07 Dec 2010 06:29 #1 by navycpo7
I just listened to the immigration bill trying to get through Congress. It was on CNN. What it does is give the damn illegals, everything, makes the American Taxpayer responsible to pay for thier lawyers etc, and pay to try to get the worthless government of mexico to give more incentives to keep thier people there. Along with full amnesty, no back taxes, Permanent temporary visas, amensty to gang members, etc. So more of this administration just trying to give our country away. Just think we as Americans are going to be the minority in our own country. Time to Lock and load. Just a couple of the issues in the bill

The ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, said there have been no hearings on the bill and lawmakers have not seen the text of the legislation. Even so, he said, House Democrats are considering bringing up the act on Friday.

In a written statement, Smith said the bill could grant amnesty to more than 2 million illegal immigrants. "Mass amnesty is not the only problem with the DREAM Act," he said. "The bill allows illegal immigrants to receive in-state tuition at public universities, placing them ahead of U.S. citizens. The bill also is a magnet for fraud."

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07 Dec 2010 07:10 #2 by MamaRama
It just SICKENS ME..... When in the "HELL" do we stop footing the bill ??

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07 Dec 2010 07:28 #3 by FredHayek
Isn't this bill essentially DOA? The Dems will present it to a vote to show their Hispanic supporters they are on their side but I believe the blue dogs will sink it.

I do like one aspect, serve in our military and learn English and you can become a citizen.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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07 Dec 2010 07:36 #4 by texan

The ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, said there have been no hearings on the bill and lawmakers have not seen the text of the legislation. Even so, he said, House Democrats are considering bringing up the act on Friday.

So what else is new with the House Democrats? How can we forget the health care bill and Pelosi's statement

“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.”

I am against this bill, period. Living in the Austin area (on the I-35 corridor from Mexico) I have seen, first hand, the effects of illegal immigration. Austin is a sanctionary city which seems to be the aim of the Obama administration for the entire Country.

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07 Dec 2010 08:14 #5 by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No one wants to accept the only cure is to treat them as if they were BSE.

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07 Dec 2010 08:31 #6 by mtntrekker

SS109 wrote: Isn't this bill essentially DOA? The Dems will present it to a vote to show their Hispanic supporters they are on their side but I believe the blue dogs will sink it.

I do like one aspect, serve in our military and learn English and you can become a citizen.

not all hispanics are supporters

in some ways i kind of like the bill - from the standpoint that it is pissing off a lot of people - hopefully it helps more people unite and throw out the idiots in the next election.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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07 Dec 2010 08:33 #7 by mtntrekker

Teddy wrote: No one wants to accept the only cure is to treat them as if they were BSE.

hahahaha i had to look it up -bse and i knew it wasn't breast self exam or the bombay stock exchange.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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07 Dec 2010 09:45 #8 by Nmysys
The only solution that I can see is to put the cows down!!!

2012 can't come fast enough for me.

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07 Dec 2010 10:14 #9 by Travelingirl
From this morning. Looks like there are some things we can do:


Action No. 1: Send the anti-amnesty faxes that are posted on your NumbersUSA customized Action Board. They are free and can be sent over the internet with the click of your mouse.

Of course, things can change, but these votes have really been scheduled, finally.

The moment of truth is here. And the truth is that the only thing stopping the triumph of amnesty on Wednesday will be the vigorous direct opposition from citizens like you. Pres. Obama has thrown the full power of the White House behind passing the DREAM Act amnesty by deploying virtually every Cabinet secretary to lobby, as well as activating his massive, national grassroots organization with its nearly unlimited spending power.

Hundreds of thousands of citizens like YOU created enough of a firestorm to win anti-amnesty votes several times in 2007 -- and to keep the votes from occuring since then.

It only works if every one of you does something -- now.

If enough of you respond fully and immediately, this could be the last time we have to fight an amnesty for years -- or we could lose at the last minute, and 10 years of beating back the amnesties would be lost in an instant.

Action No. 2: Watch for my Phone Alert Tuesday morning. It will be tailored for your state.

As important as the faxing is, each phone call tomorrow will be worth 50 faxes.

The wealthy open-borders forces have set up phone banks all over the country -- just like political Parties do on Election Day. They will be driving massive numbers of phone calls into Congress throughout Tuesday.

Only you can create a different story in the offices of the swing-voting Members of Congress. Will they hear YES TO AMNESTY all day, or will they be reminded constantly that a NO ON AMNESTY MEANS A YES FOR UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS?

Sideline Action: In case you are interested, I will be doing an hour-long debate about the amnesty on 190 NPR radio stations nationally at 10-11 a.m. (Eastern) on Tuesday morning.

10-11 a.m. ET -- See a list of NPR stations that carry On Point with Tom Ashbrook.

10-11 a.m. ET -- Listen online:

4-6 p.m. ET -- SIRIUS Satellite Radio, NPR TALK Channel

4-6 p.m. ET -- SIRIUS Satellite Radio, Everything Plus The Best of XM Channel.

4-6 p.m. ET -- XM Satellite Radio, XM Public Radio Channel.


In the House, leaders want to vote first because it is assumed the best chance of passing an amnesty is in the House. This could happen late Wednesday morning or in the afternoon. They want to build momentum for the Senate to take up the amnesty perhaps Wednesday evening.

If the amnesty fails in just one of the chambers, WE win.

Generally, Speaker Pelosi would not schedule a vote on a bill that she doesn't believe she can get the 218 votes to pass it.

Does that mean she has assurance of 218 YES votes? I don't think so. But she must be close. And she figures that if she holds the vote Wednesday she can force enough on-the-fence Democrats to take her side. Your job is to pull those Democrats over to the NO side.

Our road to victory depends on holding all but about 6 of the Republicans as NO votes and to get about 45 Democrats to vote NO.

About 75 Democrats are still in play. I'll be coming to you about them Tuesday morning.

In the Senate, we have better prospects of winning. In the House, they only need 50% plus one vote to pass the amnesty. But in the Senate they have to get 60% of the 100 votes.

Incredible pressures are being exerted on Republican Senators who have supported the DREAM amnesty in the past to do so again. Thus far, only Senators Lugar of Indiana and Bennett of Utah has committed to a YES. But at least 10 other Republicans need a lot of your support to vote NO, even though we feel relatively good about most of them. If they are your Senators, you will get an alert Tuesday morning.

We also are continuing to exert as much pressure as possible on about a dozen Democratic Senators who are up for re-election in 2012 and have shown a distaste for amnesty at some time in the past.




Roy Beck,

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07 Dec 2010 10:39 #10 by Grady

Latino Leaders Meet Today to Oppose DREAM Act
According to Carmen Morales, Latino activist and a leader of the coalition, "Latino leaders are gathered today in solidarity. Â We are here to send a strong message to Congress that as Latinos, we stand staunchly opposed to any measure that puts Americans at a disadvantage and rewards illegal behavior."

there is hope

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