Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days

10 Nov 2016 11:18 #1 by ScienceChic
Thoughts? I'd love to see some of these come to fruition, and some, hell no. Specifically:
#1, 4, 5, & 6 under the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC list
nothing under the "protect American workers list until vetted by economists, and especially not #5, 6, or 7

For his legislation, I'd like to know what effect the Middle Class Tax will have on our budget and deficit.
#2 and #3, hell yeah
#4 perhaps
#5 if you're going to repeal the ACA, then there better be a damn good plan to replace it.
#6 sounds reasonable and I like the concept.
#7 is a pipe dream, no way is it realistic. I get that he campaigned on it and has to put it in there, but ain't gonna happen. Unless they want to keep us out. :P
#8 details please
#9 LOL - "rebuild our military"? From what? It hasn't decreased, military spending is at an all time high and constitutes the majority of our budget. The part about supporting our veterans with better services, hell yeah. Protecting our infrastructure from cyber-attack, great. New screening procedures? What exactly does that mean (discrimination against entire religions or citizens of a country, regardless of whether they are refugees and victims of ISIS)? Considering how few terrorists attacks we've had on American soil, I think the process as it is is sound, it just needs more manpower so they aren't so backlogged. Of course, that hiring freeze on all new federal employees is a problem...
#10 Awesome! Does that mean we're going to be repealing Citizens United? Getting money out of campaigns? Let's see some details!

Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days
by Amita Kelly and Barbara Sprunt
November 9, 20163:45 PM ET

At the end of October, Donald Trump spoke in Gettysburg, Pa., and released a plan for his first 100 days in office.

The plan (below) outlines three main areas of focus: cleaning up Washington, including by imposing term limits on Congress; protecting American workers; and restoring rule of law. He also laid out his plan for working with Congress to introduce 10 pieces of legislation that would repeal Obamacare, fund the construction of a wall at the Southern border (with a provision that Mexico would reimburse the U.S.), encourage infrastructure investment, rebuild military bases, promote school choice and more.

On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell mostly made nice with Trump but also shot down or expressed little enthusiasm in some of his plans. On Trump's proposal to impose term limits on Congress, McConnell said, "It will not be on the agenda in the Senate." McConnell has been a long-standing opponent of term limits, as NPR's Susan Davis reports. "I would say we have term limits now — they're called elections."

McConnell also threw some cold water on Trump's infrastructure plans, calling it not a top priority.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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28 Nov 2016 08:34 #2 by FredHayek
Personally I think Trump will be a weak President. The GOP will try to mold him to their goals. But they need to realize, the 16 mainstream Republican beltway boys lost to Donald, so if they don't want to lose badly in 2018, they need to let some of Trump`s populist ideas happen, like infrastructure. Term limits, but grandfather the current office holders so they vote for it.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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28 Nov 2016 14:21 - 28 Nov 2016 17:55 #3 by Arlen
Trump will be the greatest president since Teddy Roosevelt. It is going to be marvelous!

#1 - This will not solve the problem of politicians enriching themselves. It will exacerbate the problem. There is no cure for politicians. They are corrupt, vile, crooked, gangsters with a good PR campaign. This will never change.

#2 - Absolutely! The Progressive solution to job loss was to put the unemployed on the government payroll. This was not job creation. It was the creation of more leeches and ticks. Attrition is the solution to reduce the government payroll.

#3 - Absolutely! (If there is not too much red tape involved in eliminating a regulation. Just saying.)

#4 - Absolutely! It is called "influence peddling". This is highly immoral.

#5 - Absolutely! To do otherwise is Un-American.

#6 - Absolutely! This is totally Un-American. America is for Americans! (Welfare to illegal immigrants, anyone?)


#1 - Absolutely! Global economy should be TRADE between countries, not manufacturing across national boundries.

#2 - Absolutely! Same reason. We need U.S. manufacturing, not an elite money class dealing with international/global manufacturers. TPP would reduce our workforce to poverty as is seen in the rest of the world.

#3 - I suppose. No opinion.

#4 - Absolutely!

#5 - Absolutely! To hell with being dependent upon foreign stuff.

#6 - Absolutely! Stop hamstringing our economy.

#7 - Absolutely! Man-made global warming is merely a scheme to control the economy, down to the smallest business. Hell, nobody can predict the weather, accurately, for 14 days. How are we supposed to have faith in their computer models for years into the future? Seriously!


#1 - Absolutely! Obama defied the rule of law. He thought that he was a supreme ruler.

#2 - Agree

#3 - Absolutely! I would even cut off welfare payments to those residents of the sanctuary cities.

#4 - Absolutely!

#5 - Absolutely! This is only common sense.


#1 - Absolutely!

#2 - Absolutely!

#3 - Not so much

#4 - Absolutely!

#5 - Absolutely! Obamacare is SO bad that anything will be an improvement. (excepting single payer, which is socialism - read communism)

#6 - NO. I do not believe in government babysitting. This further destroys the family. Currently couples are very reluctant to wed because they would then lose income in the form of government subsidies that are paid to single parent households under a certain income limit. This would only make it easier to maintain a extended family structure. It is a bad idea.

#7 - Absolutely! Build that wall and then start eyeballing the northern border. I know that the Canadians are up to something. I believe that the Canadians are thinking of building a wall to keep out all of the celebrities who vowed to go to (Mexico?), naw, Canada.

#8 - Absolutely!

#9 - Absolutely!

#10 - Absolutely!

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