Questions, Questions, Questions

02 Oct 2010 14:58 #1 by Jonathan Hemlock
For some reason lately, I have pretty much nothing but questions. Some are simple; some I wonder if anyone can answer. I here list a few of my nagging or perhaps annoying questions.

Why is it that we frequently hear of the man who says, “The voices in my head told me to do it” after he just killed a dozen or so people? Why do we never hear anyone say, the voices in my head told me to “mow my neighbor’s lawn” or there were terribly strange voices in my head that told me to “shovel my next door neighbor’s snow”?

Why do people in America fight each other tooth and nail to purchase a “Tickle Me Elmo Doll” at Wal-Mart yet, while downtown, they stand by and let a person get mugged and beaten? What makes a person so desperately need a stuffed and animated toy yet; they can’t seem to lend a hand for a real-live person?

Why does diesel fuel cost more than unleaded gasoline, when unleaded gasoline is far more refined than diesel fuel?

Why is it that America has so much farmland yet we import most all of what we eat from China, Brazil and Peru?

How come no one said anything when Congress moved the date to set our clocks for daylight savings time, and it ended up costing us, the government and businesses alike, more than if they had left it alone?

What was the Y2K Scare really about?

How hard is it to understand such a simple pretense as “all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, some of which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Why is it that those who speak the loudest about tolerance tend to be the least tolerant?

Can you see how perplexing many of these questions are?

When I think of what a great nation we have and what great political institutions were formed to allow us to be free and live within the greatest means of representative government, I again begin to deliberate about what is going on in our country, today?

Why is it we are being told, we are racist? Why are we being told to give our wealth to those who don’t have so much? Why are we told we live the most decadent lifestyle? Why are we told we are destroying our planet? Why are we continually made to cut back on consumption, when no other nation has even considered doing so? Why do we have to drive economical vehicles when nowhere in the world is anyone concerned about conservation or ecology?

This is what I’m talking about! When will we again become actively involved in shaping our nation’s policies and particularly more important, when we begin to shape our very own and vital future? If we are to change or correct the things that our government is currently promoting, we must once again become intimately involved in our own governance. That is what our Founding Fathers had intended and that is what is so vitally important to the survival of our Great American Nation. We are intended to be a nation of free thinking, free acting, self-governing and intimately involved American citizens.

The Founding Fathers believed us to be each, a sovereign, independent and self-governing people, or in fact, a sovereign and independent, self-governing nation. We are the means by which our federal government was formed and we are the means by which we are governed. Therefore by default, we are the ‘change’ that must occur. It worked once to get Obama elected and it can work again to return our nation to what it was originally intended and to return it to what it once again must become.

Mr. Obama made the plea to the American Voter for ‘Change’, but unbeknownst to most every American, the ‘Change’ he put in place, inevitably but, undeniably sucks. The direction this nation is heading, under Obama’s rule, is not at all what the sovereign people of America had understood. Obama’s ‘change’, is a gross misinterpretation of the values and principles which we as Americans hold dear and true. Obama has in all respects, bastardized our values and ethics, in search of some far reaching globalist ambition that much exceeds the powers granted to him under our representative form of government and has as well infringed upon the sovereign rights of the American people.

Please, once again, with due diligence, become involved as a courageous, strong, sovereign and independent people. Hold Town-Hall Meetings; question your representatives. Ask that they bring to the floor, only those items which you believe important. Reduce taxes on businesses and the individual. Eliminate the Inheritance Tax. Cut Capital Gains taxes so our 401K’s can grow. Repeal Obama’s Health Care Redistribution of Wealth Program and allow reform of the insurance industry through the free market, free enterprise system.

Stand up for all that is good in this nation and prevent further encroachments on our freedoms, our commerce and our sovereignty. Stop the elitist efforts to provide for you. They only provide what they believe; only they can provide. You are the governing force! You are a sovereign people. Your representatives represent you! You are the determining factor! You must once again become involved and you must vote or protest!

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02 Oct 2010 15:39 #2 by major bean
The answer to a lot of the questions that you ask is: there is a very high percentage of our citizenry who are self-loathers who feel unworthy, despicable, and guilty. Theirs is an agenda of repentence. To go with this portion of the population are those who are social and financial failures. The failures must espouse the agenda of the self-loathers in order to feel superior to everyone else, despite their inferior status.

Major Bean

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02 Oct 2010 18:46 #3 by Nmysys
Interesting questions JH. Great post

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04 Oct 2010 18:04 #4 by Jonathan Hemlock
...a very high percentage of our citizenry who are self-loathers who feel unworthy, despicable, and guilty.

I agree with you in part... When you look at Mr. Obama, Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Rosie O'Donnel and others, their actions, particularly while being benevolent, are truly based on the fact that they despise themselves, feel guilty for their wealth, are bitter and hateful. Therefore, they must act publicly to appear benevolent in order to make up for their bitter, hateful and self-loathing nature.

On the other hand, so many Americans, and particularly those we have in office today, consider themselves far more educated, in-tune and knowledgeable about what we as a 'mere peasantry', require for our daily sustenance. Much of what plagues us today, unfortunately stems from those "elitists" whom are in power, believing they have all of the answers.

It is painfully obvious that both you and I know our Nation was founded upon the principle that the people comprise the majority and they must therefore, set the record straight. Yet we have, quite frankly, been asleep at the wheel. We trusted. We believed. We left them to their own devices and what do we have to show for it? Bloated government, massive debt and a truly uncertain future.

So, we must re-engage and retake posession of what is rightfully ours. We must rebel, we must protest and we must vote our way out of this ridiculous predicament. Our predicament has demonstrated that it is well on its way to changing every aspect of our governance and it has further demonstrated that it has little desire to return to what was once intended. Only you and I can return it to a government as it was intended to be..., by the people, and for the people.

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04 Oct 2010 18:16 #5 by LOL
Replied by LOL on topic Questions, Questions, Questions

When will we again become actively involved in shaping our nation’s policies and particularly more important, when we begin to shape our very own and vital future?

Good post and questions.

We will only be able to shape our own future when we stop the Feds from Federalizing everything and giving away our freedom to make right or wrong decisions for ourselves. People are too lazy and clueless, and want the easy out.

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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07 Oct 2010 08:24 #6 by Jonathan Hemlock
I believe it to be something other than mere laziness, although I can appreciate that sentiment. I think its more so that many Americans wonder "what can I do?' or the old adage, "You can't fight city hall". I also think many of us have been too trusting of our government and believed that our freedoms are so well preserved by our laws, that no one would think of trying to take them away but, while we were working and making a living and raising our children, some elitist politicians came into power and did exactly that. They took away what we thought to be unalienable.

We do need to become as involved as our founding fathers were. We are a self-governing people and that requires our participation.

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07 Oct 2010 13:58 #7 by Tilt
But---when you mention Pottawattamie v McGhee and show this court
example to the public--they basically just stare-duhhhhh.
The griping, bitching in this country about losing our rights-it's the

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07 Oct 2010 16:25 #8 by Jonathan Hemlock
But---when you mention Pottawattamie v McGhee and show this court
example to the public--they basically just stare-duhhhhh.
The griping, bitching in this country about losing our rights-it's the


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07 Oct 2010 16:41 #9 by Nmysys

But---when you mention Pottawattamie v McGhee and show this court
example to the public--they basically just stare-duhhhhh.
The griping, bitching in this country about losing our rights-it's the

I failed to find this reference anywhere in JH's post or reply.

If you want to argue a point, how about referencing with a link to something we can verify and therefore debate.

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