Channel 4 News Story on Consolidation

28 Oct 2023 14:08 - 28 Oct 2023 14:09 #1 by aflleo
Check out this great news story about Consolidation. ( )

Both sides are represented. The pro-consolidation speakers make informative statements, provide credible information, and sound logic behind the move to consolidate the districts.

For NWIII (and the opposition), on the other hand, the main objection is - they're going to use the wealth of Elk Creek FPD to build up their districts. Hmmm. Do they expect WILDFIRE to stop at the Elk Creek FPD borders with the other districts? Can YOU count on NWIII and the other opposers to stand at the ECFPD borders with ICFPD and NFFPD and tell the wildfire to stop? Probably NOT. Do you think the WILDFIRE would stop if they did? DEFINITELY NOT.

Do You know who we can COUNT ON? The dedicated career and volunteer firefighters of a NEW CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT who will be the same incredible people who protect and serve our community today. Plus, thanks to Consolidation, we’ll be able to staff MORE highly trained resources in strategic locations to suppress that wildfire. We’ll be able to expand the Fuels Crew to perform more wildfire risk reduction to reduce our wildfire risk.

Wildland Fire doesn't respect the lines between fire protection districts. It doesn't care where you pay your taxes or who is on the board of directors. A YES vote FOR Consolidation is in the best interest of our community.

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29 Oct 2023 17:26 #2 by ramage
Do You know who we can COUNT ON? The dedicated career and volunteer firefighters of a NEW CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT who will be the same incredible people who protect and serve our community today.

Are you suggesting that if the Consolidation is voted down that personnel in the ECFD CANNOT be counted on to do the job that they have always been doing?

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31 Oct 2023 10:23 #3 by ScienceChic
No, of course aflleo isn't suggesting that. The district is providing good service now, however, we are increasingly having to rely on mutual aid from surrounding districts as our call volume has increased, and unless we prepare for the near future by increasing our available resources starting now, over time we will not be able to provide as good of service if we maintain the status quo in staffing. Looking at the projections for Jeffco's increasingly aging population and projected population growth in unincorporated areas, combined with declining volunteerism, this is why the districts have proposed consolidating and increasing the mill levy to 16 so they can hire 18 additional firefighter/paramedics and build out/remodel additional stations to house them.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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31 Oct 2023 14:13 - 31 Oct 2023 14:17 #4 by homeagain

ramage wrote: "
Do You know who we can COUNT ON? The dedicated career and volunteer firefighters of a NEW CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT who will be the same incredible people who protect and serve our community today.

Are you suggesting that if the Consolidation is voted down that personnel in the ECFD CANNOT be counted on to do the job that they have always been doing?

R u purposely being obtuse? Your ONLY OPTION (if this does not pass in totality) is BE PREPARED TO SELF RESCUE. .... R U self reliant enough,r u proactive enough, r u organized enough to SURVIVE a furious,flaming monster that makes it's own weather? I would place a LARGE bet,that the majority of the masses in the mountains r CLUELESS and woefully lacking in survival skills.
(even those who were trained,DIED IN THE FLAMES OF STORM KING MOUNTAIN).....think about that for a moment.)

When did the fire begin blowup what went wrong at Storm King Mountain?
The South Canyon Fire began in early July 1994 on Storm King Mountain, in Garfield County west of Glenwood Springs. On July 6, high winds stoked the fire into a deadly conflagration that killed fourteen firefighters.Dec 14, 2022

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31 Oct 2023 15:18 #5 by ramage
Spare the histrionics.
The Storm King Fire killed 12 "smoke jumpers and hot shots" horrendous to be sure but says nothing of civilians causalities, of which they were none. I suggest you read " Fire on the Mountain by John McLean," to better educate yourself.
Your concern for an area that you do not llve in is to be commended. I am sure that there are many, myself included that would appreciate your paying our property tax increase even though you do not live anywhere near the district and will pay no tax increase yourself.
Your inference that if this does not pass, we must self rescue is offensive to the ECFD. You statement can only mean that we have always been in a situation of potential self rescue since we do not have a consolidation plan presently. The ECFD would disagree. strongly. You are impugning them with such a statement.

