TIPS TO TRUMP (from someone who knows)

10 Jun 2024 18:21 #1 by homeagain

trump, who is now facing up to four years in prison for thirty-four felony counts of falsifying business records, might want to skim the CliffsNotes.

To begin with, Blagojevich points out, a long sentence, while otherwise undesirable, can be used to your advantage. “The fourteen-year sentence made guys think, The Gov’s a badass, he didn’t snitch on anybody,” he said. “In that world, the snitches, to quote them, ‘are bitches who deserve stitches.’ ”

Blagojevich suggests getting in the shape of your life. He figures that he ran “probably ten thousand miles, if not longer,” during his eight years inside, along with “probably twenty thousand pushups.” He went on, “You walk around the track, you do pushups. It helps deal with the bitterness and anger and sense of disillusionment.” He added, “I’m as fit as a fiddle, in stark contrast to the current governor of Illinois.”

lA hobby is also helpful. “My band was G-Rod and the Jailhouse Rockers,” he said. “I did an Elvis medley, which started out with all of ‘Don’t Be Cruel,’ two verses of ‘That’s Al Right,’ two verses of ‘All Shook Up,’ and all five verses of ‘Jailhouse Rock.’ ” He continued, “Music was so helpful to me because it was therapeutic. If you practice it, you get better at it. Your range increases a little bit. Your voice kind of expands. Then you can work on what Frank Sinatra was big on—phrasing. Before I knew it, the day was over.”

Rather than watch TV or movies, Blago recommends books. “I read the Bible every day,” he recalled. He devoured Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” three times. “It’s very short, and it has a lot of profound things in it,” he explained. One lesson that he drew: “If I can come out of here stronger and smarter, it’s a fuck you to those motherfuckers who did it to me.”He also read Shakespeare. “ ‘Henry V’ a few times. ‘Henry IV,’ Parts 1 and 2. ‘Richard II.’ ‘Richard III.’ ‘Hamlet,’ of course. ‘King Lear.’ ‘Henry VI.’ ” He cleared his throat and recited, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”

Watch what you eat at the chow hall, he warns. “Some guys do crazy things to some of the food,” he said. “One time, a guy urinated in the pot of oatmeal because he was pissed off—no pun intended.” Black-market restaurateurs on your cellblock are a good alternative: “Once in a while, I’d say to myself, ‘I’m gonna go off for a longer run—ten miles—and then I’m gonna treat myself to one of Oso’s tacos.’ You could see he liked his own food. So once in a while I’d have it”—onions, tomatoes, peppers, chicken, cheese, all smuggled from the kitchen.

Finally, Blagojevich advises identifying any supporters. “There was a cop that wanted to make an example of me, so he gave me the worst job,” he recalled. “Washing pots and pans at five o’clock in the morning. I got rescued from that because his superior was from Chicago’s South Side and his mother still lived there and she liked me. So he put me in the kitchen warehouse, a highly coveted job.” Conspiracy theories soon spread among his fellow-inmates. “I was supposedly getting special treatment because Obama had called the warden,” Blago said. “I’m telling you, he didn’t make the call.” ♦


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10 Jun 2024 20:25 #2 by Rick
Keep dreaming... you'll eventually have to wake up though.

A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.

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11 Jun 2024 07:59 #3 by homeagain
I BELIEVE SOMEONE posted a very long list of TRUMPS team,that r now in jail...perhaps this article will assist THEM (trumps time is fast APPEALS will not be the answer.) ASK BANNON ABOUT THAT

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11 Jun 2024 09:42 #4 by FredHayek
You really think they would put a former president in general population? Most likely he gets home confinement like Nixon.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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