Former Inter-Canyon Fire chief allegedly embezzled $643,000

18 Oct 2013 10:09 #11 by Reverend Revelant

Science Chic wrote:

I believe the next court date is December so we'll check back then for an update.

und Sie werden es in der Campfire senden :angry:

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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18 Oct 2013 10:17 #12 by ScienceChic
Wahrscheinlich werde ich, aber mit viel Liebe und Zuneigung

tongue: :wave:

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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18 Oct 2013 10:34 #13 by FOS
Have to agree with SC and JF on this one.
As a reader, it is hard to follow so many different conversations about one subject. The campfire is more about local news. When it becomes heated or debated or moves to a political issue....then it should come over here (IMO)
The story started out just as a news story of interest to locals. Nothing political.....just criminal.
I always start at the index page....scroll through then move to the campfire and then on to the Courthouse or ring. But.....that is just me.
Walter....there are lots of great threads that you would enjoy in the Campfire. I personally would enjoy your sense of humor in many of them.

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18 Oct 2013 10:52 #14 by Reverend Revelant

Science Chic wrote: Wahrscheinlich werde ich, aber mit viel Liebe und Zuneigung

tongue: :wave:

I was practicing my German for next months trip... you're lucky I didn't throw the Czech at ya... talk about a tongue twisting language. I'm thinking of keeping my mouth shut the whole time I'm in the Czech Republic.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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18 Oct 2013 10:55 #15 by ScienceChic
"I'm thinking of keeping my mouth shut the whole time I'm in the Czech Republic."

:rofllol Can we start a betting pool on whether this is even possible! :wink:

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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19 Oct 2013 06:12 #16 by The Boss
I thought that was what the local fire districts were for, funneling money to those that lead them? In 6 years of reading about these govt mandated businesses, that is most of what I read about. They get too much money, so they find ways to take it home and then everyone pushes to vote them more money.

I assume Colorado kids grow up accepting this system like the mob, it is just those of us that expect different that cause the problem.

Respect to those that put their lives on the line, but no respect if you do that and then help one of your coworker take the public's money. You are still scum.

Why not some citizen review boards around here for fire and police, it seems to be constant news that they are accused of not being honest.

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19 Oct 2013 06:53 #17 by Reverend Revelant

on that note wrote: I thought that was what the local fire districts were for, funneling money to those that lead them? In 6 years of reading about these govt mandated businesses, that is most of what I read about. They get too much money, so they find ways to take it home and then everyone pushes to vote them more money.

I assume Colorado kids grow up accepting this system like the mob, it is just those of us that expect different that cause the problem.

Respect to those that put their lives on the line, but no respect if you do that and then help one of your coworker take the public's money. You are still scum.

Why not some citizen review boards around here for fire and police, it seems to be constant news that they are accused of not being honest.

Curious. What fire protection district covers your location?

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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19 Oct 2013 08:56 #18 by Venturer

Science Chic wrote:
Back on topic, I too would love to see what WindPeak has to say about this, but I'm sure it wouldn't change their mind about how they feel about ECFPD - they obviously have their mind made up and no amount of facts presented, even from an article in the Flume in which the author never once said their own opinion of "Vote Yes" or "Vote No", just presented the issue and information, is going to make them budge. WindPeak made many comments that were obviously not true, and even when presented with video proof otherwise, still held to their own misinformed opinions. Despite the fact that s/he has compared ECFPD and ICFPD, they did so on the very narrow issue of a department in turmoil not asking for tax increases. ICFPD is, and has been, in turmoil but isn't asking for a tax. ECFPD is not in turmoil and is asking for a tax increase, but nothing anyone says will convince him/her that ECFPD is not in turmoil. Denial is a powerful thing.

Inter-Canyon is a fine department with many fine volunteers. As Michael Davis said, I hope the alleged actions of one person does not cause people to lose faith in the entire department - their board did turn him into the DA once they realized there was something amiss. I hope this issue is resolved quickly for them and they are able to recover. I believe the next court date is December so we'll check back then for an update.

Hey you fu***** bi***, this is one of WP's nieces, she is in the hospital due to complications from a recent surgery. I would have signed up on my own but won't give you the satisfaction.

You don't live in this district and while you have a business and pay taxes passed on by the owner of the property, you don't have one friggin vote in this issue. You don't own any property whatsoever.

You just come up here and cause trouble. You have made so many comments that aren't true.

Ask someone from the LNNF fire if they didn't change their fire districts before you go spouting off like you know something.

ECFD sucks and still sucks. The chief, nice as he is, is paid for by the district. He was brought in to promote an increase which will be used for union and other.

Like Davis said don't judge all in ICFD for one. All ECFD has done is fight and get rid of their really good volunteer firefighters. Talk to them sometime before you open your mouth like you know something. You know squat. Now family and friends will go Vote NO on 4A.

P.S. I let WP know I would come on. Now go FY.

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19 Oct 2013 15:16 #19 by ScienceChic
I am sorry to hear that your aunt isn't doing well, I wish her a speedy and full recovery.

