Why liberals hate Sarah Palin

27 Dec 2010 09:23 #41 by Residenttroll returns

LadyJazzer wrote: Oh, then you admit that the part about "he was born in Kenya" is a lie...

Thank you...It's about time...

All good messyiah's of liberal thought are born off shore.

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27 Dec 2010 10:09 #42 by Travelingirl
Interesting how this got so off topic. I never said I thought she was a good presidential candidate and IMNSHO I think she has more influence while NOT holding political office and that's why she's hated/feared. I can't think of any other political candidate or their family that has been so vilified and maligned in the media than the Palin family. Ann Coulter summed it up well:

"The peculiarly venomous hatred of Palin is driven by women of the left and their whipped consorts. All that needs to happen is for a feminist to overhear two Nation readers saying, "I hate to admit it, but Palin is kind of hot" and ...

Democrats are a party of women, and nothing drives them off their gourds like a beautiful Christian conservative. "

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27 Dec 2010 10:11 #43 by Travelingirl

LadyJazzer wrote: Oh, then you admit that the part about "he was born in Kenya" is a lie...

Thank you...It's about time...

No...never said that either.

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27 Dec 2010 10:16 #44 by Travelingirl

rldbailey wrote: Sarah Palin is a poor choice for a political candidate since, in my opinion, she has ceased to be a politician and has become a full blown celebrity!

- She resigned as Governor of Alaska after only completeing half of her term. It's hard to make millions of dollars when you're, "sitting in a stuffy political office". (Part of a quote made by Sarah Palin on her new reality show when she stated that she would rather be out in the Alaskan wilderness rather than sitting in a stuffy political office.) Is this someone you want in the Oval Office?

- She believes in teaching abstinance, and yet, she paraded her pregnant 17 year old daughter on the poilitical stage for the world to see. Not only was that hypocritical on her part, but she showed us that teaching abstinance does NOT work. Let's be honest here, how many of you here on 285Boundland practiced abstinance until you married!?!?!?

- She supports causes for "special needs" children, but only after she had a special needs child.

- I don't believe that one individual has the right to preach to me regarding what I should or should not do to my body when it comes to pregnancy. I'm glad that she had the right to make the "choice" that was best for her regarding her down syndrome child, but what if the laws were changed in our country and people were told that they could NOT give birth to "physically and/or mentally handicapped" children because our government couldn't sustain the costs for medical care and/or housing for the children that some parents are unable to care for? Not everyone has a multi million dollar career as a celebrity that affords them the ability to take care of their child in the best possible ways.

- Yes, she's pretty, but last time I checked, that was not a requirement for a woman to hold political office. I actually had a few Rebulicans tell me that that alone was enough for them to vote for her. Talk about ignorance!

When it comes to foreign policy, Hillary Clinton is far more educated in the subject and has far more experience that Sarah Palin ever will!

- Sarah Palin seems more concerned about making millions of dollars than she is about "public service". She is in the process of re-negotiaing for a second season of her popular reality show. I read that she made $250,000 per episode for the first season. That's crazy!!

Seems to me like she has sold herself to the highest bidders. Definitely not someone I would want as President of this country!!!

**I'm a Democrat and I'm still waiting for Colin Powell to run - he would have my vote. He's got military experience, he's his own man and doesn't go with the flow, (as we saw when he resigned his position under the Bush Administration), and I have never heard an utterance of scandal attached to his name. He would be a GREAT candidate!!! Are you Republicans listening???

I'm also disgusted by the people that voted for or against President Obama because he was black. I didn't realize how deeply rooted bigotry was in some people uintil he ran for office and became our President. I even heard a Veteran refer to him as that "black President". I wonder, did any of these same people ever refer to President G.W. Bush as that "white President"?

I wasn't the biggest fan of President G.W. Bush, but I never disrespected his office while he was President.

BTW - The proper way to address the President of this country is "Mr. President" or "President Obama". I'm actually ashamed that some of you have forgotten that or does it only matter or apply when it suits your political agenda!?! You don't have to like the President, but you can show respect for the office!

I'm sure I'll get plenty of flack for this post, so bring it on!!!

BTW - I completely respect the OFFICE of the President. Just don't respect the office holder. Sorry if it offends you but BO and his administration REALLY offends me!

Not so much flack, eh??

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27 Dec 2010 10:30 #45 by LadyJazzer
Palin could look like Golda Meir, and it wouldn't matter... She's a quitter and dumb as a rock. As much as the wingnuts would like to make it about her looks, YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.

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27 Dec 2010 10:41 #46 by Travelingirl

LadyJazzer wrote: YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.

Agree with you there LJ...but we'll still let you post on these threads!

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27 Dec 2010 11:01 #47 by Tony
Replied by Tony on topic Why liberals hate Sarah Palin
Oooh a catfight. Nice

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27 Dec 2010 11:15 #48 by Residenttroll returns
Libtards hate success. Success like Sarah's drives them crazy. If liberals didn't hate success they wouldn't tax the most successful.

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27 Dec 2010 11:45 #49 by outdoor338

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27 Dec 2010 13:05 #50 by ckm8
Replied by ckm8 on topic Why liberals hate Sarah Palin
Actually Sarah Palin is a perfect representative of the new GOP. I'm glad you're all so pleased with her as she reflects you utterly. Mediocre, greedy, uninformed, angry, virulent and selfish.

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