You are funny!
1. "The Media" is a bunch of private companies, what do I expect from private companies....nothing in particular.
2. I am all over the news and the net, and I somehow have not heard a thing about Tiger since his stupid restricted speech, you must be looking for such things. (admit it)
3. The birth certificate has been settled, (1) via proof of the actual certificate, maybe not to you, but it has been produced...but who cares the people voted. If the people want to vote in a 9 year old lesbian (look it up) without a birth certificate from China, who cares, the people voted. If the people want it, I see no reason that the birth certificate should hold up anyone anyway.
4. You want to see Michelle's thesis, call Princeton, I am sure they have it on file, but if it was not published, YOU may have NO right to see it. (again princeton is a private firm)
5. How one pays for their education is not public record, except for primary and secondary public schooling, don't see issue here. Call them and ask them (have you tried this before complaining about meaningless stuff).
6. Who cares which country issued a visa, it was issued, and it is far in the past. We do have a right to travel. no. Did he commit acts of terror, no proof yet.
7. The only grades that really matter for Obama are his voting records and the numbers that voted for him.....
SO despite the fact that I am not really into him, despite the fact that you are also on the loosing team, he won, he is pres and most of your friends and neighbors voted for him....way more than Bush. The issues you bring up are petty, resolved or not issues at all. Actually sounds like a 3rd grader who did not get his way and says something like, but Johnny got the glue last week, I hate pizza for lunch so they should never serve it and my mom said I don't have to do that.
You can say anything you want, but it will sound much better if you talk about real issues that effect people, there are plenty of them out there and past grades that matter not are far less important than more debt than we can handle (privately, locally, statewide, nationally, internationally).
As you have made it clear that you are older, perhaps even aware of some traditions, I will let you in on one...
. I have no problem with this, I took your rant about things that effect no one as a yelling rant.
So with all the crap going down in the world, you yelled your brains out about reporting of TIGER and OBAMAS grades? Did someone get raped or killed yesterday? Perhaps someone got screwed by some government entity, who cares, Obama got a "C", let's crucify him. Again, I am not even an Obama supporter.
Now Palin's grades, thems be important. Take all the standardized tests given to kids these days and give them to Obama, Palin, Bush and McCain. I would bet money that Obama score would more than the other 3 combined. Even if I do not like all his policies, he is one of the smarter people to come close to this office in a decade. Bush won the election for Obama, have complaints, send them to those that voted for Bush the second time around and changed their minds within weeks, they got Obama elected.