Tea Party is not demanding purity; it is demanding sanity

21 Oct 2013 12:08 #1 by Blazer Bob
http://forums.corvetteforum.com/politic ... emory.html

..."Just prior to the Tea Party's existence, Republicans had 178 seats in the House and 41 in the Senate. Today, two elections post-Tea Party, they have 234 seats in the House and 45 in the Senate. Go ahead, blame the Tea Party.

People whining about the Tea Party are the real "purists." They expect miracles from the Tea Party while accepting all the excuses in the world from non-Tea Partiers. Let's review how this all started, shall we?

It was in the elections of 2006 that Republicans lost control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. And it was in 2008 that Democrats won the presidency and gained even larger majorities in both houses of Congress.

Now, what had happened prior to that? The Tea Party didn't even exist, remember? What happened was that Republicans had everything at the national level -- House, Senate, and president -- for the first time since 1954. And they were not very Tea Party.

They forced Medicare Part D on us using the same kind of parliamentary shenanigans that the Democrats used with ObamaCare. That was the largest expansion of entitlements since LBJ. It would add almost $8 trillion to our unfunded liabilities.
They teamed up with Democrats like Ted Kennedy to give us Campaign Finance Reform and No Child Left Behind.
They increased federal spending from 18.2% of GDP in 2000 (the lowest level of spending since 1966) to 20.8% in 2008. That cannot all be blamed on war spending, either.
They mandated more ethanol in gasoline.
They expanded Clinton's Americorps.
President Bush signed onto legislation outlawing light bulbs.
And President Bush gave us the TARP bailout, which most Republicans in Congress voted for.
And this might be news to some of you: President Bush didn't deregulate anything. He increased the number of regulations, the number of people regulating, and the dollars being spent on regulating.

That is why we are in the mess we're in. The Tea Party is not demanding purity; it is demanding sanity."...

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21 Oct 2013 12:23 #2 by archer
Sanity has to start within......the Tea Party has shown over, and over, again that when given a little power they want it all, and will do whatever damage they can to the people and the economy to impose their will. This country is not run by conservatives nor liberals, it is run by both. The American people are as divided as the 2 parties, and what they deserve is for those two views of what is best for our country be reconciled...

I am tired of hearing that the Tea Party represents the ONLY path to take, it doesn't. They either have to learn that it isn't "their way or the highway" when they do not hold ALL the power in government, or they will soon become just a footnote in the history books. The American people seem pretty content with government divided, right and left. The pendulum may swing one way or another, but GOD help us if it ever stops swinging........then we would have a dictatorship.

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21 Oct 2013 12:53 #3 by Whatevergreen

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21 Oct 2013 13:10 #4 by FredHayek
Archer: the country is run by both sides. Really? Then ACA should have been negotiated instead of rammed down America's throat when the Dems held the House, Senate, and the Presidency for a few short months.

And now when Americans complain about ACA, they are told it is the law of the land and quit your bitching.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Oct 2013 13:43 #5 by homeagain
AHEM, do the research ( I have).....the MAJORITY of American's are down the middle.....the
Tea Party's "scorch the earth and poison the wells" is NOT what the General "down the middle"
American wants....they want a government that WILL WORK TOGETHER and SOLVE PROBLEMS.

THAT is not what is happening...NOT with the D's and NOT with the R's and CERTAINLY not with
the Tea Party.....the partisan politics have pissed off the populace and the WORLD....if it does
not change you will see American's standings drop, just not to 2nd, but to the lowest common
denominator....the bottom,kinda like Greece. JMO

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21 Oct 2013 13:59 #6 by Rick

homeagain wrote: AHEM, do the research ( I have).....the MAJORITY of American's are down the middle.....the
Tea Party's "scorch the earth and poison the wells" is NOT what the General "down the middle"
American wants....they want a government that WILL WORK TOGETHER and SOLVE PROBLEMS.

THAT is not what is happening...NOT with the D's and NOT with the R's and CERTAINLY not with
the Tea Party.....the partisan politics have pissed off the populace and the WORLD....if it does
not change you will see American's standings drop, just not to 2nd, but to the lowest common
denominator....the bottom,kinda like Greece. JMO

First you talk about some sort of "scorched earth" policy by the TP (who are all these earth scorchers you speak of?)... Then you make a comparison to Greece (something the TP ideology wants to prevent).

