A Democrat, admits we have nothing to show for the stimulus

25 Aug 2010 13:02 #1 by The Viking
And here it is. A Democrat. A colorado Democrat none the less who voted for all of Obama's programs, came out and said that we are trillions more in debt since the obama took over with nothing to show for it. This will assure that Buck will beat him in the fall as he will use these words against him. Plus it solidifies what Republicans have been saying for a while now. The stimulus failed! Bennet keeps running on how he is not like the establishment but yet he voted for everything Obama wanted and now admits it failed!

http://www.nationalreview.com/battle10/ ... l-sandoval

Sen. Michael Bennet’s recent appearance in Greeley, Colorado is sure to set political tongues wagging–Bennet is quoted as saying that though trillions of dollars of Federal debt has been incurred through spending since he was appointed to the Senate in January of 2009, “we have nothing to show for it”:

Michael Bennet, D-Colo,at a town hall meeting in Greeley last Saturday, Aug 21 said we had nothing to show for the debt incurred by the stimulus package and other expenditures calling the recession the worst since the Great Depression. [...]

Regarding spending during his time in office he said, “We have managed to acquire $13 trillion of debt on our balance sheet” and, “in my view we have nothing to show for it.”

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25 Aug 2010 13:05 #2 by Nmysys

Watch out. You will be attacked by people claiming that Snopes says it is a lie!!!! LOL

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25 Aug 2010 13:07 #3 by Scruffy
Well, there you have it then. Irrefutable proof. Go ahead, liberals, try to refudiate it.

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25 Aug 2010 13:22 #4 by Photo-fish

Nmysys wrote: Viking:

Watch out. You will be attacked by people claiming that Snopes says it is a lie!!!! LOL

No. We'll just say he's a DINO.

LQTM (Laughing Quietly To Myself)

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25 Aug 2010 13:42 #5 by The Viking

Photo-fish wrote:

Nmysys wrote: Viking:

Watch out. You will be attacked by people claiming that Snopes says it is a lie!!!! LOL

No. We'll just say he's a DINO.

LQTM (Laughing Quietly To Myself)

A DINO? He voted almost 100% along party lines and for every stimulus bill and bailout. If he is a DINO, then how far left do you have to go to be considered a real Democrat.

And I don't think that is a quiet laugh you have. It is more of a nervous chuckle.

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25 Aug 2010 13:49 #6 by Scruffy
Nope. Bennet is a total DINO.

Do U get the Refudiation Now?

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25 Aug 2010 14:05 #7 by FredHayek
I have to disagree with Bennet. While a lot of the stimulus spending was wasted, if we hadn't extended unemployment benefits, bailed out Wall Street and the domestic auto makers, we would have had another great depression.

No one in business was willing to invest or spend and they still are leery, so the Feds had to step up to the plate. Of course, this effect won't last. People will only start buying stuff again if they get tax credits or similar.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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25 Aug 2010 14:14 #8 by AspenValley

SS109 wrote: I have to disagree with Bennet. While a lot of the stimulus spending was wasted, if we hadn't extended unemployment benefits, bailed out Wall Street and the domestic auto makers, we would have had another great depression.

No one in business was willing to invest or spend and they still are leery, so the Feds had to step up to the plate. Of course, this effect won't last. People will only start buying stuff again if they get tax credits or similar.

I agree, while the stimulus didn't work as well as hoped, the alternative was pretty gnarly. I just wonder what we are supposed to do next. The economy is not really improving and the reasons don't have much to do at this point with partisan programs or policies. We may see that Great Depression Two yet, and I'm not sure there is a heck of a lot anyone can do to prevent it.

Oh well, I guess we can all froth at the mouth about Mosques at Ground Zero or whether Obama is really a Muslim about to impose Sharia instead of worrying about anything REALLY scary.

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25 Aug 2010 14:22 #9 by The Viking

AspenValley wrote:

SS109 wrote: I have to disagree with Bennet. While a lot of the stimulus spending was wasted, if we hadn't extended unemployment benefits, bailed out Wall Street and the domestic auto makers, we would have had another great depression.

No one in business was willing to invest or spend and they still are leery, so the Feds had to step up to the plate. Of course, this effect won't last. People will only start buying stuff again if they get tax credits or similar.

I agree, while the stimulus didn't work as well as hoped, the alternative was pretty gnarly. I just wonder what we are supposed to do next. The economy is not really improving and the reasons don't have much to do at this point with partisan programs or policies. We may see that Great Depression Two yet, and I'm not sure there is a heck of a lot anyone can do to prevent it.

Oh well, I guess we can all froth at the mouth about Mosques at Ground Zero or whether Obama is really a Muslim about to impose Sharia instead of worrying about anything REALLY scary.

