the Tea Party is alive and Occupy is dead

22 Dec 2014 16:01 #11 by Venturer
Rick, normally I agree with you. But freedom of speech to say what you think within limits by idiots like Sharpton, and others doesn't mean they are responsible for two cops being killed. The man who killed them is. There are issues within the Police Dept. Doesn't mean the majority are decadent, but a few give the need to review policies and make changes.

I doubt that a hands off approach when a police officer faces danger squarely in the face will be one of them.

Rick wrote:

BlazerBob wrote: One more nail in the coffin.

"Police officers turn their backs on New York Mayor Bill de Blasio as he is accused of having 'blood on his hands' over anti-police sentiments
Hundreds are attacking Mayor Bill de Blasio, President Barack Obama and Al Sharpton after the murder of two police officers in Brooklyn on Saturday
Many are saying that Mayor de Blasio has 'blood on his hands' and 'should be charged with murder'
Retired NYPD detective Harry Houck told CNN, 'I guess Al Sharpton got what he wanted'
A Move On petition demanding that Mayor de Blasio resign already has thousands of signatures
Sharpton has released a statement saying, 'We plan to hold a press conference in the morning to express our outrage and our condolences to the families and the police department'
Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik said, 'De Blasio, Sharpton and all those who encouraged this anti-cop, racist mentality all have blood on their hands'
Hundreds of officers lined the street at the Woodhull medical Center and silently saluted as the bodies of the two police officers were driven away Saturday evening
PUBLISHED: 17:56 EST, 20 December 2014 | UPDATED: 11:25 EST, 21 December 2014

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It's sad that a couple innocent cops have to die in order for the race-baiters to be silenced and or shamed, if only for a short time.

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22 Dec 2014 16:56 #12 by Rick
I don't hold race-baiters directly responsible for these killings, but their rhetoric and insinuations that cops are intentionally killing people of color does have an effect on public opinion. If we as a society spread this narrative without backing it up with facts, we do a grave disservice to the people tasked to protect us. If all cops decided to never raise a weapon against a black man again, the rate of black deaths would not change in any significant amount. But that's not the narrative being spread by protestors and black "leaders", they want us to believe that cops are profiling and hunting black folks down. So if you're a troubled black man and you believe this BS, doesn't this give you some incentive to fight those who are supposedly trying to kill you?

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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22 Dec 2014 17:15 #13 by Blazer Bob
They did it too to the n'th degree, sort of.

Let's Blame Conservatives For All the Killings They're Responsible For
—Kevin Drum on Sun. December 21, 2014 11:41 AM PDT...

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22 Dec 2014 23:13 #14 by Blazer Bob
I don't know what to say. This is a liberal reply to the original post. Except for her politics she seems a very decent older lady who's sidewalk I would shovel if she lived next door.
Hate to say it but I suspect she would not piss in my mouth if my guts were on fire.

My sentiments as well. Drum put down what the details of what I thought very nicely. We could a lot more to this list, especially if we start looking at international murders over the past 30 years.

I assume this means we can blame Bill O'Reilly for his 28 episodes of invective against "Tiller the Baby Killer" that eventually ended in the murder of Wichita abortion provider George Tiller by anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder. We can blame conservative talk radio for fueling the anti-government hysteria that led Timothy McVeigh to bomb a federal building in Oklahoma City. We can blame the relentless xenophobia of Fox News for the bombing of an Islamic Center in Joplin or the massacre of Sikh worshippers by a white supremacist in Wisconsin. We can blame the NRA for the mass shootings in Newtown and Aurora. We can blame Republicans for stoking the anti-IRS paranoia that prompted Andrew Joseph Stack to crash a private plane into an IRS building in Austin, killing two people. We can blame the Christian Right for the anti-gay paranoia that led the Westboro Baptist Church to picket the funeral of Matthew Snyder, a US Marine killed in Iraq, with signs that carried their signature "God Hates Fags" slogan. We can blame Sean Hannity for his repeated support of Cliven Bundy's "range war" against the BLM, which eventually motivated Jerad and Amanda Miller to kill five people in Las Vegas after participating in the Bundy standoff and declaring, "If they're going to come bring violence to us, well, if that's the language they want to speak, we'll learn it." And, of course, we can blame Rudy Giuliani and the entire conservative movement for their virtually unanimous indifference to the state-sanctioned police killings of black suspects over minor offenses in Ferguson and Staten Island, which apparently motivated the murder of the New York police officers on Saturday.

BlazerBob wrote: They did it too to the n'th degree, sort of.

Let's Blame Conservatives For All the Killings They're Responsible For
—Kevin Drum on Sun. December 21, 2014 11:41 AM PDT...

I guess we are all psychotic in our own special ways.

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