Why can't DADT be eliminated in 2 seconds.

30 Nov 2010 07:15 #1 by The Boss
This is the US military. On average christian dudes fighting. Any of which could be asked to kill someone they do not know in an instant and be expected to do it....expected to perform the ulitmate sin, sending them to their hell and many do it as needed and I thank them....for the needed ones.

Why can these same individuals not follow an order to not bash on gays and why cant we solve the problem of soldiers not following orders by dicipline and then dishonerable discharge....is that not what we use for other misbehavior in the military?

Seems like killing someone you don't know would be worse than tolerating someone you do? Esp in Christianity....which is the model besides US law that is used to judge people?

Please help me understand why we would want a soldier that cannot follow orders in the miltary, even if you hate gays just like him?

My question is not liberal or conservative or Democrat or Republican, so if you choose to answer, please do not use those words or their relatives. I am also not assuming that all soldiers hate gays, only the stupid biggoted ones that put this hate above their job and duty.

I vote..if you don't follow orders, you don't get to serve, you don't get to brag, you get to be ashamed.

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30 Nov 2010 07:35 #2 by FredHayek
I really thought Obama would get this done with an executive order. The military is used to following orders from the CINC.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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30 Nov 2010 08:01 #3 by JusSayin
Our military used to have segregated units, like the Tuskegee Airmen. Why don’t we do the same thing for gays who want to play soldier. We can call the new unit the BeFrankee Buttmen. They can be stationed out of BenDover Air Force Base.

This is a great idea…we can bitch slap the enemy into submission!

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30 Nov 2010 09:11 #4 by Residenttroll returns

Teddy wrote: Because the military isn't a place for liberal social experiments. Their job is the security of the nation, not the embracing of the fudge packing element of society.

Well I can't beat that post.....it's a fact jack!

Why can't people follow the law? Should be the question.

Homosexuals who break the law and yet get "beat up" in the military are still protected by law despite themselves breaking a law. The JAG is still going to prosecute to the fullest extent of the Military law the assault or homicide of another soldier - no matter their sexual perversion. That's a basic tenet to American law....homosexuals, just like fat people and smokers, are PROTECTED by law. The homosexual soldiers will be charged for the breaking the law too. Why can't people just follow the law?

Infiltrating the military with sexual perversion homosexuality leads to too many issues, especially when you are the world's fighting force. Issues like health (wow, a bunch of perverts go into the military for free military health care for AIDS for the rest of their lives. Responsibility of the lack of safe sex is now the US taxpayers burden. Homosexuality is an unhealthy lifestyle when compared other types of lifestyle, why accept that as a new standard?)

I don't need examples of how nation's military have embraced homosexuality...most of those nation's couldn't defend a toy store against China, US, or Russia without calling in a big boy. Go ahead and fly the rainbow flag over the America military, but don't believe our military will be at it's best when General Dick is doing General Tom under the table - openly.

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30 Nov 2010 09:25 #5 by ComputerBreath
Rules are rules. If a rule is broken, then the military member is prosecuted and possibly mustered out.

Is the military perfect? No. Does it catch all offenders? No. Are there some commanders and supervisors that will do anything to kick someone out who they believe doesn't belong in "their" military? Absolutely. But, most supervisors and commanders are fair. And, they are also bound by their oaths to protect ALL of their subordinates.

The law will prevail, whatever is decided. And, as has happened in the past, commanders and supervisors will follow it.

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30 Nov 2010 09:29 #6 by Residenttroll returns

ComputerBreath wrote: Rules are rules. If a rule is broken, then the military member is prosecuted and possibly mustered out.

Is the military perfect? No. Does it catch all offenders? No. Are there some commanders and supervisors that will do anything to kick someone out who they believe doesn't belong in "their" military? Absolutely. But, most supervisors and commanders are fair. And, they are also bound by their oaths to protect ALL of their subordinates.

The law will prevail, whatever is decided. And, as has happened in the past, commanders and supervisors will follow it.

Sounds like a real non-union employer.

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30 Nov 2010 09:42 #7 by Nmysys

Why can't people follow the law? Should be the question.

I agree with that part.

I also agree that there was some validity to DADT in the respect that this law kept the gay life in the closet where it needs to be. There have, IMO, always been gays in the military, but being overtly so would cause unnecessary problems.

The only issue I personally have with any alternative lifestyle is that I don't want it thrown in my face and made the normal way of life by teaching it to the youth. If that is what you choose, do it, just leave the children alone and stop flaunting it.

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30 Nov 2010 09:49 #8 by Residenttroll returns

Nmysys wrote: The only issue I personally have with any alternative lifestyle is that I don't want it thrown in my face and made the normal way of life by teaching it to the youth. If that is what you choose, do it, just leave the children alone and stop flaunting it.

Do you mean, like this school?

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30 Nov 2010 10:14 #9 by Nmysys
Am I that obvious?


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30 Nov 2010 10:15 #10 by ckm8
Wow. The homophobia is so thick in here you could cut it with a knife. Gotta wonder what you guys are overcompensating for. j/k we all know!

Obama doesn't overturn the ban on gays in the military because it is Congress' job. Most of the troops approve of overturning this ban because unlike the homophobes they understand that there are many gays and lesbians troops already serving honorably. I find it contemptible that these guys on here that sit home safe in their armchairs would spit on these proud warriors and make these disgusting jokes. Gays protect their right to abuse them in this way. It's ironic, ain't it?

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