling, unintellectual, sarcastic, nonsense, partisan, UN-understandable topics. Good luck finding it! Happy Hunting. :)

I generally support the Simpson-Bowles tax reform guidelines, simple lower rates, nix all loopholes for EVERYONE. I think the chance of any real tax reform passing congress=0

Would you mind repeating those details of the Romney/Ryan tax plan for your fellow posters, or at least provide a link so that I can review it? Maybe actually get a dialog on the pros and cons of their plan. I know that the majority will not respond if it does not smear President Obama, but there might actually be a few individuals who would actually "STUDY" it rather than snark, deflect, insult and smear.

I do appreciate your consideration of the Simpson Bowles plan. I also believe that a combination of revenue increases (yes, taxes) along with major cuts in spending will be necessary to bring the deficit down. This was the course of action with Reagan after his record deficit ballooned, and was how Clinton was able to bring the deficit down and produce a surplus. I also believe that unfunded spending or tax cuts can not be allowed, except in times of national emergency or national economic crisis. Even those need to have a plan for future funding, not just kicked down the road. National emergency to me does not mean foreign wars of choice, but where the safety and health of the American public is in imminent danger. Does the Romney/Ryan plan accomplish those goals. Not according to their state broad generalities. Does the Obama tax plan? The one he proposed did, in that he proposed one dollar in tax increases (on the one percent) for every three dollars in spending cuts. That had bipartisan support, until Cantor and Ryan walked out on it, because it did increase taxes on a small portion of the population that could afford it.

What Cantor and Ryan did support was the the BCA, which lead to the current sequestration. Of course the idea was that the threat of sequestration would force both sides to sit down and negotiate, which of course never happened.

I also beleive that specifics on the spending cuts should be brought before the American public as they should be a part of this, not just done behind closed doors. There should be a healthy discussion on the subject, not secret deals cut to favor special interests.

What do we know about the Romney/Ryan plan? Not much, just a few generalities. No specifics on their limits on deductions, no specifics on the actual tax rates, no specifics on the amount that deductions would be capped, no specifics on how they will fund the increased spending on the military without increasing taxes or increasing the deficit.

I also think the public should be informed on their plan for tax amnesty on offshore profits made by outsourcing American jobs, or their plan for territorial taxation which means that companies who move jobs offshore would not suffer any tax consequences for doing so.

I would like specific details, and I believe the American public deserves it.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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12 Oct 2012 19:42 #17 by otisptoadwater
Barry and Uncle Joe have no record to run on (other than failures and broken promises). Since they can't show off any positive accomplishments they have to attack their opponents. It's as simple as that.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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12 Oct 2012 19:45 #18 by LadyJazzer
So, as usual, you don't have anything intelligent to add to the OP and the issues...

Got it...

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12 Oct 2012 19:47 #19 by Something the Dog Said

otisptoadwater wrote: Ryan didn't have a lie as a catch phrase like Barry did back in 2008; "Hope and Change" will make everything better. Unlike the current administration, what Ryan alluded to regarding fixing the tax code is that Congress and the next administration will have to learn to work together. I prefer Ryan's answer to Barry's 2008 "trust me" catch phrase lie, I imagine I'm not alone on this point and I am willing to bet a large number of people who voted for Barry in 2008 have "evolved" as well.

So this response falls into the Obama did it too category and the deflect, deflect, deflect. Does anyone other than LOL have a direct answer to the query of the details of the Romney/Ryan plan and how it will impact the middle class.

The continued pattern of Obama did it too, deflect, deflect, deflect, and insult the poster is repetitive, tiresome and simply ignorant

I do appreciate that you recognize that Romney/Ryan have no plan whatsoever. The lack of any leadership in that area is frightening. It pretty much admits that they will cave in to the pressure of special interests. I do believe they have a plan and it will screw over the middle class while serving the interests of Wall Street.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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12 Oct 2012 19:49 #20 by Something the Dog Said

otisptoadwater wrote: Barry and Uncle Joe have no record to run on (other than failures and broken promises). Since they can't show off any positive accomplishments they have to attack their opponents. It's as simple as that.

So this falls into the deflect, deflect, and deflect. I do appreciate your irony in that you have yet to provide any positives to support Romney, and simply attack the President. Do you have a direct response to the query of this topic, other than that admitting that Romney/Ryan have no plan.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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