FredHayek wrote: Only 2500 anti Trump protesters showed up today at the Capitol building. Very tiny compared to the Pink Hat rallies during Trump's first term.
People's hearts not in it.
Soros is holding his army of morons back. Even an evil piece of shit like Soros can see that Americans are happy with what Trump is doing. Why waste your zombies on unpopular causes? If the elites want a protest or a riot, they can easily make that happen. The women and low-t men at that protest were the true believers of leftist media. HA, you would fit right in.
A fact is information without emotion.
An opinion is information shaped by experience.
Ignorance is an opinion without knowledge.
Stupidity is an opinion the rejects facts.
Less money being paid to the outfits that provided protestors for hire in an opaque attempt to establish that the opposition was stronger than it actually is. Paid protestors aren't going to protest for free after all . . .