Just curious HA, do you even realize why Greece is in so much trouble? Do you believe the TP is wrong in believing uncontrollable spending will send us to that same fate?

And you say that partiisan politics have pissed off the populace of the world... BFD! When has the populace of the world ever been happy with what we do other than coming to the rescue any time there is a natural disaster?

If you believe nobody should go against the grain in Washington, that must mean you think Washington is healthy and doesn't need to reformed top to bottom. I would disagree. If the Tea Party is stirring up the dirty water, then I'm all for it. Someone has to have tthe balls to stand up and at least attempt to fix what is badly broken.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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21 Oct 2013 14:12 #7 by homeagain

Rick wrote:

homeagain wrote: AHEM, do the research ( I have).....the MAJORITY of American's are down the middle.....the
Tea Party's "scorch the earth and poison the wells" is NOT what the General "down the middle"
American wants....they want a government that WILL WORK TOGETHER and SOLVE PROBLEMS.

THAT is not what is happening...NOT with the D's and NOT with the R's and CERTAINLY not with
the Tea Party.....the partisan politics have pissed off the populace and the WORLD....if it does
not change you will see American's standings drop, just not to 2nd, but to the lowest common
denominator....the bottom,kinda like Greece. JMO

First you talk about some sort of "scorched earth" policy by the TP (who are all these earth scorchers you speak of?)... Then you make a comparison to Greece (something the TP ideology wants to prevent).

Just curious HA, do you even realize why Greece is in so much trouble? Do you believe the TP is wrong in believing uncontrollable spending will send us to that same fate?

And you say that partiisan politics have pissed off the populace of the world... BFD! When has the populace of the world ever been happy with what we do other than coming to the rescue any time there is a natural disaster?

If you believe nobody should go against the grain in Washington, that must mean you think Washington is healthy and doesn't need to reformed top to bottom. I would disagree. If the Tea Party is stirring up the dirty water, then I'm all for it. Someone has to have tthe balls to stand up and at least attempt to fix what is badly broken.

The bolded.....were you UNaware that the R's "caved" because S&P was MINUTES away from
downgrading us to SELECTIVE DEFAULT.....the lowest rating....meaning that the government
is not capable of financial stability (Greece) and is not qualified to borrow.....the "scorch the
earth" mentality ALMOST thru us over the edge....(and we WILL be hanging by a thread IF
the scenario is repeated.......the cavalier attitude of BFD is fool hearted because WE, as a
nation, are at risk of losing are ass......the rest of the world is looking to REPLACE the US dollar
because of our stupidity/inability to govern.....aka as NOT a good credit risk.....worthless
monetary policy....PRINTING MONEY DOES NOT QUALIFY AS GOOD POLICY......do the research.

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21 Oct 2013 14:35 #8 by archer

FredHayek wrote: Archer: the country is run by both sides. Really? Then ACA should have been negotiated instead of rammed down America's throat when the Dems held the House, Senate, and the Presidency for a few short months.

And now when Americans complain about ACA, they are told it is the law of the land and quit your bitching.

Go back to the beginning of the ACA Fred....the democrats and Obama tried to get the Republicans to participate in crafting this law. And, true to form, all the Republicans said was no, no, no. Their only goal was to make Obama a one term president, they had no intention in helping provide the American people with affordable health insurance. I'll bet you can find numerous instances of Obama inviting republicans to participate, he emphasized that the democrats welcomed any and all ideas to improve the law. But the Republicans just flat out weren't interested. Spin this however you want, the Republicans had a chance to give their input and walked away. They much prefer to bitch about it later than engage in the hard work of actually creating a law.

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21 Oct 2013 14:50 #9 by FredHayek
Archer, you are the one spinning. Serious negotiations were never attempted. Obama, Pelosi and Reid realized they didn't need the Republicans, the GOP was dead according to the press, ACA passes, then BOOM! The TEA Party is created, Pelosi is fired, the GOP regains Senate seats.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Oct 2013 15:58 #10 by archer
Have another glass of the GOP kool-aid fred, really, I understand it can change history and make the conservative minions believe whatever the Republicans want them to believe.

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