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31 Oct 2023 17:20 #6 by homeagain
OH YE of little understanding.....what u fail to realize is, there IS NO REAL SECURITY in any sector...collectively,we have depended on "the system" to take care of us....SELF RELIANCE is a passe
phrase. WHEN there is a catastrophic event ,there is an assumption of "they will take care of it" and we will be ok.

EXAMPLES......USA 9/11,when the planes hit there was shock,but I did not hear anyone saying how
harmful the area was and to LEAVE ASAP TO ANOTHER FAR AWAY LOCATION......the gov stated
air (after things settled) was ok ......people stayed in their apartments/condos and accepted that premise.

CEMENT PULVERIZED,plastic,wood,synthetic chemicals,metal...TOXIC TO BREATH....and yet the people stayed....communications were down,there was no real information being given. And people stayed? Leaving with family,pets a few belongs SHOULD have been THE PLAN.

another country.....COMPARE THE DIFFERENCE. Banda Ache, when the tsunami hit it was complete
annihilation. When the people surveyed what was left,they did not wait for big equipment and aid.They
rode their ELEPHANTS and started the clean up process and rebuilding with elementary tools and hard work. WAITING for assistance was not their mode of operation.SELF RELIANCE

U see it all the time...a group/individual decides to hike a mountain 14 er....TOTALLY oblivious to the preparation required to accomplish that successfully.... OH BUT WAIT,I have 4 bars I can call for help,then someone else is required to put their life on the line to save the idiot. There should be a heavy fine for that kind of stupidity...MAYBE money payed out would make them THINK.

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31 Oct 2023 17:39 #7 by homeagain

ramage wrote: Spare the histrionics.
The Storm King Fire killed 12 "smoke jumpers and hot shots" horrendous to be sure but says nothing of civilians causalities, of which they were none. I suggest you read " Fire on the Mountain by John McLean," to better educate yourself.
Your concern for an area that you do not llve in is to be commended. I am sure that there are many, myself included that would appreciate your paying our property tax increase even though you do not live anywhere near the district and will pay no tax increase yourself.
Your inference that if this does not pass, we must self rescue is offensive to the ECFD. You statement can only mean that we have always been in a situation of potential self rescue since we do not have a consolidation plan presently. The ECFD would disagree. strongly. You are impugning them with such a statement.

MY TOTAL TAX BURDEN IS CLOSE TO 9%...ALMOST AS HIGH AS GLENWOOD SPGS AND TELLURIDE,yet a third of the residence who are considered "moderate income" 40,000 to 50,000 a year
struggle with affordable housing...the general income bracket is in the 30,000 range. 75 percent (approx)
can not afford an averaged price home in the 420 to 450,000. SO-O-O, let's not assume the area
I live in is affordable..

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31 Oct 2023 18:00 - 31 Oct 2023 18:00 #8 by ramage
Your explanation of your tax burden is appreciated.
Now tell me how this has any relation to the ballot issue regarding Consolidation of fire prevention services in Park and Jefferson counties.

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01 Nov 2023 07:35 #9 by homeagain

ramage wrote: Your explanation of your tax burden is appreciated.
Now tell me how this has any relation to the ballot issue regarding Consolidation of fire prevention services in Park and Jefferson counties.

On a MACRO level (meaning the whole mass critical issue) it is mandatory to UNITE,bite the bullet and provide the essential assets, that r not only required,but paramount to your (collective) butts. From my POV,
your posts r selfish,and do NOT encompass a farsightedness that is needed (PROACTIVE,rather than reactive) Spock would so eloquently state....'the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the one")

OH, by the way, I STILL have friends/relatives in the area and THEIR butts r on the line...s-o-o DO NOT assume I have no skin in the game.

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