House Democrats Vote to Keep Pelosi as Their Leader

17 Nov 2010 18:16 #11 by ckm8
Most of the House seats lost were conservative Democrats in traditionally conservative districts. They rarely voted with the liberals anyway. Pelosi didn't lose them their seats- they were there for the same reason the teabaggers are there now.

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17 Nov 2010 18:40 #12 by archer

outdoor338 wrote: Boehner, didn't cost any liberal democrats their seats, you can thank nancy for that, I sure do. I am all in favor of keeping her at her new roll, funny over 40 people voted against her, here is where the divide starts between you dems..yippie!

You Republicans will become intimately familiar with that divide as the tea party tries to take over the Republican should get interesting because not all conservatives are right wing nutz, some are actually reasonable human beings. Alaska should be a lesson, that a mainstream republican can win against the tea party darling....with a write-in campaign......pretty telling.

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17 Nov 2010 18:53 #13 by The Viking

archer wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: Boehner, didn't cost any liberal democrats their seats, you can thank nancy for that, I sure do. I am all in favor of keeping her at her new roll, funny over 40 people voted against her, here is where the divide starts between you dems..yippie!

You Republicans will become intimately familiar with that divide as the tea party tries to take over the Republican should get interesting because not all conservatives are right wing nutz, some are actually reasonable human beings. Alaska should be a lesson, that a mainstream republican can win against the tea party darling....with a write-in campaign......pretty telling.

OK, you always throw out the typical talking points you get from main stream media about how they are far right wing nuts. So you and your far left wing nuts need to explain what part of the Tea party platform makes them far right wing nuts? Smaller government? Less spending? Less wasteful earmarks? A secure border? Lower taxes? Less government intrusion in our lives. Less government control? Less bailouts? What makes them far right nuts?

I know you prefer the opposite of those things and that is why your party keeps voting in the personal life intrusive, big government, big wasteful spenders like Rangel and Pelosi and Reid. And then you try and complain because many of the Republicans and Tea Party members are voting in exactly what Americans really want. Your spin wont' work after voting in the same people election after election expecting different results.

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17 Nov 2010 19:05 #14 by ckm8
Let's start with repealing the 17th amendment. Oh & ending Social Security and Medicare. Making birth control illegal. Let's face it- they're a bunch of crazy birthers riding a wave of fear.

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17 Nov 2010 19:27 #15 by The Viking
I am a Tea Party member and I don't want to make birth control illegal. Are you lumping all into what a few believe? Then we can sure lump you left wingers with some fun beliefs if you want me to say you believe in and stand for everything all the left wing nut jobs believe. Would you like me to make you a list of what you must believe in since you have to be clumped in with all left wingers since that is what you are doing to the Tea Party members?

Here is what we believe in and what most liberals are against.......Smaller government. Less spending. Less wasteful earmarks. A secure border. Lower taxes. Less government intrusion in our lives. Less government control. Less bailouts. If you ask me, I would say the left wing is a bunch of nut jobs who prey on fear for fighting against all of this.

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17 Nov 2010 19:44 #16 by archer
What the tea party wants, and what is actually possible may well be two different things. Nice slogans, but most likely unattainable. We have yet to hear exactly what spending they plan to cut. Defense? Social security? Medicare? Education? Where will they get these cuts? How will they lower the deficit without increased income? Inquiring minds want to know. They are big on slogans, short on details.

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17 Nov 2010 20:12 #17 by The Viking
I am running out the door but I will find the link to this. Harvard or someone did a study recently and found that for every dollar you increase taxes it costs you 1.1 ratio. So this tax increase on the top 2% which they claim will raise $700 billion will actually cost the economy $770 billion more to add to our deficit. On the flip side they found for every dollar you lower taxes you gain 3 times the revenue. So if you allow them to keep their $700 billion in taxes, it will add over $3 trillion to the economy and lower the debt and deficit. THAT is how they will start and save our economy almost $4 trillion dollars with one vote!! You can look it up if you have time. Gotta run.

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17 Nov 2010 20:34 #18 by archer's voodoo economics, Reagan was famous for it. The money never did trickle down to the middle class, instead we just widened the gulf between the haves and the have nots....people aren't so much interested in the "economy" as they are in their wallets....their personal economy, and no amount of tax cuts to the wealthy will help that. Nor will it reduce the deficit, in fact Bush's tax cuts to the wealthy had just the opposite effect. If you want to save money, which lowering the deficit is essentially, you need to cut spending and increase revenue......we have cut taxes practically to the bone, and it is killing the economy and the deficit.

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18 Nov 2010 04:21 #19 by lionshead2010
Lemming. Gotta love their dedication to a cause.

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18 Nov 2010 05:34 #20 by TPP
THANK YOU! Leftist. That's the "face" we want to represent the left... THANK YOU!

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