I did ask a Kuehster Rd homeowner whether they had opted out of ECFPD and their reply was no, they've always been in ICFPD's district. I also asked ECFPD, and Kuehster Rd has never been in their district lines. There has been some confusion in the past because the section of Kuehster Road shown in the Jeffco maps in Elk Creek is no longer named Kuehster Road; it was renamed to Gooseberry Lane due to confusion between it and South Kuehster. If you know of information otherwise, I would appreciate if you could provide proof that says so.

I have also spoken with the ECFPD firefighters, I've attended a couple of their membership meetings, I've seen them at BOD meetings, I went to the Open House and toured the fully open station, I've watched them (and the other area depts) play together at the Big Chili Cookoff, Mt Lugo Luge, Barrel Stave Downhill Ski, and Conifer Christmas Parade - I see a group that is united, cohesive, and committed to this community. I see a group that is in full support of its board and its Chief. What have you seen and where?

What comments of mine have been untrue?

I don't call names and be nasty, but I'm not going to pull my punches and be anything but bluntly honest either. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but everyone knows where they stand with me and what to expect of me. Just because I don't live in the district doesn't mean I'm "trying to cause trouble", but definitely does mean that I will step up when it's the right thing to do for the community because I did live here, I have friends who live and work here, and I work here and support this community. Not only do I pay through my rent, but I've donated money to the department voluntarily as well, in addition to hours of my time recording meetings for everyone to stay informed. And will continue to do so as long as it is run with integrity for this community. All I've done is provide information and answer questions, and ask questions of my own. You are free to vote however you like, and I thank you for participating in our democratic process. No, I can't vote on this issue, but I can make my voice heard and last I checked, that's not a crime or worthy of such condemnation as you've heaped on those of us in support of this measure.

If you don't agree with how ECFPD, or any local district is run, then get involved. I have attended almost every ECFPD BOD meeting for the last year and a half. You know how many people showed up to the last one to hear the Chief present his 2014 Budget? Three - me, Michael Davis, and one other FOECF member (Daniel Laverty from HTT popped in briefly, but had to run to another meeting).
You know how many usually show up, not counting firefighters and press? 0-3.
You know how many people voted in the last election for a BOD member? 171 out of over 5,000 in the district. Way to make your voices heard. BTW, I supported Grady in that campaign, and posted publicly on his behalf.
If you want to become informed, if you want things to change, then you all have to get actively involved.

A mill levy has been proposed because the department has never had one passed in the last 40 years and they've cut what they can and justified their need. Revenue is down and expenses are up - for everyone, including the fire districts. If you have other solutions, they'd be delighted to hear them. Complaints about how things have been run, or opinions about how things are without documented evidence to back up those claims, and no solutions as to how to make the department better are useless at best, counter-productive and harmful at worst. The proposed 2014 budget has been posted - I've not seen a single good recommendation to save money from what's proposed, or how to fund new equipment and gear for the firefighters, and pay for maintenance on the facilities - just like we have to do maintenance on our homes. Repairs of, and patches to, existing equipment do not solve the upcoming 2014 ISO rating review problem, and only kick the can down the road more and will cost more in the long run because those trucks will still need to be replaced in the near future. If not at 25 years of life, then when? 30? 35? Will you be up for passing a mill levy in the next 5 years, or 10? What they are asking for is pittance compared to what will be paid in insurance. What makes more sense? Your local fire department having to lower what level of service it can provide, continue operating with trucks that are past their lifespan and rating credit, have to cut more from its budget and do things like possibly close stations to save costs, AND have your insurance rates go up because the ISO rating is downgraded from a 5 to an 8 or 10? You don't have to believe Jennifer - call every other insurance agent up here and ask them what will happen for those homeowners within 5 miles of Station 1 if ECFPD goes to an 8 or 10.

Then call the local realtors and ask them if they think they'll have a tougher time selling homes to people when they find out what their insurance will cost, and that they have a fire department that has 25+ year old equipment and for many in the area the insurance companies basically consider them as if they don't even have a responding fire department. Ask local businesses what will happen when more homes sit empty and there are fewer customers patronizing them. This issue affects us all and will trickle down and up the board. It may cost businesses more to pay the tax, but their insurance rates will go up as well if it isn't passed, and all those costs will be passed on to us. Look at the big picture - it matters.

Again, I am sorry to hear that your aunt is not doing well, WindPeak's niece, and I hope she gets better soon. It is not my intention to upset anyone, but I will hold to my principles and speak up when I have learned all I can about an issue and feel it's for the best for the community. You are free to vote how you like, all I've asked is that you learn what's really going on and decide what's best for this whole community. The community will decide for itself and however it turns out, I know the members of this department will continue to serve as best they can, and I will continue to support it as best I can. Because it's the right thing to do.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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19 Oct 2013 16:41 #20 by FOS
:like: :like: :like: :fwave: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :idea: :idea: :fwave: :fwave: :fwave: :biggrin: :biggrin: :heart:

we need more smily's

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