When u find yourself in a deep hole.....QUIT DIGGING

27 Jan 2024 08:26 #1 by homeagain

But both Jones and Mattei said a reversal is unlikely because the jury's decision seems to be legally strong.

"This is a verdict we will see," Mattei said.

During his deposition for the Carroll case, Trump boldly claimed his brand value was worth "billions and billions of dollars." The former president's words may come back to bite him now that he owes Carroll millions because Trump will have a difficult time proving insolvency, Jones said.

OH MY, what we have here is the GENESIS OF GREATER negative decisions against Trump....by March's end he will be mired in DEEP MUD and by May
his criminal cases AND his attempt at the POTUS position will have put him in"meltdown"......(he already walked out of THIS courtroom case and by jerking the judge around, he DISPLAYED A LEVEL OF DISRESPECT that will find him digging his own grave)....JMO

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27 Jan 2024 18:13 #2 by Rick
I've always wondered what evidence convinced the jury that Trump was actually guilty. I've looked at left wing sources and couldn't find the damning evidence, other than her word.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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27 Jan 2024 18:14 #3 by FredHayek
83 million dollars in damages for Carroll? This is stupidity! She couldn't even remember the decade the sexual assault happened. She is mentally ill, or senile. Her reputation isn't worth 100K, much less this obscene amount.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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27 Jan 2024 18:25 #4 by Rick

FredHayek wrote: 83 million dollars in damages for Carroll? This is stupidity! She couldn't even remember the decade the sexual assault happened. She is mentally ill, or senile. Her reputation isn't worth 100K, much less this obscene amount.

She is an activist, just like that liar that tried to take out Kavanaugh. "Believe all women" is an unconstitutional joke that needs to be rejected, because it's stupid.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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27 Jan 2024 18:28 #5 by ramage
There is no corroborating evidence. Carroll could not even remember what year the "assault " occurred other than in was in the 1990's. She is unsure of the year. Never reported the assault to anyone in the store or the police. But sales of her book have increased.

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28 Jan 2024 16:38 #6 by homeagain
When lawyers and litigants run roughshod over a judge or disregard his admonitions, juries don't like that," said Jones, who is now the president of Dickinson College.

Juries tend to grow attached to their presiding trial judge, Jones said, adding that they often come to see the judge as a protector of sorts. Thus, Trump and Habba's apparent disregard for Kaplan during the trial likely didn't go unnoticed by the jury.

"These are regular people who play by the rules," Chris Mattei, a defamation lawyer who won a $1.5 billion jury verdict in the Alex Jones defamation trial, said of the jury.

"And then they see some guy come into court who basically throws up his middle finger at the law?" Mattei added. "No, average people don't want that."

AHEM, perhaps u (collectively) DO NOT see the real reason for the awesome award.....TRUMP AND TEAM PISSED THE JURIES OFF....SO they gave the monetary middle finger to the stupidity of the stunt.

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28 Jan 2024 16:55 #7 by ramage
AHEM, perhaps u (collectively) DO NOT see the real reason for the awesome award.....TRUMP AND TEAM PISSED THE JURIES OFF....SO they gave the monetary middle finger to the stupidity of the stunt."

I interpret your comment to mean that the law be damned we just done like the guy. Is that correct?

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28 Jan 2024 19:18 #8 by homeagain

FredHayek wrote: 83 million dollars in damages for Carroll? This is stupidity! She couldn't even remember the decade the sexual assault happened. She is mentally ill, or senile. Her reputation isn't worth 100K, much less this obscene amount.


Did we forget ANOTHER juried panel found him guilty and provided the monetary number....THIS panel
took ALL THINGS into consideration and u have the end result.....HIS BIG MOUTH AND HIS INEPT LEGAL TEAM R TO BLAME.

i am alarmed at the responses from the thread....a MALE MENTALITY that views an assault is false and the female is lame and lying. ANITA HILL WAS LAME AND LYING (YA RIGHT)....it has been going on for decades
SIDE OF THE TABLE......my, my, he made a wager and she ran the table......appeal will NOT recoup his
bet. S-o-o sad to see, his big ego blew his chances of claiming monetary hardship.

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28 Jan 2024 21:10 #9 by FredHayek
Trump will appeal the judgment until she dies.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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29 Jan 2024 06:31 #10 by homeagain

Another jury has spoken, and it will cost Donald Trump $83.3 million on top of the $5 million he was already ordered to pay writer E. Jean Carroll. This edition of our Trump Trials newsletter is focused largely on the civil courts, where we expect Trump will get more bad news in the coming weeks.

DUDE, does it look like he might be a little busy defending his (ass)ets? I have already stated that this is just the genesis of the timeline TRUMP'S troubles will triple and by Q2 he will be melting down, just like his tanning makeup. (Can't wait till May....his B.P. will be blowing up, (since he has ALREADY walked out of the FIRST of many to come)

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