Isn't that what they always say... Trump wants to divide the country and the Democrats want to unify it? That's a joke.
You could never be a uniting party when your candidates think half the country clings to their guns and bibles, are deplorables, are threats to democracy, are garbage, are Nazis...
Please, someone, tell me how this unity is supposed to happen with Democrats in charge?
Astrology is for suckers and has no connection to science
Yet, I think the media has convinced many on the left that Trump supporters are indeed garbage. Just go look in The Ring and see for yourself. I think ‘Nazi’ is worse than garbage.
Astrology is for suckers and has no connection to science
By pretending Trump is Hitler, they have to follow through with that bullshit after he is elected. They will call for impeachment the day after he returns to the WH. These leftist scumbags are the true threat to democracy (which includes their media hacks).
Astrology is for suckers and has no connection to science