If you get your electricity from IREA, you can vote next week on our member of the board of directors of the co-op. Ballots go out in the mail around March 15, and there is a clear choice. Solar and wind energy have dropped to half the cost of IREA’s coal power. Please vote for Steve Roescher, because the sooner we can switch to cheaper, cleaner energy, the lower our costs and hopefully our electric bills. The incumbent, James Dozier, voted for the coal plant that is now too expensive to operate. Ten years ago, he voted to spend $100,000 of our electric money on climate change denial. He’s been in for 20 years. It’s time to ChangeIREA. Steve Roescher is an experienced Siemens executive and you can meet him at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 10 at the Conifer Library, or get more information at ChangeIREA.com. Please vote for cheaper, cleaner energy. Thank you.