Trump followers do not love Trump. Trump followers are just extremely angry at the GOP. Angry enough to destroy the GOP.
Trump? Count me in!
Well a lot of his supporters do love him, but I get your point and while I wasn't going to vote for him, I'm starting to change my mind because of how bad Hillary is and how unhinged the left has become. This could be the beginning of much more needed change, like term limits and REAL government accountability (at least that's what I hope). The establishment on both sides needs to be torn apart and rebuilt as the founders intended, or we really are headed for a fascist state.
As for the OP, this sentence describes how Obama was elected and has acted as much as how Trump is getting traction..
"Successful fascism was not about policies but about the strongman, the leader (Il Duce, Der Führer), in whom could be entrusted the fate of the nation. Whatever the problem, he could fix it. Whatever the threat, internal or external, he could vanquish it, and it was unnecessary for him to explain how."
But we know that after 7 1/2 years the problems are still there and many have gotten worse.
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.
Absolutely! Politicians are such liars that you do not know what they are for. Consider Hillary: she will tell a new set of lies because Sanders is getting a lot of very left wing younguns. After she defeats Sanders she will ignore those lies and try to go more to the middle of the road.
It is called "strategy". Strategy is another word for lies. Only problem is, the internet and 24 hour news cycle lets us know her lies in Alabama as apposed (sic) to California as apposed to Maine as apposed to Minnesota.
But I do not see how Trump could be immeasurably worse. She has given national state secrets to the whole world by having her private server. She was the architect of the Arab Winter (Spring?). She destabilized the Middle East. She has sold influence (influence peddling) to foreign countries while in Federal office (Clinton Foundation). (Only 20% of the donations to Clinton Foundation goes to charities.) She destroyed the reputations of the women that Bill Clinton raped and molested.
On and on and on.
How could Trump be worse? I am seriously asking for an answer.
hillfarmer wrote: So now you want a biggoted billionaire who will be immeasurably worse?
Sorry, I have to agree with Arlen's post.
For me it doesn't matter that he is a billionaire, if he really is. He was my very last choice of the Republicans and I wasn't even going to vote for him until recently. But I know for a fact how bad things will get if Hillary gets elected and isn't indicted like she should be. I know she will make the Supreme Court as liberal as possible and she's so clueless about how to grow an economy that she's got to depend on her husband for that (some feminist champion haha). If I really thought Bill had the answers to the economy it would be a little easier to swallow, but the whole "Clinton made the economy great" is a complete joke considering he was just lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time (see tech bubble).
Will I be happy about having to vote for Trump? Hell no, but I would rather gamble than vote for someone who has made a career out of lying to the American public while being paid by those same people. I don't like the way Trump speaks but I don't see him as a racist. If words make one a racist then we can put Obama, Biden, Reid, and other prominent Democrats in that same category. The fact that Trump wants to stop the flow of illegals and isn't worried about tapdancing around the fact that criminals and dependent people will be adding to our already struggling union for as long as that border is open, and it is open.
If nothing else is accomplished by a Trump election, it should at the very least show the GOP that enough of us are tired of them folding to the liberal policies that are expanding the dependent class (the ultimate goal to ensure perpetual Democratic control).. I also like that he calls out journalists who are nothing more than shills for the Democrats instead of watchdogs for the people.
I just don't see how he could be worse than Clinton, so I will hold my nose and hope for the best.
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.
I don't see any way to justify voting for Trump. He is a conman who ran a "University" whose main purpose was to con money from desperate students. He has this week shown his bigotry towards both Muslims and Mexicans by denigrating their moral capability to form unbiased judicial opinions. He promotes violence and a totally incoherent foreign policy which has a strong propensity for landing us in yet another Neo-con war. Anyone who supports those positions is making a moral choice that I disagree with completely.
hillfarmer wrote: So now you want a biggoted billionaire who will be immeasurably worse?
Is Trump really bigoted, or are those just his supporters? Trump does a lot of business in Arab nations, do you really think he hates them? He also uses Mexican factories to make his wares. So is this just an act to get a base to elect him?
A base that has seen their income decline under both Bush & Obama. Trade deals that deliver cheap goods but send manufacturing overseas. This base sees illegals taking their construction jobs and other good starter employment.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
What is the explanation for a man, who has never run for political office, getting the Republican nomination for President. All media are against him, some of the other Presidential nominees of the Republican party, who were so quick to raise their hands indicating that they would support the party nominee are now rescinding their pledges. Does anyone think that the American people are so stupid that they done see through the hypocrisy.
ramage wrote: What is the explanation for a man, who has never run for political office, getting the Republican nomination for President. All media are against him, some of the other Presidential nominees of the Republican party, who were so quick to raise their hands indicating that they would support the party nominee are now rescinding their pledges. Does anyone think that the American people are so stupid that they done see through the hypocrisy.
All of a sudden Jeb! seems a sane alternative. ??
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
It's interesting that Kagan writes: But what he has tapped into is what the founders most feared when they established the democratic republic: the popular passions unleashed, the “mobocracy.” Conservatives have been warning for decades about government suffocating liberty. But here is the other threat to liberty that Alexis de Tocqueville and the ancient philosophers warned about: that the people in a democracy, excited, angry and unconstrained, might run roughshod over even the institutions created to preserve their freedoms.
Not fact, but simply Kagan's opinion - that Trump is a fascist, and the mobs are lining up behind him to destroy freedom and democracy. He puts it in in writing, and it becomes the truth.
I see the "mobocracy" as those seeking to intimidate other Americans who are exercising their rights to attend a Trump rally and support anyone they choose to support. Throw eggs, throw a few punches, get your photo on Twizzle and Facespace. Democracy in action, eh?
Every coin has two sides. Anyone who really wants to flip that coin over should read Goldberg's Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change
Hillary Clinton has zero accomplishments in the plus column of her political career. Somehow a startling number of voters feel she is a leader, deserves the captain's seat, or that it's "her turn". She is a power-mongering career politician whose greatest skill is her ability to obfuscate the truth in any and all situations, and those who stand up to her are invariably part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.
Trump has more than his share of faults - but I believe that while Clinton wants the White House simply for the power trip, Trump actually wants to lead this nation. Huge, massive, immeasurable difference. The fact that Trump is taking the nomination proves that plenty of people in this country are sick and tired of the status quo, of the career politicians who feed off of the taxpayer teat and have somehow created their own little political dynasties. Hillary's only qualification for POTUS is that she's gamed the system for decades.
Trump is a Fascist? How is wanting to enforce the current immigration laws fascist? If America wants to increase legal immigration and make it easier, why hasn't it happened?
Is it facist to want Syrians applying for asylum from a war zone to be properly vetted?
If Trump is fascist, why are the radicals disrupting Trump events and not Sanders or Clinton events?
You might want to get a refresher course on fascism before you accuse someone of it.
The mobs are left leaning radicals not Republicans.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.