Dems got 88% of contributions that MSM Networks gave.

27 Aug 2010 23:59 #1 by The Viking ... 68063.html

People keep saying the main stream media isn't biased. BS! Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters. The main stream media is totally in bed with Obama and the Dems.

Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744.

The data does not include contributions by employees of the three networks who did not identify their employer.

The CRP is the organization behind, the web site that for more than a decade has put campaign finance data within reach of anybody with an Internet connection.

President Obama received 710 such contributions worth a total of $461,898, for an average contribution of $651 from the network employees. Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain received only 39 contributions totaling $26,926, for an average donation of $709.

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28 Aug 2010 08:10 #2 by PC Motivator
What ya expect?

If you break down economic sectors by the amount of education completed you would find TV network execs, writers, and reporters for the most part completed 4 or more years of college. This ain't saying that those who are not as educated are any less intelligent. Most college graduates have been trained and disciplined in writing, analysis, critical thinking and research skills which they use to understand America's issues and the resources for addressing them. Of those without a college education there are still many who have learned those skills on their own. These two groups are usually willing to read and research rather than just think they know and accept opinions from biased sources who consider their followers to be mindless.

What I have just written about more highly educated people is not true for all of them. Bank, petroleum and investment firm directors are more inclined to support conservative candidates out of enlightened self interest and on their efforts to understand what is best for them.

I know my auto mechanic and some of the workers at the local super markets who have not completed high school and have excellent political smarts. I find that that they do not trust ordinary sources of information like fox news or websites that lean mostly to the left, or mostly to the right. They ask questions, listen and think about the answers and have enough interest and willingness to invest energy and time to investigate issues and think for themselves. They too have supported Obama and many of his bedfellows. The may something that you haven't worked hard enough to understand.

How do you compare your own willingness to investigate to the people I have described?

[center:1tmowu3k] [/center:1tmowu3k]

[center:hw9loff2]By the people? For the people?[/center:hw9loff2]

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28 Aug 2010 10:49 #3 by Wayne Harrison
American's MSM are owned by huge corporations. Are you saying these giant corporations which answer to stockholders, also lean left?

I always thought corporations are in business to increase profits. They do that by growing their customer base. One complaint I frequently read is, "They just covered that story to get more viewers (or readers)." Well, YEAH. What did you expect? Do you think they'd put up stories to get LESS viewers (or readers)?

In truth, with my years in the media, I've found the goal is not to produce a story that's slanted right or left. It's to produce a story that gains viewers. The media doesn't make money by putting up stories that few people are interested in. It's called the "Main Stream" media for a reason.

In 2008 George W. Bush's press secretary Scott McClellan published a book in which he confessed to regularly and routinely, but unknowingly, passing on lies to the media, following the instructions of his superiors, lies that the media reported as facts. He characterizes the press as, by and large, honest, and intent on telling the truth, but reports that "the national press corps was probably too deferential to the White House", especially on the subject of the war in Iraq.

E. J. Dionne, Jr., Op Ed columnist for The Washington Post, writes: "For all the talk of a media love affair with Obama, there is a deep and largely unconscious conservative bias in the media's discussion of policy. The range of acceptable opinion runs from the moderate left to the far right and cuts off more vigorous progressive perspectives.

According to former Fox News producer Charlie Reina, unlike the AP, CBS, or ABC, Fox News's editorial policy is set from the top down in the form of a daily memo: "frequently, Reina says, it also contains hints, suggestions and directives on how to slant the day's news -- invariably, he says, in a way that's consistent with the politics and desires of the Bush administration."

The largest news network in the US is decidedly conservative. The talk-show air waves are decidedly conservative. Would you be happier if they were ALL conservative?

If you're going to complain about biased media, include them all -- not just the ones you think are biased to the left. Otherwise, it sounds as if you are biased yourself.

As I've said before, the media that was around when our founding fathers wrote the First Amendment were decidedly biased. Just like Fox today, the media at the time of the American revolution had a purpose and a mission. I think that's the media the founding fathers wanted to protect. There was nothing in what the founding fathers wrote that indicated they wanted a media that didn't take a stance.

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29 Aug 2010 11:12 #4 by Scruffy
The same liberal leaning mainstream media that continued to run the story "ground zero mosque" when it wasn't being built at ground zero and wasn't a mosque? The same liberal media that jumped on the "We know there are WMD's bandwagon?" The same liberal mainstream media that runs stories questioning Obama's birth certificate? The same left leaning media that ran up the war drums for Bush's war with Iraq? The same liberal mainstream media that reports that Obama is a Muslim?

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