I think the Donald can appeal to both sides. Sometimes he supports gun rights, other times, he wants waiting periods and weapon bans. Sometimes he is against ACA and other times he wants a single payer system. He gives money to both Republicans and Democrat politicians.
I propose we end it all now and nominate Trump for both the Republican and Democrat nomination. the debates would be awesome between his mouth and his weave.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
"So let’s say a big passel of trouble comes a-rolling in your direction. It flattens the barn, trashes the crops, eats your loyal pet dog the way a fat SEC football fan would down a tray of nachos. It seems there’s just no stopping it and the hits keep a-coming. So how do you maneuver yourself off the hook? You probably can’t. You get some bad-*$$#d dude who can pull you off the hook.
It’s at this point that you dial 1-800-BAD-BACK. You dial the meanest, nastiest attorney you’ve ever heard of. You want the guy who enjoys swimming up Piranha Creek with a knife between his teeth. You don’t care if this guy is ideologically pure. You don’t even care if he likes or respects you all that much. That’s a luxury for people who currently haven’t been tied up and screwed. You point out who you feel the villains are and set him lose to rip off faces with no particular bag limit.
This is what a certain segment of America has done. They’ve hired The Donald because there wasn’t any Yellow Pages ad for The Cleaner and they believe the current opposition to The Progressive Movement and its attendant vile septic tank of a national culture is a mess. When The Donald tells someone they’re fired; these supporters have a nice, long list of who should be next."...
Nobody that matters wrote: I think Trump doing well in the polls is proof positive that a great many of our fellow voter aged citizens have completely lost their freakin minds.
There's about the same percentage on the other side that thinks a socialist ideology will make America well again.
Trump is VL with more money and more fame... brags about wealth, brags about his manhood, talks down to women, egomaniac, and narcissist to the extreme. That said, if I had to pick between him and Clinton or Sanders or Biden, I'd pick him as I was puking up my breakfast.
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.