This is what the radical leftists don’t realize. Most of the conservatives collided world has limits on when you can kill a baby, but for some reason, the left thinks the majority of women are ok with abortion on demand at any stage of LIFE.
Doesn't matter to me what the majority opinion of the entire population of the Union is, my only concern is what the majority opinion of the State in which I am a citizen is. That's the beauty of federalism. If the citizens of the States desire a single answer for the entire Union, their representatives in Congress have the authority to legislate that single answer, but until that is done, it is the consent of the governed in each of the 50 sovereign States that get to decide that answer for themselves.
One thing you can be sure of is this: the people of this Union are too diverse to consent to either any justification for elective homicides will suffice or barely any justification will suffice. If a single answer is desired, it will be found between those two extremes. Would I be happy with a federal law that restricted justification to the first 15 weeks? No, but if that is the consent given by my fellow citizens through their elected representatives in the federal Congress I would respect that decision while working to change hearts and minds to alter the decision to give their consent to be governed by such a law.
Acceptable to me would be to have elective homicides justified only under the same circumstances as every other homicide is justified.
The Democrats whine about losing democracy but don't want issues like abortion decided in a democratic way... they want their biased judges to decide for us. Trump finally got the issue put back into the hands of the people, where it should be.