13% More Have Gov’t Healthcare Since Recession Began

15 Sep 2010 12:03 #11 by LadyJazzer
Yes... You are being required to have coverage... Duh! That was the purpose of the bill. They did not make it "optional." Duh, again. This is not about being "smart" or "dumb"... It's a fact.

I won't restate what I've already stated. You WILLFULLY refuse to pay, and now you're dealing with the IRS.

Several states are suing, and until those lawsuits are decided I guess we'll find out if it's constitutional or not.

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15 Sep 2010 12:15 #12 by The Viking

LadyJazzer wrote: Yes... You are being required to have coverage... Duh! That was the purpose of the bill. They did not make it "optional." Duh, again. This is not about being "smart" or "dumb"... It's a fact.

I won't restate what I've already stated. You WILLFULLY refuse to pay, and now you're dealing with the IRS.

Several states are suing, and until those lawsuits are decided I guess we'll find out if it's constitutional or not.

Yeah I was glad the judge let it go to trial the other day. We will see what comes out of these lawsuits.

According to the Tenth Amendment, the government of the United States has the power to regulate only matters delegated to it by the Constitution. Other powers are reserved to the states, or to the people (and even the states cannot alienate some of these). In modern times, the Commerce Clause has become one of the most frequently-used sources of Congress' power, and thus its interpretation is very important in determining the allowable scope of federal government.

No where in the Consittution does it say that the government can 'force' people to buy a good or product including health insurance. In fact it states the opposite and the Supreme Court has ruled against them several times now. So we will see.

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15 Sep 2010 12:18 #13 by LadyJazzer
Actually, I'm glad it's going to trial too... It will be better if it's decided once and for all instead of becoming some back-and-forth issue of whether or not it IS unconstitutional. And if it's not, it's not....

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15 Sep 2010 12:22 #14 by The Viking

LadyJazzer wrote: Actually, I'm glad it's going to trial too... It will be better if it's decided once and for all instead of becoming some back-and-forth issue of whether or not it IS unconstitutional. And if it's not, it's not....

OK, let me ask you this. Do you think an issue this important should be decided by 5 people and their interpretation to tell you where your money goes? Or should something this important, go on a national ballot and let America vote and decide where their money goes and if this is something they want? Isn't this a nation where we have the freedom to vote and decide what happens in our life? Or do 5 out of 9 people on the SCOTUS get to tell us?

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15 Sep 2010 12:24 #15 by LadyJazzer
That's why we have a republic and not a democracy... This is not something that should be decided by a popular vote, any more than civil rights issues should be a popular vote. That's why we have representatives. As you are so fond of pointing out, "Elections have consequences", and this was a consequence of an election that the GOP lost. We're about to have other elections, obviously in '10 and '12, and there will be consequences of those as well.

But, no, this is a legal question, not a referendum.

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15 Sep 2010 12:32 #16 by Scruffy
Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how the lawsuits turn out. I have my doubts about the constitutionality of requiring people to purchase a commodity, but the health insurance business, along with health care costs, are totally out of control. I think that the Health Care bill that passed is flawed, but has really good intentions. We need to do something about health care, just not sure it what was passed is the way to proceed.

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15 Sep 2010 13:17 #17 by The Viking
Another question here. If it is such a great bill and supposedly helps Americans so much, then why won't the Democrats even talk about it anymore and they are avoiding it like the plague in their campaigns and there is not one add thoughout the country about how great it is? If this was their crowning achievment then why aren't they bragging about how great it is?................Because even they realize how terrible it is and how big of a mistake it is. They couldn't go back on it after putting all their eggs in one basket but they know that it is terrible for America now that they got to read more of it. I think secretly they are hoping the SCOTUS will overurn it.

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15 Sep 2010 13:20 #18 by LadyJazzer
That's your opinion.

I also think that what passed is flawed...but for different reasons than you do.

However, as of 9/23, here is what is being phased in, and quickly:

1. Immediate Access Even If You Have Pre-Existing Conditions

Under new plans, no one can be excluded from coverage for having a pre-existing condition, and no child can be barred from coverage because of a pre-existing condition, period.

2. No More Getting Dropped After You Get Sick

Insurers can no longer cut someone after the fact.

3. Cutting Down Health Care Fraud to Cut Costs

New screening procedures are now in place for health care providers to eliminate fraud and waste in the health care system.

4. Medicare Prescription Drugs Rebate Available for Seniors

Medicare Part-D enrollees who hit the Medicare prescription drug benefit gap in 2010 will automatically receive a $250 rebate check.

5. Tax Credits to Help Small Businesses to Cover Their Workers

Effective immediately, qualified small employers get tax credits of up to 35% of premiums for offering coverage.

Yeah, I can see where all of that is so objectionable to you.

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15 Sep 2010 13:58 #19 by Nmysys

The Bureaucrats, whether they are Insurance or Government, are having to follow new Government regulations. As a result, they are overriding the orders of the Doctors. They are making the decisions now, not the doctors.

Because you are pretty sure about everything not affecting you, you have your opinions, and are entitled to them, but my experiences for the last 4 months have shown me that the Healthcare industry has been taken over due to the new regulations and all aspects of it are changed.

They are deciding which medications that the patient can have contrary to what the doctor has ordered, they are controlling and superseding the doctor's ability to order Physical Therapy for recuperation.

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15 Sep 2010 14:05 #20 by LadyJazzer
...And your proof of "government regulations" affecting what private insurance companies override in doctor's decisions is......................?

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