Camp Pendleton Marine shot to death by police

13 Nov 2012 20:18 #11 by archer
Care to answer the question of what was demeaning about raees post, or will you apologize for your snarky accusatory post.

Oh, you forgot....I'm done caring about your attacks and insults directed at me....they are just so much noise, but no, I'm not done posting and expressing my opinion about any post on this board. Ain't freedom great?

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13 Nov 2012 20:24 #12 by navycpo7
Let me see if I can explain this. As some on here who ran thier mouths about all Becky talked about was war(even though I know the SOB that said that is a liar). We in the military are under civilian authority. We are sent in war situations at the will of the civilian authority in Washington. The orders we get come from our superiors. We do our JOB and we do it well. The civilian authority makes our ROE, tell us what we can and cannot do in combat. Yet we go over there, we do the best we can with what we are given to attempt to follow the BS ROE. We watch our buddies, shipmates, etc get killed or maimed. We come home and a lot of folks think (seriously lack thereof) that we are fine and why do we have problems. Enough said, ole saying, if you wasn't there, you will never understand. Not meant to demean but it is a fact.

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13 Nov 2012 20:32 #13 by archer
Having spent a lot of time talking with my brother after he did 4 tours of duty in Nam.... I do understand what you are saying.....but what does that have too do with raees post....I thought the question asked was appropriate.

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13 Nov 2012 20:51 #14 by CC
Whine knows the answer. Nuf said.
I find the topics whine chooses to participate in today very interesting LOL.

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13 Nov 2012 21:01 #15 by otisptoadwater

It's easy to sit back in the comfort of your home and speculate about what it might be like to be living and working in a theater of war. It's a whole other animal to actually be in a theater of war, hands tied by the rules of engagement, and coming home with that experience. Even so, many of our Service Men and Women go back and volunteer to do it all over again because they recognize that the job has to be done. The consequences of not addressing threats to our National Security and the National Security of our Allies are far too great to ignore.

Military service is not compulsory in the United States, that's probably a good thing because those who are too emotionally unstable to serve have the freedom to do something else with their lives. Even those who are stable enough to serve can be and often are unnerved by too much trauma, especially when the Rules of Engagement suppress what seems like a reasonable response to an act of violence on the Enemy's part.

Regardless, this incident and those like it are tragic and nothing good will ever come from these kinds of incidents. It's my opinion that the DoD should increase their efforts to assess Service Members as they return from theaters of war and ensure that those who need or express a desire for assistance receive it. I know there are some very basic programs already in place, I just think the DoD could do more. Veterans need to remain engaged with those serving today and share our experiences with them. There are no magic answers, it's normal to be affected by events that occur in a Theater of War but it's not acceptable to allow a fellow service member to get so far off track that they lash out, become depressed, and harm themselves and or others. Lecture from my inner Chief Petty Officer ends here.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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13 Nov 2012 21:35 #16 by CC

Raees wrote: I wonder what triggered this? He had served a tour in Afghanistan.

DeVillena was shot and killed by Palm Springs police in a parking garage early Saturday morning. Police say DeVillena and his friend began yelling derogatory comments toward two officers on bike patrol at which point, the officers instructed DeVillena to turn off his car. Police say he refused, which prompted one of the officers to climb through his passenger side window. Police say that's when DeVillena began stepping on the gas. "The suspect accelerated directly toward the second officer striking him, and continued on with the initial officer suspended from the passenger side window," Palm Spring Police Chief Al Franz said.

Police say the officers feared for their lives and began shooting at DeVillena. He was pronounced dead shortly after. ... id=8883377

here is a part of the article that whine cherry pick omitted....

Corral says the DeVillena he knew was polite and friendly. He wonders if his alleged behavior was the result of any emotional hardship he may have endured overseas. "Unfortunately, they come back and some of them, they have a hard time coping to society," he told ABC7 News.

Now the article states what is believed to trigger this yet whine asks the "innocent" question
"I wonder what triggered this?"
He is either baiting or deflecting and neither are admirable.

as for the subject matter and the tragic loss of a fine Marine......we will see cuts to the military for these very issues under the current administration.
Seems a little hypocritical to support an administration that will continue to do less and less for the men and women who have served this nation so well.
This is a matter how you look at it.

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14 Nov 2012 02:11 #17 by Jekyll
If you knew me in person, you would know that I'm an extra patriotic civilian....however....PTSD in mind, the guy slammed the gas pedal with an officer hanging in his window (partly the officers fault, but hey, they're human) and purposefully RAN INTO another officer. Not sure how many times they shot the guy, but I'm sure it was a few. One of my bro in laws served separate tours in Iraq and Afghan, has PTSD and has gotten help and learned to deal with it. Actually going hunting (please hold the jokes) with him over Thanksgiving. Telling me "well, certain people just can't deal" won't cut it, I'm sorry. There's tons of resources nowadays compared to NAM times (seriously). I feel horrible for this guy, but he did a seriously fu***d up deed and got the consequences. Condolences to him, his family and his friends.

Edit: Not to rub salt in the wound, buuuuut, the incident happened AFTER he was done heckling some bicycle cops. Dude, wtf? That ain't disciplined behavior, that's horse feces. He disgraced himself and everyone associated with his name, CORPS included.

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14 Nov 2012 05:55 #18 by Local_Historian
I'll poke a stick in this.

Suffice it to say, the Marine Corps is not what the older gentlmen who served remember. Here's why I say this- Son, as some of you know, went in 14 months ago. He went in expecting the old style Marines, what people expect Marines to be. Yet during basic, he found dishonorable behavior overlooked regularly. When he got to his current base, some of the women Marines were discharged for having a stripper pole in their barracks and doing "shows". Many of his fellow Marines- his age (not quite 20)- a regularly drunk and regularly bait the locals, much in the manner of the young man in the story that started thisonline firefight.

Because of this type of behavior, son's fiances's family doesn't even want to meet him, because dad was a Marine and saw what the other guys do, brother the same, and they all assume that he is one of "those" Marines. Unfair bull, but NOTHING is being done to improve the behavior of his mates. (On the other hand, her parents need to unbend and actually meet a person before making a judgement call- so that is their fault.)

Marines are still the first in, Marines are still the hardest group to get into, Marines can be honorable, decent guys. However, there's enough that are pulling stupid stupid crap that it end up in news stories, it ends up coloring people's views about what and who a Marine is, it ends up with sad, pointless stories like this - there was no reason for this, and no call for it. If it had been any civilian, we wouldn't even see this story.

Straight up, this behavior was a discrace to the Marines- PTSD or no- and the Marines need to tighten up their ship and clean out the guys who are pulling this kind of thing, so the men and women who are MARINES can continue their careers and not be booted out because of military cutbacks. I still support Marines and am damn proud of my son - Lance Corporal now, BTW- but I don't support the bad behavior in any group.

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14 Nov 2012 06:16 #19 by CC
The Marines call it the 10% rule.
10%.....just like the real world are POS
Your son can choose to be old school and lead or fall prey to this new world order we find ourselves in these days.
A good deal of the changes we have seen in the Marines in the last 10 years are brought on by demands and complaints from civilians that say the discipline in the USMC is just to hard on their children.
Complaints are so prevalent that a jeep now takes their backpacks up Mt Mother for them in boot camp.

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14 Nov 2012 06:32 #20 by navycpo7

archer wrote: Having spent a lot of time talking with my brother after he did 4 tours of duty in Nam.... I do understand what you are saying.....but what does that have too do with raees post....I thought the question asked was appropriate.

Archer, raees asked a question, mine was an answer to that question.

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