That group of survivors have been the best taken care of group ever. They have numerous private foundations taking very good care of them. NY state helping out and NY city pension and Healthcare help.
Personally the wife and I donate to Tunnels to Towers every year. Do you?
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
I even visited a forest planted in Ireland. One tree grown for every EMS person who lost their lives that day.
They were not forgotten. They are remembered every year. Saw local Colorado firefighters running the stands at Red Rocks last 9/11.
And this is twenty plus years later.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
The shocking number reflects the amount of victims enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program with verified illnesses — but because the project only recognizes some cancers and diseases, officials warn the true total of sick survivors is much higher.
have u really research where your money goes when donating to TUNNELS AND TOWERS?????
Last edit: 24 Jan 2025 13:41 by homeagain. Reason: ADD
FredHayek wrote: Please.
That group of survivors have been the best taken care of group ever. They have numerous private foundations taking very good care of them. NY state helping out and NY city pension and Healthcare help.
Personally the wife and I donate to Tunnels to Towers every year. Do you?
NO and there is a the link in the other topic...Per New York Times
The shocking number reflects the amount of victims enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program with verified illnesses — but because the project only recognizes some cancers and diseases, officials warn the true total of sick survivors is much higher.
Your sources have been shown to be partisan hacks time and time again. If this is occurring, why did both Biden and Obama ignore their suffering for twelve years? Too busy feathering their own nests?
Trump has only been in power four years and one week. This occurred on their watch.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
The shocking number reflects the amount of victims enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Program with verified illnesses — but because the project only recognizes some cancers and diseases, officials warn the true total of sick survivors is much higher.
have u really research where your money goes when donating to TUNNELS AND TOWERS?????
Could you tell us what percentage of the donations go to victims and their families? Did you happen to do the very important research? How would it compare to the Clinton Foundation?
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.
The denial of facts is disturbing,shame on u (collectively) for not being outraged AND AWARE....."the side stepping the issue with "what about" replies" r repugnant and really asinine. A guess, with those sad comebacks, it is time to take a hiatus.....caring concern about the conditions required TO ACCESS health
assistance is core issue.......(it went W-A-Y over your head).....but then,. MANY major discussions have
fallen into the same category.
Strange how she can never defend her team for why things are the way they are when they have been in power many years longer. Especially in Colorado with a Democrat supermajority. Even Park County is a Democrat congressional seat
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
homeagain wrote: The denial of facts is disturbing,shame on u (collectively) for not being outraged AND AWARE....."the side stepping the issue with "what about" replies" r repugnant and really asinine. A guess, with those sad comebacks, it is time to take a hiatus.....caring concern about the conditions required TO ACCESS health
assistance is core issue.......(it went W-A-Y over your head).....but then,. MANY major discussions have
fallen into the same category.
What percentage of donations go to the people who need it? You won’t answer that question because you would have to admit the charity is a good one.
This isn’t government picking and choosing who gets tax dollars, it’s a private organization that has an extremely low administrative cost, which means it’s not profiting from donations, it’s distributing them to people who need it.
They can’t help everyone, no charity can, but the fact they can’t doesn’t mean they are bad. Grow up.
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.