But of course such surgeries are allowed here . . . feelings, not science, are the basis of making decisions in the General Assembly these days.
Of note is that even if TN is successful in defending their law, the decision will only permit a sovereign State to pass and enforce such laws rather than impose such a ban in every State in the Union. Colorado won't ever be one of the States where a pubescent child will be protected from such mutilation. Oh sure, we'll ensure that female circumcision is prohibited, but not "breast reduction" in a gender dysphoric young woman.
This sick trend will end. It will end when enough doctors and parents get sued by their victims. This is a pretty new trend spread by social media and sick educators. It will take some time, but I predict a wave of lawsuits in the years to come. Once reality hits these young people in later years, and they come to realize that our bodies were made this way for a reason. They will regret what they could have been, what they were actually meant to be. The adults around them destroyed their lives. This stops when the monsters and morons (doctors and parents) find themselves in prison.
Astrology is for suckers and has no connection to science