Tea Party is not demanding purity; it is demanding sanity

21 Oct 2013 16:48 #11 by Grady

archer wrote:

FredHayek wrote: Archer: the country is run by both sides. Really? Then ACA should have been negotiated instead of rammed down America's throat when the Dems held the House, Senate, and the Presidency for a few short months.

And now when Americans complain about ACA, they are told it is the law of the land and quit your bitching.

Go back to the beginning of the ACA Fred....the democrats and Obama tried to get the Republicans to participate in crafting this law. And, true to form, all the Republicans said was no, no, no. Their only goal was to make Obama a one term president, they had no intention in helping provide the American people with affordable health insurance. I'll bet you can find numerous instances of Obama inviting republicans to participate, he emphasized that the democrats welcomed any and all ideas to improve the law. But the Republicans just flat out weren't interested. Spin this however you want, the Republicans had a chance to give their input and walked away. They much prefer to bitch about it later than engage in the hard work of actually creating a law.

Archer you do see things is a different light. :dislike:

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21 Oct 2013 17:07 #12 by Blazer Bob
It's true. Republicans wrote the ACA. I read it on the internet.

"Didn't Republicans write Obamacare?
Docta C asked 3 years ago
So why are they so against it now? Is it because a Democrat signed it?"

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 500AAUpuhN

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21 Oct 2013 17:09 #13 by Reverend Revelant

archer wrote:

... they had no intention in helping provide the American people with affordable health insurance.


And evidently neither does the Obama administration. Have you tried to use their website? :rofllol :rofllol :rofllol

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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21 Oct 2013 17:16 #14 by archer
Unfortunately Republicans declined to have anything to do with the ACA....they had their chance to participate, and declined.....so whatever bitching they do now is just so much noise.....and after 40+ trys to either defund, or remove parts of the ACA, most all failed.....so maybe it's just time for them to put up, or shut up. People aren't going to give back the opportunity to have their children on their insurance till 26, nor will they give up the ability to get insurance with a pre-existing condition, or the removal of the coverage cap. Not going to happen....

But the Tea Party will continue to beat the dead horse of repealing Obamacare until the only thing dead is their hope of electing a Tea Party president (or even a Republican President). In the ever so clever words of another poster here....just keep doin' what yer doin'.......how has it worked out for you so far??????

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21 Oct 2013 17:48 #15 by FredHayek
Just keep doing what you are doing? Sounds like ACA. After four years to prepare the website for 20 million expected people without insurance....how many are signed up with a due date of less than six months? The Republicans wanted to delay ACA by a year. Obama looks like he is already doing that.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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21 Oct 2013 18:39 #16 by Rick

archer wrote: Unfortunately Republicans declined to have anything to do with the ACA....they had their chance to participate, and declined.....so whatever bitching they do now is just so much noise.....and after 40+ trys to either defund, or remove parts of the ACA, most all failed.....so maybe it's just time for them to put up, or shut up. People aren't going to give back the opportunity to have their children on their insurance till 26, nor will they give up the ability to get insurance with a pre-existing condition, or the removal of the coverage cap. Not going to happen....

But the Tea Party will continue to beat the dead horse of repealing Obamacare until the only thing dead is their hope of electing a Tea Party president (or even a Republican President). In the ever so clever words of another poster here....just keep doin' what yer doin'.......how has it worked out for you so far??????

Do you believe the ACA was constructed in a very transparent way archer?
Do you believe Republican voters have the same expectations from their elected leaders as Dem voters do? That is, if I don't like the meat of the ACA (except for a few provisions that could have been mandated seperately without 3000 pages of new regulaions)... why is it wrong for my elected leaders to fight for what I want or don't want? If the ACA is as successful as world peace and can not work due to basic math, won't all the people who have been fighting against it be exonerated? And if it works as promised, won't that ensure Democratic victories from here to eternity?

You should be thrilled this fight happened if you really believe the ACA will work... otherwise you should be very worried.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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21 Oct 2013 20:07 #17 by Blazer Bob

Rick wrote:

archer wrote: Unfortunately Republicans declined to have anything to do with the ACA....they had their chance to participate, and declined.....so whatever bitching they do now is just so much noise.....and after 40+ trys to either defund, or remove parts of the ACA, most all failed.....so maybe it's just time for them to put up, or shut up. People aren't going to give back the opportunity to have their children on their insurance till 26, nor will they give up the ability to get insurance with a pre-existing condition, or the removal of the coverage cap. Not going to happen....

But the Tea Party will continue to beat the dead horse of repealing Obamacare until the only thing dead is their hope of electing a Tea Party president (or even a Republican President). In the ever so clever words of another poster here....just keep doin' what yer doin'.......how has it worked out for you so far??????

Do you believe the ACA was constructed in a very transparent way archer?
Do you believe Republican voters have the same expectations from their elected leaders as Dem voters do? That is, if I don't like the meat of the ACA (except for a few provisions that could have been mandated seperately without 3000 pages of new regulaions)... why is it wrong for my elected leaders to fight for what I want or don't want? If the ACA is as successful as world peace and can not work due to basic math, won't all the people who have been fighting against it be exonerated? And if it works as promised, won't that ensure Democratic victories from here to eternity?

You should be thrilled this fight happened if you really believe the ACA will work... otherwise you should be very worried.

Apparently it is not working. Good news for democrats. It is failing because republicans wrote it or because Obama begged for republican input and they refused. Win, win. d's are saints while r's are ignorant and stupid.

Meanwhile in other news the tea party is still the devil incarnate.

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21 Oct 2013 21:28 #18 by archer
Get your terminology straight....the ACA is not a website, it's a law and it will bring health insurance to many more people than had access to health insurance before. Many already benefit for those parts that have already been implemented.....26 yr olds on parents insurance for starters. And the elimination of caps and pre-existing conditions if not already in effect will start in 2014....these should NOT be delayed.

Yes, the web site is a problem, but people also have phones or can apply by mail. I sincerely hope the website will be fixed soon, but the web site is NOT the ACA. DUH.

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21 Oct 2013 21:56 #19 by otisptoadwater
So what you're saying is every US citizen should have just laid down and did what we were told?


archer, if I showed up on your door step promising to remodel your home for free wouldn't you be just a little suspicious? Barry promises universal healthcare way back in 2007, had four plus years to make it happen, now D-day has come and gone and now it's clear that the implementation of the ACA is a total failure. At what point in time do you finally come around to the facts? Don't bother with a reply - I already know what you're going to post. Consider my questions as rhetorical inquires.

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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21 Oct 2013 22:05 #20 by archer
The ACA never offered anything for free.

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