Major gun legislation will be heard in committees on Monday. Please speak at these meetings if you can! Also, please let us know if you want to attend the meeting, but need additional information.
Judiciary Committee (Old Supreme Court Chambers, second floor of the Capitol)
SB 195--CCW training
SB 196--Assault Weapons ban
HB 1224--Limiting the size of magazines
SB ?--Prohibition of gun possession while under a restraining order
State Affairs Committee (Senate Committee RM 356, third floor of the Capitol)
HB 1226 Prohibiting Concealed Carry on college campus.
HB 1228 Background fees (Poll Tax)
HB 1229 Universal Background Checks
Each witness in each committee will be given a number indicating the order in which they will testify (think Deli Counter numbered tickets). Each witness will be given THREE (3) minutes TOTAL to speak on any/all of the bills being heard before the that specific committee. This will hopefully allow all interested citizens the ability to testify before both committees with the knowledge that they will not lose their place in line in either of the two committees.
Please have your comments well prepared and practiced to ensure that they are within the allowed three minute time period.
If you are unable to attend on Monday afternoon please feel free to call or email any of the members of the two committee and let them know your position on the bills.
Chairman Guzman--303-866-4862
Vice Chairman Ulibarri--303-866-4857
Senator Aguilar--303-866-4852
Senator King--303-866-3077
Senator Lundberg--303-866-4853
State, Veterans and Military Affairs
Chairman Giron--303-866-4878
Vice Chairman Jones--303-866-5291
Senator Crowder--303-866-4875
Senator Harvey--303-866-4881
Senator Hudak--303-866-4840
Tell your legislators to vote NO on HB 1224, 1226, 1228, and 1229!
• HB-1224: Bans all magazines that hold more than 15 rounds.
• HB-1226: Bans armed self-defense on college campuses; expanding criminal safe-zones to all state college and university campuses.
• HB-1228: Imposes a Jim Crow-style gun tax on all purchases. This legislation has no limit on the amount the CBI could charge for a background check.
• HB-1229: Bans the private sale of firearms and institutes universal background checks/gun registration for all Colorado gun owners.