High Crimes & Misdeamenors???????

25 Jul 2010 15:06 #1 by Valle Girl
Posted on these forums and in other electronic communities I have read about the complaints and concerns this community has as it relates to the PC Sheriff’s Office, its leader and its officers. Many of these concerns are about potential criminal acts committed by these men and/or women.

It is critical that this community decide that this behavior is not going to continue in you county or town. You cannot allow your public servants, hired by you the people to ignore your pleas for help, your complaints relative to criminal activity in your neighborhood, your frightening experiences with those that were hired by you to not only serve, but also to protect.

Serve your lawful needs, and protect your rights. It is no longer okay just to complain about these things in these forums. You MUST be willing to act on your complaints without fear of retribution. It is your duty, for your safety, your child’s safety and as citizens of this country, this state, this county and your neighborhoods, and as parents of your children to come together and do something about the problems with your law enforcement in your community if indeed your complaints hold truth. Otherwise you are endorsing the behavior and the criminal activity if it is happening.

PLEASE contact news media outlets, attorney general, governor, FBI and any other office that may bring this problem to light so that a proper investigation can be done and we can reclaim our county. This is no longer just about who becomes Sheriff. It’s about whether any crimes have been committed by anyone in the Sheriff’s department and have not been prosecuted.

Very Serious claims have been made. Let's take care of business like honest and concerned citizens.

http://cbs4denver.com/investigates - Brian Maass
http://www.9news.com/news/investigative ... e_whistle/
http://www.thedenverchannel.com/call7in ... index.html - Tony Kobaleski
FBI - (303) 629-7171
Office of the Attorney General - .
- Peace Officers Standards and Training - .
http://www.kdvr.com/about/station/newst ... 3090.story – Heidi Hemmat

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26 Jul 2010 07:43 #2 by Tilt
Valle Girl, Good thoughts and ideas.
But reality-the current attorney general not interested in
vote fraud or politicians abusing peoples rights by doing
nothing when a crime is committed against them. Try him,
you will get a response that leans towards consumer retail
affairs, a fact.
The news stations will not retract when they error, making
them a tool of the corrupt?

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26 Jul 2010 08:39 #3 by CC
I think people have to keep trying and hopefully someone will stand up and do the right thing for once.

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26 Jul 2010 09:33 #4 by AV8OR
I pray they do sooner than later. Before more of our kids are harmed, before a deputy makes a bad stop on an honest citizen in a dark isolated area (accusing them of maybe - resisting arrest?).

Before the Colorado County collective pool of insurance tells Park County that they can no longer participate in the risk pool.

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26 Jul 2010 12:27 #5 by Valle Girl

AV8OR wrote: I pray they do sooner than later. Before more of our kids are harmed, before a deputy makes a bad stop on an honest citizen in a dark isolated area (accusing them of maybe - resisting arrest?).

Before the Colorado County collective pool of insurance tells Park County that they can no longer participate in the risk pool.

Avbor, Don't pray that other people start an outcry about what is happening in this county with criminals(?) running it. You "Just Do It" I have. We are getting closer to exposing what is happening but more citizens must get involved by continuing to call and/or write these agencies. When it's only one naturally they do not care, when it's 100 or 1000 or several thousand they will care and listen and investigate.

No noise no attention!!!!!

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26 Jul 2010 12:30 #6 by Valle Girl

Tilt wrote: Valle Girl, Good thoughts and ideas.
But reality-the current attorney general not interested in
vote fraud or politicians abusing peoples rights by doing
nothing when a crime is committed against them. Try him,
you will get a response that leans towards consumer retail
affairs, a fact.
The news stations will not retract when they error, making
them a tool of the corrupt?

Do Not be the fly in the ointment here my friend. With enough noise they will pay attention, but if you are one of those that think it won't do any good so you don't take action this county is doomed for destruction. May as well be one of those that only sleep here and don't care about what crimes may be being committed by our law enforcement and other county officials.

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26 Jul 2010 12:41 #7 by CC
I called the Secretary of State's Office today.
It doesn't take that much time to put yourself on the record.

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26 Jul 2010 15:21 #8 by 40coupe
Excellent post, Valle Girl!! Friends, if you all are tired of the cronyism, nepotism and crooked dealings that have become commonplace in Park County, then please proceed with the suggestions offered above! To remain silent is to condone the G.O.B. tactics and dealings. And VOTE!!

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