09 Sep 2010 17:16 #1 by UNDER MODERATION
Hey, they told you Obama was a Muslim, they told you he was a terrorist, they told you Obama couldn't "protect you", they told you we'd all die if Obama was elected. Well, it's been two years and so far he's been keeping you sniveling coward republicans safe hasn't he?

No terrorist attacks on his watch

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09 Sep 2010 17:21 #2 by HEARTLESS
Just several foiled attempts. Hey ViLe cord the childrens table is requesting the clown come back. See, you are missed.

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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09 Sep 2010 18:09 #3 by LadyJazzer

HEARTLESS wrote: Just several foiled attempts. Hey ViLe cord the childrens table is requesting the clown come back. See, you are missed.

Just as several foiled attempts...and one MAJOR "successful attempt" (on 9/11/01) on Bush's watch.

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09 Sep 2010 18:11 #4 by The Viking
Of course we still have it. It is a great act. That is why Obama extended it this year. One of the few things he did right. If you Dems thought it was so bad then why did you elect a President that supported it?

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09 Sep 2010 18:15 #5 by major bean
It (the patriot act) absolutely DOES need to be allowed to sunset. Or maybe repeal it. It is totally against the liberties of the U.S. citizen.

Major Bean

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09 Sep 2010 18:24 #6 by The Viking
You know what is so funny. Watching Obama realize everythign he said was wrong and following the Republicans. He said the Patriot Act was a mistake, but then he extended it. He said numerous times that the surge was a mistake and would not work, then he sent in his own surge. He said we would pull all troops out of Iraq as soon as he took office but he extended that and we still will continue to keep 50,000 or so over there for years. He He said that the Bush tax cuts were a huge mistake and didn't help the economy, but now he is out there fighting for them for 98% of Americans. Guess he realized they worked and help the economy? He is following the Republicans on many issues like a good little puppet should. Guess the Dems didn't get ahold of all of his strings. rofllol

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09 Sep 2010 22:36 #7 by youngfogey
It's funny, isn't it? The liberals said that the Bush tax cuts were "only for the rich" but now they are fighting about keeping all of the tax cuts that helped the middle class. So are they admitting they were lying for all those years?

And does anybody remember who sponsored the Patriot Act into the senate?

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09 Sep 2010 22:58 #8 by The Viking

youngfogey wrote: It's funny, isn't it? The liberals said that the Bush tax cuts were "only for the rich" but now they are fighting about keeping all of the tax cuts that helped the middle class. So are they admitting they were lying for all those years?

And does anybody remember who sponsored the Patriot Act into the senate?

It is funny how ignorant the left is. They believe and repeat everything the media says. Just like the ignorant VL starting this thread. He and many others want to keep blaming Bush for the Partiot act like we are stupid. I believe it was Kucinich, a far left Democrat, who was one of the main sponsors of that act. If you left wing conspirisists would actually look at history and the facts before you get your panties in a bunch and make yourselves look uneducated, then you would know thie was more of a Democratic bill than Repbulican. the vote was 98 -1-1 for this bill. And it was 367-66-9 in the house for the original bill. Doesn't sound like some right wing bill to me. And now this year, the Democratic House and Senate who had total control, had more votes for it than the Republicans to extend it and Obama gladly signed it.

The Patriot Act may hae been signed by Bush. But now it is a Democratic bill signed by the Democratic President. So VL, when you are saying 'You Guys', I guess you are talking about your liberal friends.

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09 Sep 2010 23:40 #9 by pineinthegrass

The Viking wrote: You know what is so funny. Watching Obama realize everythign he said was wrong and following the Republicans. He said the Patriot Act was a mistake, but then he extended it. He said numerous times that the surge was a mistake and would not work, then he sent in his own surge. He said we would pull all troops out of Iraq as soon as he took office but he extended that and we still will continue to keep 50,000 or so over there for years. He He said that the Bush tax cuts were a huge mistake and didn't help the economy, but now he is out there fighting for them for 98% of Americans. Guess he realized they worked and help the economy? He is following the Republicans on many issues like a good little puppet should. Guess the Dems didn't get ahold of all of his strings. rofllol

Hey Viking. I actually agree with you on much of this (for once). I'll even add that Obama was going to get rid of Gitmo, but that got delayed indefinently. But once you become president, I think you look at things differently then when you are a senator. You are actually held accountable for taking care of our country.

Now I'll editorialize a bit, but still mainly agree. It was funny how the Dems complained about how they had no time to read the Patriot Act, but they still voted for it big time. Then again, the Repubs complained they didn't have time to read the health care bill. But, they didn't vote for it.

You are incorrect about what he said about the Bush tax cuts, though. He has been very consistant so far that he will extend the tax cuts for those 98% or so making less than $250K. He hasn't changed (yet, not that I think he will) on that.

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10 Sep 2010 08:37 #10 by UNDER MODERATION
Sorry, the Patriot Act is your baby....

And it always will be

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