Where on earth does a society exist that allows anyone and everyone to enter without clear rules of law? ...Colorado!
The Progressive Dems have a mission to allow any who see the US as a Tit to Suckle On, to enter these Sovereign borders. The Progressive Dems have a mission to deny any likely conspiratorial efforts to "fundamentally change America". WTF?
Who on earth, lest we ignore the regularly deceived Liberals, believes that John Hickelooper will act in a manner according to the welfare of the citizens of Colorado?
JH responded after the post previous to his, which happens to be mine. Maybe you should scroll back one page and read it, my friend, you dumb progressive liberal!! :bash ( Just kidding, you aren't dumb, just a victim of too much :Koolaid: :bash
OK! I'm sorry my post wasn't so perfectly on-topic that Scruffy wasn't able to discern the connection. I will try to be more acceptably pertinent to the subject in the future.
My intent was to show my belief that John Hickenloop is likely to do for the State, what he has done for the City.
Hickenlooper has repeatedly opposed the State preemption law for concealed carry within the City Limits, attempting to place the wants of a city over the needs of the state. (See Mayor Bloomberg of New York City)
Furthermore, he has created a Sanctuary City within the boundaries of the City of Denver, which willfully fails to advise ICE of any arrest of an Illegal Immigrant for having perpetrated a crime within the city limits.
So, as I comment on John Hickenloopr, I comment on an entire segment of our population that fails to live by the rule of law and preempts the rule of law with what they deem as Political Correctness.
I do hope this helps to clarify my previous post and hope it allows some indulgence for its appropriateness relative to the subject at hand.
The Concealed Carry subject is expertly documented by his continued association with the group, Mayor Bloomberg's Mayors Agains Illegal Guns. This group of mayors repeatedly sues honest and hardworking gunshop owners for any, including the smallest infraction of a City ordinance which regulates the sale of guns. Not that I would ever condone illegal sales but even a simple clerical error in the proprer storage of a required document subjects the dealer to fines and even inprisonment. Its a mission to catch clerical errors, increasing their number of busts to make the firearms industry appear to be frivolous in its actions and heinous in its intent.
The only example for the development of a Sanctuary State is Hickenlooper's past efforts to allow the development of a Sanctuary City. As he has done in the past, he will likely do in the future. How can anyone document what has not yet happened. One must however, look to his past actions in order to speculate on his future actions.
He is a true Progressive and has uniformly supported the policies of Barak Obama so, it is certain that he will expand his efforts as his status and responsibilities expand when Governor of Colorado.