Fertility Birth Rate Decline

02 Jan 2025 21:01 #1 by FredHayek

A record high number of Americans will never marry or have relationships with anyone. And this is totally voluntary.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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03 Jan 2025 09:17 - 03 Jan 2025 09:18 #2 by PrintSmith
Not married isn’t the same as never committed to a monogamous, long term, relationship. I was “married” for over 23 years and that ended only with the death of my wife. Every State doesn’t recognize a common-law marriage, in fact Colorado is only one of nine States in the Union which does recognize such unions.

Yes, the collectivists have been highly successful in their efforts to weaken traditional families, religious affiliation, adherence to the rule of law, and many other examples of our historical pillars that have supported our society, but your numbers aren’t prima facia evidence which supports your argument.

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04 Jan 2025 10:17 #3 by Rick
Replied by Rick on topic Fertility Birth Rate Decline
The more important question is, what are the demographics? Compare the birth rates of conservatives vs progressives/communists and see which group is more likely to pass on reproduction. The progressives are the group that can't define what a woman is and it's the progressives that see humans as a virus that is killing the planet. It's progressives that decided that it's ok to kill a baby all the up until the time of birth.

These facts are bad news for a society as a whole, but it's great that the anti-human side is self-eliminating itself.

A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.

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06 Jan 2025 12:36 #4 by PrintSmith
Wasn't it BF Skinner who said, "Give me a child and I'll shape him into anything"?

The children in our society are being given to the collectivists to shape into what they desire in the government schools, just like religious families are giving their children to religious schools to shape them into individuals who support religion.

The cancer can't be cured until children are educated in an environment that is free of collectivist ideology/goals. Government schools should not be pushing any agenda, religious or otherwise. Their purpose is to teach the young in our society how to think, not what to think. The survival of the republic requires an educated populace, an indoctrinated populace is the pathway to tyranny.

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06 Jan 2025 15:06 #5 by FredHayek
The Right thinks the Left is brainwashing our children. They are too incompetent to do that. They can't even teach children math and literacy.
And last November, those "brainwashed" reelected President Trump.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
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06 Jan 2025 18:23 - 06 Jan 2025 18:24 #6 by PrintSmith
Over 60% of women, and nearly half of men, between the ages of 18 and 29 voted for Harris. Compare that to the Reagan/Carter election in 1980 . . . where both of them received nearly identical support among this age group. Now I will grant you that support for Harris was significantly less in this demographic than it was for Obama, but these are the "kids" that are matriculating from the government schools and our universities and are representative of the "education" that they are receiving in these institutions that are critical to the survival of the republic.

While true that the government schools have proven themselves to be decidedly inept at teaching literacy and math over the course of the last couple of decades, the same cannot be said for their ability to indoctrinate instead of educate in line with Skinner's contemplations.

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06 Jan 2025 21:07 #7 by FredHayek
And part of the women vote for Kamala is because of abortion rights. Ironically Trump has always supported abortion rights.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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09 Jan 2025 10:06 #8 by Blazer Bob

FredHayek wrote: The Right thinks the Left is brainwashing our children. They are too incompetent to do that. They can't even teach children math and literacy.
And last November, those "brainwashed" reelected President Trump.

Shocked me, also gives me hope. The left overextended themselves.

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