I think you are right that we are headed for another recession and maybe depression. And deflation is on the way which some experts are saying the market may go down under 5000. So much for anyone with retirement accounts in 401K's and IRA's. Unemployment is rising again. Forclusures are going up fast. The highest in history. Existing home sales yesterday showed a 27% drop and the lowest in 15 years. The new housing sales came out today and showed the lowest in history. The market keeps going down. People don't have money to hire and they are to scared to spend money now. And the healthcare bill hasn't even hit yet which is going to cost us hundreds of billions and raise our taxes and raise our healthcare bills. So since there is no way that we can keep borrowing a trillion dollars every year, what suggestions do you have?

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25 Aug 2010 14:41 - 25 Aug 2010 15:13 #10 by AspenValley

The Viking wrote:

AspenValley wrote:

SS109 wrote: I have to disagree with Bennet. While a lot of the stimulus spending was wasted, if we hadn't extended unemployment benefits, bailed out Wall Street and the domestic auto makers, we would have had another great depression.

No one in business was willing to invest or spend and they still are leery, so the Feds had to step up to the plate. Of course, this effect won't last. People will only start buying stuff again if they get tax credits or similar.

I agree, while the stimulus didn't work as well as hoped, the alternative was pretty gnarly. I just wonder what we are supposed to do next. The economy is not really improving and the reasons don't have much to do at this point with partisan programs or policies. We may see that Great Depression Two yet, and I'm not sure there is a heck of a lot anyone can do to prevent it.

Oh well, I guess we can all froth at the mouth about Mosques at Ground Zero or whether Obama is really a Muslim about to impose Sharia instead of worrying about anything REALLY scary.

I think you are right that we are headed for another recession and maybe depression. And deflation is on the way which some experts are saying the market may go down under 5000. So much for anyone with retirement accounts in 401K's and IRA's. Unemployment is rising again. Forclusures are going up fast. The highest in history. Existing home sales yesterday showed a 27% drop and the lowest in 15 years. The new housing sales came out today and showed the lowest in history. The market keeps going down. People don't have money to hire and they are to scared to spend money now. And the healthcare bill hasn't even hit yet which is going to cost us hundreds of billions and raise our taxes and raise our healthcare bills. So since there is no way that we can keep borrowing a trillion dollars every year, what suggestions do you have?

My suggestion is that Americans face reality.

Our economy has been running on a phony fiat currency credit bubble for at least 30 years. We kidded ourselves that things like "trickle down" economics was handed down by Moses on tablets when in fact, except for the richest 5% or less of Americans, the last 30 years have been a net loss to American families in terms of security and real wages.

We actually sat around and cheered while good jobs went overseas and congratulated ourselves that we could prosper by becoming a "knowledge-based" workforce. Even as we denigrated knowlege, made it fashionable and somehow patriotic to be an ignorant know-nothing.

We got fat and lazy and intellectually stuperous gulping down Cheese Doodles in front of the TV.

We bought into the idea that everyone could and should have a McMansion that also doubled as a handy-dandy cash advance machine.

We ignored the fact that we are running out of raw materials and especially, cheap oil, which was the fuel for our ride up the economic scale and is going to bring us screeching down the very same slide to becoming a second, or even third-rate country.

We got into wars that were designed to distract or possibly temporarily forestall this reality and over-reached so badly that we are beholden to such a breathtaking sum every single minute just to keep the military monster breathing that there is no way we could ever get control of it again.

We've allowed ourselves to be distracted by laughably simple tactics into idiotic and vitriolic "culture wars" set up by our masters to keep us blind to the real enemy. We've been conditioned like Pavlov's dogs to howl and scratch and bite when the targets they've created for us are paraded in front of us on TV or the internet. We've been trained, in fact, to attack and resent our peers in the middle class who happen to have voted for "the other guy" and especially, especially, we've been trained to hate and fear those below us on the totem pole and to project all our anxieties and resentments onto people who have even less than we do. (By the way, I don't exempt any side of the aisle from this last....those on the right have been conditioned to look down on and fear "Welfare Queens", "Illegal Aliens", "Libruls", "Terrorists" and those on the left have been trained to look down on and fear "Fundies", "Gun Nuts", "Red Necks", and "White Trash". )

You want my advice? Everybody go watch The Matrix. Then decide which pill you're going to take, the red one or the blue one. You can either choose to see through the crap or take what seems to be the more comfortable route by remaining in illusion. Whichever one you choose, remember you can't go back. And I think we're getting pretty close to a time that even remaining in comfortable illusion isn't going to keep you safe. The cracks in the matrix are really starting to show. What do you think happens when it all falls to pieces?

Meanwhile, go read anything by Joe Bageant. But don't blame me when your worldview changes forever. :biggrin:

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