Yesterday NPR ran a story saying that the Arizona anti-illegal immigration law was dreamed up by private prison owners. Seems business was slow because crime is down and they thought locking up Mexican men & women would help fill their prisons and the Arizona taxpayer would be more than willing to pay for it, especially if they were convinced dangerous murderers were being ignored by ICE and Obama.
Think this is true and that Gov. Brewer & others were in on the scheme?
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
This is a conservative law is passed here that doesn't make money for the powers that be...namely republicans and their big corp backers. Politics here has always been an ugly business.
HEARTLESS wrote: So why do your beloved Democrats simply continue with the wars, ruining healthcare for all?
Good point HEARTLESS, I think it's because they are corupted with corporate money as well, just not quite as much as Republicans. I propose we abolish all political parties and have publicly fiananced campiegns. Good post and thanks again HEARTLESS