maybe parkco employees will pay attention to what is happening in elbertco.
bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage
"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson
It would be great if someone would publish that RHT108, many people are curious as much has been published and shown in regards to using county money for personal purchases, such as lunches, flowers and the like. It would be an unreasonable burden on the county for us all to ask.
I suggest one of the following to kill any related debate.
1. County employees can stop using county funds for personal use and then repaying it. They are some of the best paid people in the county with the most secure jobs. They should be able to float their own lunch without a loan from the county. Just keep some cash in your wallet, not that tough.
2. If it is so neccessary to keep doing it, the county should simply publish an account of monthy reimbursements, so that we don't have to wonder. Since this amounts to a benefit, short term loans with no interest or need, this monthly publishing could simply be paid for out of a county employee deduction.
Either way, this really does not need to happen or be talked about. All the people that say that everything is fine, should not even have to defend such actions, because they were not really needed in the 1st place.
I often say that when trying to make a decision, think of the possible outcomes.
1. Decide to buy a personal meal with county money and pay it back the next month, many other in the county are doing it. Benefit - you don't have to take your personal money out of your wallet. Drawback - you still have to pay it back and in fact the county citizens need to pay you and others to fill out paperwork to reimburse the county for expenses. Major Drawback - endless debate in the community about whether this is approprate.
2. Decide to go traditional and pay your own way for your own stuff - Benefit - pride and appropriateness, ability to tell the public when asked that WE NEVER DO THAT, IT IS INAPPROPRIATE! Drawbacks - NONE.
Seems like if one was a good decider that the decision would be clear, why even start this mess?
So I would not be surprised if most of all of it gets paid back, it would be bad if that was not the case, but that is not the point. We need a few teachers, a few cops, a volunteer fire crew with a few perm positions, and someone to pay a few subcontracted road guys - works most other rural places outside of CO, why not try it here and get rid of all the administration and associated debate and costs.