During each election cycle, news stories emerge of voter irregularities and ballot malfunctions, prompting volunteer organizations to fight what they say is rampant fraud, while many authorities and other organizations dismiss the charges as unfounded.
2010 is proving no different.
An organization called Minnesota Majority, for example, claims it found hundreds of ineligible votes by convicted felons cast in the 2008 election, possibly turning the tide in the very narrowly decided election of Sen. Al Franken.
But Dan McGrath, executive director of TakeAction Minnesota, told the St. Paul Legal Ledger, "There is no evidence of any sort of systemic voter fraud in this state. … There's barely any evidence of voter fraud at all."
Now Minnesota is a hotbed of controversy again, as Fox News reports officials are investigating an allegation that mentally disabled voters in Crow Wing County were coached by their attendants to cast ballots for specific candidates.
Last night, there were multiple reports that Michael Bennet operatives were picking up ballots at homes and delivering them to polls. The Democrats have a ground team to be reckoned with.
residenttroll wrote: Last night, there were multiple reports that Michael Bennet operatives were picking up ballots at homes and delivering them to polls. The Democrats have a ground team to be reckoned with.
residenttroll wrote: Last night, there were multiple reports that Michael Bennet operatives were picking up ballots at homes and delivering them to polls. The Democrats have a ground team to be reckoned with.
The Democrats have plenty of Links....... The Mafia, the KKK, Unions, ACORN, The Black Panthers, Bill Ayers.......I could go on and on......
During each election cycle, slanted forum posts emerge of voter irregularities and ballot malfunctions, prompting volunteer organizations to fight what they say is rampant fraud, while many authorities and other organizations dismiss the charges as unfounded. (hmm wonder why?)
Both sides had lawyers ready and I have only heard of one case (so far) where there is a charge of voter intimadation going on. That is Nevada. Other than that its been quiet so far. And you know had either side lost because of suspected fraud of any kind, the bells would have gone off and all kinds of court filings done.
Pineguy wrote: During each election cycle, slanted forum posts emerge of voter irregularities and ballot malfunctions, prompting volunteer organizations to fight what they say is rampant fraud, while many authorities and other organizations dismiss the charges as unfounded. (hmm wonder why?)
285Bound is proving no different.
Why worry about Eric Holder will not investigate anyway.....