Tea Party:"Reject Gay Rights, let God handle climate change"

14 Sep 2010 06:38 #11 by Wayne Harrison
I prefer, "I paid more in than I'm getting back for mine. Kids should fund their own 401K and forget about Social Security."

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14 Sep 2010 06:39 #12 by LadyJazzer
Yes, and I am pro-Social Security, pro-Medicare, pro-Medicaid, pro-health-care-reform, which makes me anti-TEA Party, too..

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14 Sep 2010 07:08 #13 by FredHayek

LadyJazzer wrote: Yes, and I am pro-Social Security, pro-Medicare, pro-Medicaid, pro-health-care-reform, which makes me anti-TEA Party, too..

If you were really pro-Social Security, you would be voting for candidates that were cutting other goverment programs. We won't be able to pay for everything.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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14 Sep 2010 07:11 #14 by Nmysys
What does Pro Social Security have to do with anything? I'm on Social Security and in the Tea Party.

LJ you are against everything you don't understand including the Tea Party. You should come to our meeting and find out for yourself instead of closing your mind off to everything. You are welcome, we won't bite or argue with you. Maybe that is the reason. You would rather argue.

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14 Sep 2010 07:35 #15 by Wayne Harrison

Reducing the size of government is a major theme among Tea Party members, but if you want to reduce the size of government, how easy is it to make that happen, and if you make it happen, do you think you've solved a problem, or created a new one? After all
Ask a politician: Where would you cut? The pat answer: Waste, fraud and abuse. Both parties give you that line. Waste, fraud and abuse. Okay, now what about real cuts? Cuts on big things? Cuts on programs that will really reduce the size of government.
Is there waste, fraud and abuse? Sure. Enough to balance a budget or reduce the size of government to some size based one someone's idea of a Constitutional metric? Do we even know what we mean by "small government"? How small? How big do we not want it? What programs, what departments, what agencies do we unload? And how much do you actually think that's going to reduce the government?
Before you answer that question, keep this in mind: 43 percent of the federal budget goes to just three guaranteed benefit programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (which is health care for the poor). Shall we cut those? Go through that NY Times poll profiling Tea Party members (with both some surprising results and some level of vindication for Tea Party members), and you'll find that the majority of tea partiers like their Social Security and their Medicare.
If the majority of Tea Party senior citizens like their Social Security and Medicare, how many politicians will you find willing to risk their careers by suggesting we cut those programs, or increase the retirement age or introduce litmus tests for Social Security benefits?

http://www.examiner.com/populist-in-nat ... government

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14 Sep 2010 07:50 #16 by LadyJazzer

Nmysys wrote: What does Pro Social Security have to do with anything? I'm on Social Security and in the Tea Party.

LJ you are against everything you don't understand including the Tea Party. You should come to our meeting and find out for yourself instead of closing your mind off to everything. You are welcome, we won't bite or argue with you. Maybe that is the reason. You would rather argue.

You are not selling anything I wish to buy. Simple.

Is there some part of "I'm NOT a conservative" that you don't get?

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14 Sep 2010 08:01 #17 by RenegadeCJ

Wayne Harrison wrote: I prefer, "I paid more in than I'm getting back for mine. Kids should fund their own 401K and forget about Social Security."

So you agree we should do something else...maybe force everyone under "x" age to only contribute 1/2 to social security, and the other half into a 401(k). Not fair they have to keep contributing to something they will never see, but it would keep it solvent over the long haul.

We agree it appears....

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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14 Sep 2010 08:15 #18 by Nmysys
I understand that you are not a Conservative LJ, just thought that you might end up not hating everything and everyone who you think disagrees with you. Just a small step for mankind I thought might be possible.

We aren't selling anything BTW. As written a number f times before, we don't tell you how to vote or who to vote for. All we are trying to do is to get people involved in the process. Most of the people have never been involved before.

We are not a hate group or as defined in the original post. Just hoping that by continually extending an invitation you might discover that we are just mostly normal people trying to figure out how to improve our country. Have a nice day.

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14 Sep 2010 08:54 #19 by Travelingirl

Wayne Harrison wrote:

Reducing the size of government is a major theme among Tea Party members, but if you want to reduce the size of government, how easy is it to make that happen, and if you make it happen, do you think you've solved a problem, or created a new one? After all
Ask a politician: Where would you cut? The pat answer: Waste, fraud and abuse. Both parties give you that line. Waste, fraud and abuse. Okay, now what about real cuts? Cuts on big things? Cuts on programs that will really reduce the size of government.
Is there waste, fraud and abuse? Sure. Enough to balance a budget or reduce the size of government to some size based one someone's idea of a Constitutional metric? Do we even know what we mean by "small government"? How small? How big do we not want it? What programs, what departments, what agencies do we unload? And how much do you actually think that's going to reduce the government?
Before you answer that question, keep this in mind: 43 percent of the federal budget goes to just three guaranteed benefit programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (which is health care for the poor). Shall we cut those? Go through that NY Times poll profiling Tea Party members (with both some surprising results and some level of vindication for Tea Party members), and you'll find that the majority of tea partiers like their Social Security and their Medicare.
If the majority of Tea Party senior citizens like their Social Security and Medicare, how many politicians will you find willing to risk their careers by suggesting we cut those programs, or increase the retirement age or introduce litmus tests for Social Security benefits?

http://www.examiner.com/populist-in-nat ... government

How about we start cutting here? I think there are folks on both sides of the aisle that would agree that we need to stop the bleeding...

THE TOTAL COST(for illegal aliens) IS $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.

•1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.
Verify at: http://tinyurl.com/zob77

•2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html

•3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

http://averagepolitics.wordpress.com/20 ... al_aliens/

•4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... ldt.0.html

•5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
Verify at http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html

•6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html

•8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
Verify at:


•9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html

•10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that’s two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html

•11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border.
Verify at: Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl.com/t9sht

•12.. The National Policy Institute, ‘estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.’
Verify at: http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/ ... tation.pdf

•13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.
Verify at: http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm

•14. ‘The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.’
Verify at: http://www.drdsk.com/articleshtml

Thanks must go to Beatrice Vajgart for posting and verifying this information

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14 Sep 2010 09:03 #20 by Nmysys
Excellent point Travelingirl!!

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