It seems like just a week or two ago, this place was full of Trump haters high fiving each other with that Thank You button. Everybody on vacation or is the writing on the wall?
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.
U know,people have actually lives they attempt to live....U LEFT for a very critical reason, K left for the same reason, and I will be MIA AFTER NOV. 1 ST....I relish releasing the on going fight and just take a deep breathe
in and WAIT....wait for the raucous race to finally reach it's intended end. WAIT for America to adjust to what will be,WAIT for my bet with Rick, to show there IS validity in what has been stated.
We had a trace of snow here at approx 6,'s that time.always around Halloween. The turning of the season....HOLIDAYS have almost arrived. .....JUST WOW...Q4 is quickly coming to an end.